1809 LONDON RICHARD PHILLIPS 1809 reliées en un volume gd.IN4 1/2 cuir de russie à coins -dos orné -complet des 41 planches gravées à l'aquateinte et la plus part coloriées à la main ,11 pl. en 2 tons (fond sépia)-27 coloriées -3 dépliantes dont 2 coloriées - 14 vues de ville et 27 de costumes civils et militaires -303+296p.- edition originale. The author (1777-1842) went to Russia in 1804 at the Czar's invitation to depict Russian historical events. An affair with a Russian princess forced him to leave the country, but he later returned and married the lady. Stadler's colored aquatints after Porter's sketches of Russian, Finnish and Swedish costume and scenery are among the liveliest illustrations of the early nineteenth century. Abbey 13; Lipperheide Kaa 25; Colas 2407; Tooley 195.
une pl. leg. détachée - decharge d'encre sur quelques pages de texte - qques sérpentes abscentes -néanmoins texte frais -rare et rechérché With 28 hand-coloured aquatint costume plates, 12 sepia-tinted aquatint plates of views and one etching of Gustav Vasa. Some offsettting from plates as often. Contemporary half calf, Bookplate. First edition. Porter was an English diplomat and he became the historical painter to the czar of Russia in 1804. The beautiful plates are from drawings by the author made during his travels in Russia, Finland and Sweden, engraved by Stadler. A few pages at beginning and end with minor marginal stain o/w a great copy. Abbey Travel 13. Bring 381. Cat. Russica P1036. Colas 2407. Lipperheide 11346. Tooley 383.First Edition. A handsomely illustrated travel book, containing twelve hand-tinted sepia aquatint views and twenty-eight hand-coloured aquatint costume plates, all after original drawings by the author. Porter, a noted British artist, was appointed historical painter to the Czar of Russia in 1804, and was engaged on some vast decorative works for the Admiralty Hall at St. Petersburg. During his residence there he fell in love with a Russian princess, whom he returned to marry in 1811, after a tour through Finland and Sweden. His narrative includes observations and impressions of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Upsala, Stockholm, Russian and Scandinavian art collections and museums, the Russian army, law and prison systems, religion, education, cossacks, commerce, and mining.
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