.: Gand, chez C. Annoot-Braeckman, 1851, in-8°, 23 x 16 cm, title with coloured vignette + lvi + 420 pp. Modern grey boards. The remnants of the original printed wrapper pasted down on back and both covers (with much loss of paper, but hardly loss of text). With autograph dedication by the author to his brother in Louvain (Leuven) ''Le Major Pieters d'Vockem''. Bound in is an authograph letter (3 pp) from the author to his brother and sent with the book. Apart of family news he writes about a certain Edward van Even who seems to have made some discoveries in the archives about Elsevier.(Bibliography and genaelogy of the Elsevier Press, first edition).
.: 11. Gand, chez C. Annoot-Braeckman, 1858, in-8°, 23 x 16 cm, title with coloured vignette + lxxii + 502 pp + (1)(errata). Contemporary black half morocco, raised back with gilt title, top edge gilt, corners slightly bumped but a good copy. (Bibliography and genealogy of the Elsevier Press, fine copy of the original edition).
.: Gand, Annoot-Braeckman, in-8°, 282 pp + 22 pp (Souvenir), 2170 lots. Reliure demi-cuir d'époque, Titre doré sur le dos. Le souvenir relié à la fin contient le nom des acquéreurs et le prix adjugé pour chaque lot. Le catalogue contient aussi encore le prix, soigneuesement noté en encre rouge dans la marge, travail fait après la vente. Bel exemplaire de ce catalogue d'une des plus riches collections des éditions elzevieriennes vendu au 19e siècle. Le propriétaire est connu pour sa bibliographie des éditions des Elzeviers.. Blogie col. 158.