Soustiel, Jean, Yves Porter: Tombeaux de Paradis : Le Shâh-e Zende de Samarcande et la cÃramique architecturale d'Asie centrale. Editions d'A Hayot, 2003. 264 pages, illustrated in colour. Hardback. Text in French.
Text in French
Eitel-Porter, Rhoda: Disegni Per Orvieto dell' '.Illustre concittadino Cesare Nebbia. Orvieto: Instituto Storico Artistico Orvietano, 2004. Series: Quaderni del Bollettino 2. 180 pages, illustrated throughout in black and white. Paperback. 30 x 21cms. Text in Italian.
Text in Italian
Porter, John R. Ed.: Living in Style. Fine Furniture in Victorian Quebec. Exhibition: Montreal, Museum of Fine Arts, 1993. 529pp with 58 colour and 481 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 32x24.5cms. Detailed history of Victorian furniture in Quebec, with information and illustrations drawn from prominent local collections, thus examining specific pieces in their original environment. Background chapters focus on the furniture makers, and the arts in Victorian Quebec.
Detailed history of Victorian furniture in Quebec, with information and illustrations drawn from prominent local collections, thus examining specific pieces in their original environment. Background chapters focus on the furniture makers, and the arts in Victorian Quebec. Text in English
1809 LONDON RICHARD PHILLIPS 1809 reliées en un volume gd.IN4 1/2 cuir de russie à coins -dos orné -complet des 41 planches gravées à l'aquateinte et la plus part coloriées à la main ,11 pl. en 2 tons (fond sépia)-27 coloriées -3 dépliantes dont 2 coloriées - 14 vues de ville et 27 de costumes civils et militaires -303+296p.- edition originale. The author (1777-1842) went to Russia in 1804 at the Czar's invitation to depict Russian historical events. An affair with a Russian princess forced him to leave the country, but he later returned and married the lady. Stadler's colored aquatints after Porter's sketches of Russian, Finnish and Swedish costume and scenery are among the liveliest illustrations of the early nineteenth century. Abbey 13; Lipperheide Kaa 25; Colas 2407; Tooley 195.
une pl. leg. détachée - decharge d'encre sur quelques pages de texte - qques sérpentes abscentes -néanmoins texte frais -rare et rechérché With 28 hand-coloured aquatint costume plates, 12 sepia-tinted aquatint plates of views and one etching of Gustav Vasa. Some offsettting from plates as often. Contemporary half calf, Bookplate. First edition. Porter was an English diplomat and he became the historical painter to the czar of Russia in 1804. The beautiful plates are from drawings by the author made during his travels in Russia, Finland and Sweden, engraved by Stadler. A few pages at beginning and end with minor marginal stain o/w a great copy. Abbey Travel 13. Bring 381. Cat. Russica P1036. Colas 2407. Lipperheide 11346. Tooley 383.First Edition. A handsomely illustrated travel book, containing twelve hand-tinted sepia aquatint views and twenty-eight hand-coloured aquatint costume plates, all after original drawings by the author. Porter, a noted British artist, was appointed historical painter to the Czar of Russia in 1804, and was engaged on some vast decorative works for the Admiralty Hall at St. Petersburg. During his residence there he fell in love with a Russian princess, whom he returned to marry in 1811, after a tour through Finland and Sweden. His narrative includes observations and impressions of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Upsala, Stockholm, Russian and Scandinavian art collections and museums, the Russian army, law and prison systems, religion, education, cossacks, commerce, and mining.
Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56
BURGESS Gelett & STEVENSON Robert Louis & SHEPARD Morgan & WELLS Carolyn & NOGUCHI Yone & WILBOR TOMPKINS Juliet LUNDBORG Florence & PEIXOTTO Ernest & VAN VLACK Herbert & POLK Willis & RIX Reginald & THARP Newton & ATKINS Arthur & PORTER Garnett & PORTER Bruce1865-1953
Reference : 67147
William Doxey, San Francisco Mai 1895 - avril 1897, 14x20,5cm, 2 volumes reliés & divers prospectus.
Edition originale et série complète de la revue humoristique fin de siècleThe Lark. Le numéro 1 contient bien le célèbre poème absurde de Gelett Burgess intituléThe Purple Cow. Reliures de l'éditeur en pleine toile beige, dos lisses, plats illustrés. Toile frottée présentant quelques manques et incisions sans gravité. On joint 5 prospectus dont l'un est dédicacé par Gelett Burgess, ainsi que la plaquette dépliante intitulée The Purple Cowsignée et monogrammée du même. La revue The Lark(l'alouette) contribua grandement à la renaissancelittéraire des années 1890 dans la région de la baie de San Francisco. Fondée par Gelett Burgess et Bruce Porter, elle eut bien vite des contributeurs littéraires éclectiques qui se surnommèrent "les Jeunes" :Porter Garnett, Carolyn Wells,Willis Polk,Yone Noguchi et d'autres. Des artistes locaux, notamment Ernest Peixotto, Florence Lundborg et Maynard Dixon contribuèrent quant à eux aux illustrations des textes et des couvertures. - Photos sur -
Phone number : 01 56 08 08 85
Berkeley Bern Porter by the Packard Press 0 In-8 Cartonnage éditeur
Edition originale de cet hommage à Henry Miller, imprimée sur papier couché de différentes couleurs. En frontispice, portrait de Miller par Abraham Rattner et trois hors texte d'Hélion, Zadkine et Portner. Textes de Lawrence Durrell, Emil Schnellock, Wambly Bald, R.G. Osborn, Michael Fraenkel, Alfred Perlès, T.R. Gilbert, Paul Rosenfeld, Abraham Rattner, Knud Merild, Henry Miller, Gilbert Neiman, W.C. Williams, Philip Lamantia, George Leite, Wallace Fowlie, Bern Porter, Osbert Sitwell, H.F. West, Parker Tyler, James Laughlin, Roy Finch, Hugo Manning, Claude Houghton, Frederick Carter, Kenneth Patchen, Rudolph Gilbert, Paul Weiss, Reginald Moore, Nicholas Moore. Bio-bibliographie in fine. -- Tirage à 3 000 exemplaires dont 750 distribués en 1945 et 2 250 diffusés en 1947. Un de ces derniers, celui-ci portant un ENVOI autographe signé et daté de Miller à son éditeur français : « For Guy Tosi, who would undoubtedly compile a much better collection y testimonials from the Jallies spirits alone. Devotedly. 1/6/48 » Très bon 0
Reuter et Reuter Stockholm
Bon état Grand format Piano
Jambel Lisette,Combelle Alix,Mars Colette - Porter Cole - Poterat Louis,Porter Cole
Reference : 19703
Chappell 1953
Bon état Petit format
Written in collaboration with Edward Moorhouse. Grant Richards Ltd., London, 1919. In-8 p., tela editoriale, pp. X,505, con un ritratto fotografico dell'Autore al frontespizio. Autobiografia di John Porter, trainer of racehorses. Ben conservato.
Chappell 1953
Etat moyen Format Coquille
Chappell 1935
Bon état Petit format
Fratellini Annie,Altéry Mathé,Mariano Luis,Giraud Yvette,Goaty Claude,Gould Anny,Lasso Gloria,Merkes Marcel,Jeantal Robert,Bennett Tony - Porter Cole - Larue Jacques,Porter Cole
Reference : 20695
Chappell 1956
Bon état Petit format
Barelli Aimé,Combelle Alix,Mariano Luis,Delyle Lucienne,Jeunesse Lucien,Giraud Yvette,Privat Jo,Moreno Dario,Ledrich,Pourcel Franck,Robin Guy,Lesénéchal R. - Porter Cole - Larue Jacques,Porter Cole
Reference : 19751
Chappell 1953
Bon état Petit format
Chappell 1932
Bon état Grand format Piano
Curci 1939
Bon état Petit format
Monroe Marilyn - Arlen Harold,Porter Cole,Van heusen Jimmy,Styne Jule,Kern Jerome,Young Victor,Ruby Harry,Stothart Herbert - Cahn Sammy,Mercer Johnny,Heyman Edward,Porter Cole,Fields Dorothy,Robin Leo
Reference : 87040
Très bon état Grand format Piano
Harms 1949
Bon état Format Américain Piano
Partitions sur la Première guerre Mondiale Shapiro 1918
Bon état Format Américain Piano
Chappell 1955
Très bon état Format Coquille Piano
Chappell 1953
Etat moyen Petit format
Chappell 1956 approx.
Bon état Format Américain Piano
Chappell 1954
Bon état Format Américain Piano
Buxton Hill Music 1953
Etat moyen Format Américain Piano
Chappell 1953
Bon état Format Américain Piano
Chappell 1944
Bon état Format Américain Piano