Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - SPCK, London and E.S. Gorham, New York Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1910 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover, editor's full red printed clothes, illustrated by a figure In-8 1 vol. - 111 pages
42 text-figures in black and white 1st Edition, 1910 Contents, Chapitres : Preface (July 1910), Contents, viii, Text, 103 pages and catalogue, 8 pages - How light exerts pressure - Experiments on the pressure of light falling perpendicularly on a surface - Experimnts on the pressure of light against the source from which it issues, the recoil from light - Experiments illustrating the carriage of momentum by a beam of light - The pressure of light in astronomy, some possible consequences - Notes : Light-pressure on the corpuscule theory - The pressure due to waves issuing normally from a surface - The pressure of a beam incidient normally on a perfectly reflecting surface - The light force at a refracting surface - The pressure of sunlight against an absorbing sphere compared with the gravitation pull - The amount of matter which can be pushed out by the pressure of sunlight - The resisting force on a sphere moving round the sun and radiating r per sq. cm. per second, and the reduction of its orbit round the sun - John Henry Poynting (9 septembre 1852 30 mars 1914) est un physicien anglais qui a travaillé, entre autres, sur les ondes électromagnétiques. Il a été professeur de physique au Mason Science College (qui devient plus tard l'Université de Birmingham) de 1880 jusqu'à sa mort. - Il a défini ce que l'on appelle le vecteur de Poynting qui représente la puissance par unité de surface que transporte une onde électromagnétique et la direction de ce flux d'énergie. Ce vecteur est utilisé dans le théorème de Poynting, qui établit la conservation d'énergie des champs électriques et magnétiques. Il a mesuré la constante gravitationnelle de Newton par des techniques novatrices en 1893. En 1903, il est le premier à réaliser que la radiation solaire peut attirer les petites particules vers le Soleil, effet reconnu plus tard sous le nom d'effet Poynting-Robertson. Pendant l'année 1884, il analyse les prix des bourses de commerce, notamment ceux du blé, de la soie, et du coton, à l'aide de méthodes statistiques. Des cratères sur Mars et sur la Lune ont été nommés en son honneur, de même que le bâtiment principal de physique de l'université de Birmingham et l'association du département de physique de celle-ci, la Poynting Physical Society. (source : Wikipedia) near fine copy, the editor's binding is fine, with a very minor wear on the bottom of the front part, quite nothinh, no dust-jacket supposingly as issue, inside is fine, no markings, a rather nice copy of this interesting and original text on the pressure of light, original copy, 1910
(London, Harrison and Sons, 1892). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"", 1891, Vol. 182 - Series A. Pp. 565-656 a. 7 lithographed plates.
First appearance of this importent paper for which Poynting was awarded the Adams Prize of Cambridge.""These days John Henry Poynting is best known for his association with the Poynting vector, which describes the flow of energy in an electromagnetic field, and little is known of his life or work. Yet in the 1890s he caught the popular imagination as the man who weighed the Earth'. His experiment, using a novel method with a common balance, was part of a heroic tradition, gained him Cambridge University's Adams Prize, and set new standards of precision. Yet in performing this experiment, Poynting seemed to step outside the traditions of late nineteenth century Cambridge University where he was educated, and it is probably significant that he was a Unitarian throughout his life.""(Isobel Falconer)..
(London, Harrison and Sons, 1892). 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"", 1891, Vol. 192 - Series A. Pp. 245-256, textillustr.
First printing of these experiments in oder to measutre the gravitational constant.""Closely related to his investigations on the constant of gravitation is the experiments in search of a directive action of one quartz crystal on another, which, though leading to a negative result is a model of the application of refined methods to physical researc of great delicacy.""(From the motivation for receivind the Royal Medal).