Romae [Rome], Ex typographia Reu. Camerae Apostolicae 1608 [20] + 154 + [6] pp., engraved vignette on title page, with a full page engraving with Porta's portrait signed I. [Iacobus] Laurus and with over 40 woodcut illustrations in text representing a.o. distilling apparatus, original first 1608-edition, nice recent binding in half leather and marbled boards in fine condition, gilt lettering on spine, engraved capitals in text, text clean and bright with only some occasional foxing, 22cm., most text is in Latin, very good condition, [This is a rare first edition of Porta's work on distillation, in which he offers a compilation of any knowledge available at that time regarding experiments and observations of distillation, its methods, apparatus and applications such as the preparation of perfumes and essential oils. It includes beautiful and quite bizarre woodcut illustrations of apparatus and stills resembling animals. Cfr. Duveen (481) who describes this work "as rare as it is beautiful". Porta (1535-1618) was an Italian philosopher, scientist and alchemist, and was/is often referred to as "professor of secrets". The engraved portrait of Porta included in this work is surrounded by various figures and gives a good impression of his scientific interests: distillation, astrology, chemistry, alchemy, optics, magnetism, etc. Content of this book: Liber I: Primordia pandit distillationis eiusq[ue], causas & instrumenta (pp.1-45), II: De odoratis Aquis eliciendis (pp.46-67), III: In quo de Oleorum tractatur (pp.68-87), IV: De distillatione oleorum exocitarum plantarum (pp.88-94), V: De refinis distillandis (pp.95-106), VI: De Oleo ex Lignis extrahendo (pp.107-112), VII: De Aquis validis extrahendis (pp.113-125), VIII: Quo de extrahendis rerum virtutibus varia experimenta traduntur (pp.126-144), IX: Oleorum extractio cum praelo (pp.145-154), + 6pp. of index and colophon], V96189
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