Lugduni, (Lyon) Antonii Molin, MDCLIX, (1659) pt. in-8vo, 8 ff. + 292 p. + 7 ff. (Index) + 1 f. (vide), ms. sur garde: Praemium Ex Canisio per me Franciscum Xavierie Kalbermatten, omni .. examinata anno 1712 in Gramma.. + ms.: Ex libris „Antonii de Torrenté“ + Ex libris papier: Ex Bibliotheca Antonii Ludovici de Torrente, reliure en parchemin d’époque.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Apud Joannem Barbou Parisiis 1737 In-12 ( 155 X 90 mm ) de 8-338-12 pages, plein veau fauve moucheté, dos à nerfs janséniste, tranches brique ( reliure de l'époque ). Coiffes anciennement et habilement restaurées sinon bel exemplaire.
Antverpiae Iuxta Exemplar Lugduni editum 1668
Scarce early Antwerp edition. Full vellum binding. Lack final leaf / leaves. No listing in WORLDCAT or elsewhere, so uncertain how many pages are missing. Boards are rubbed and worn. Contents tight, a few page corners folded in. Manuscript notes to inside and back in Latin - dated 1698. Latin text throughout. Overall good. 398 pages present. 155 x 85 mm (6 x 3Œ inches).