Amstaelodami [Amsterdam], apud Antonium Schonenburg 1730 [12] + 298 + [12] + [3bl] pp. illustrated with frontispiece & 27 engraved plates out of text (of which 4 folding, all depicting ancient Gods, by J. Van Vianen), 8th edition ("Editio octava, denuo recensita, a quamplurimis erroribus repurgata, & aeneis figuris ornata"), 16cm., 19th cy. cart. cover, spine in vellum, title in red and black, text in Latin, with ex-dono on verso of first board, binding of title page repaired, text clean and bright, good condition, G96183
LUGDUNI, APUD B MICHAELEM MAUTEVILLE 1757. In-8o,VI, 690, 2 p. en deux colonnes. Rel. plein veau contemp., legeres usures.
Phone number : 00 30 210 3616330
POMEY Franciscus - Samuel PITISCUS ( editor ) - J. van Viaenen (illustrator) :
Reference : 52580
".: 11. Amsterdam, Anthoni Schoonenburg, 1730, in-8°, engraved title + typographical title (printed in red and black) + (12)nn pp + 298 pp + (14)(index) ; with 27 copper-engravings. ( engravings signed in the plate: J. van Viaenen ). Bound in contemporary vellum over boards, vellum with gilt decoration andf central arms on both covers. Traces of ties. The arms are unidentifiable because they are worn ( perhaps the binder applied not enough pressure ?). There is a worm gallery at pages 260-284 ; mostly in the blank inner margin and thus rarely affecting the text. Still a fine copy in a handsome binding. (See De Backer-Sommervogel Vol. VI col. 975-978. Pomey ( 1618 - 1673) first published this very popular work in Lyon in 1658. This Amsterdam edition from 1730 is the first in the reworked version of Pitiscus. It was reprinted 6 times until 1741.."
.: Amsterdam, Anthoni Schoonenburg, 1730, in-8°, gegrav. frontispiece + titel in zwart en rood + (12) + 634 pp + (20)(index) + (1)(aanwijzing voor de boekbinder) + 27 kopergravures (sommige uitvouwbaar), perkamenten band uit de tijd, enkele lichte vlekken maar een goed exemplaar. De gravures zijn getekend in de plaat door J. van Viaenen. ( Deze editie niet in De Backer-Sommervogel die wel in hetzelfde jaar een druk van Antoni Waldorp beschrijft. Vol VI col. 977 ).