PLINIUS CAECILIUS C. secundus (the younger) [PLINE, PLINY], PARAVIA Alessandro, trad.
Reference : K61337
Venezia, Tip.di Giuseppi Antonelli 1837-1842 Complete in 2 parts (bound in 1 volume), printed in 2 columns: 2574 columns, bilingual edition (latin-italian) of the letters of Pliny the younger, 25cm., cart.cover (spine in green leather with engilded title and decorations), some foxing in text, else VG, in the series "Biblioteca degli scrittori latini col testo a fronte" vol.3, [Complete title of the second part: "Panegyrici veteres ordine temporum dispositi - Panegirici antichi volgarizzati a Lorenzo Patarol con nuove note"]