Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1844. Without wrappers. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 3. Series - Tome 11, Cahier Juin 1844. Titlepage to vol. 11. Pp. 129-256. (The entire issue offered).. Daguerre's paper: pp. 188-196.
First appearance of an importent paper in the history of photography in which Daguerre, the inventor of photography, announces his recent invention to photography. This paper was later the in same year published in English ""On a new Mode of preparing the plates destined to receive photographic Images."".
Paris, Fortin, Masson et Cie, 1843. Without wrappers. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 3. Series - Tome 7, Cahier Mars 1843. Pp. 257-384. (The entire issue offered).. Daguerre's paper: pp. 374-377.
First appearance of an importent paper in the history of photography in which Daguerre, the inventor of photography, announces his recent invention to photography.
Reference : 49595
(Paris, Bachelier), 1851. 4to. Without wrappers. In ""Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences"", Vol. 33, No 23. Pp. (631-) 648. (Entire issue offered). Legray's paper: pp. 643-644. Clean and fine.
First printing of a landmark paper in photography, introducing his invention of the waxed-paper process.""Gustave Legray brought photograpy on paper to its culmination in the 1850s with the waxed-paper process. A struggling young artist..., Legray abandoned painting for photography around 1848, and with the financial backing of the Comte de Briges opened a portrai studio on the top floor of the same house as the Bisson brothers, in the Madelaine district. His reputation, however, was made not in the field of portraiture but as an architectural and landscape photographer. He also taught photography and ""nearly all renowned photographers of the day have been his pupils"". Legray devoted a good deal of time to experiments and wrote a number of manuals. His invention of the waxed-paper proces dates to before 25 Febr. 1851, but the manipulation was not published until the following December (the paper offered)..... The wxed-paper process was far more than a modification of the calotype, as can be seen from the substances used in oidizing paper - rice water, sugar of milk, iodide of potassium, cyanide of potassium, fluoride of potassium (to which was later added white honey and the white of some egg). Sensitizing was done with an acid solution of nitrate of silver and development took place with gallic acid.... The process took its name from the fact that the paper was waxed before iodizing, instead of merely after exposure, to facilitate printing."" (Helmut E. R. K. Gernsheim).
Reference : 42304
(London, Richard and John E., Taylor, 1840. 4to. No wrappers as extracted from ""Philosophical Transactions"" 1840 - Part I. Pp. 1-59. (Note I- III pp. 51-59) and 2 plates. (one showing Herschel's telescope, lithographed"" the other showing the heat spectrum of the sun in stipple engraving).
First appearance of an important pioneer-paper in the history of early photography, in which subject John Herschel was one of the main contributors. The paper deals with the dynamical interplay between photochemistry and photography and is of the greatest importence in applied photography. The later sections of the paper deals with the spectrum of the sun, Herschel's so-called thermographical representation of the spectrum of the sun (with description of the Actinograph, invented by him), rendering the heat radiation visible in the spectrum. This first importent spectrum is reproduced here on one of the plates (in stipple engraving). In this paper he introduces the photographical concepts 'positive' and 'negative' to express, respectively, pictures in which the lights and shades are the same as in nature, or as in the original model, and in which they are opposite. For this large paper John Herschel was awarded the Copley archives winners Prize for 1840.""The object which the author has in view in this memoir is to place on record a number of insulated facts and observations respecting the relations bothof white light, and of the differently refrangible rays, to various chemical agents whic have offered themselves to his notice in the course of his photographical experiments, suggested by the announcement of M. Daguerre's discovery.....The terms ""direct"" and ""reverse"" are also used to express pictures in which objects appear, as regards right and left, the same as in the original, and the contrary....The principal objects of inquiry in the present paper...are the following. First, the means of fixing photographs, the comparative merits of different chemical agents...The means of taking photographic copies and transfers.....The preparation of photographic paper....The chemical analysis of the solar spectrum forms the subjects of the next section in the paper...""(Abstract).
Reference : 49887
(Paris, Gauthier-Villars), 1891. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 112, No 5. Pp. (265-) 324 (entire issue offered). The papers: pp. 274-277.
First printing of Lippmann's milestone (and Nobel Price-) paper in which he describes how he - for the first time - produced fixed photocromes by direct exposure from nature. Lippmann is honoured with the Nobel prize in physics in 1908 ""for his method of reproducing colours photographically based on the phenomenon of interference.""""Lippmann presented to the Paris Academy... (the paper offered) on February 2, 1891, his report on photochromy, in which he described his famous method of photography in colors, the so-called ""interferende"" method, based on the action of stationary waves... His first experiments were carried on with silver bromide albumen plates sensitized for color with cyanine. His successfull experiments in the reproduction of the solar spectrum in its colors arousd much attention in the scientific world, because he had solved the problem of direct photography in natural colors on silver haloid layers and the fixation of the color images.""(Eder ""History of Photography"", p. 668).
, New York, Mallard Press, 1989, 156pp. richly ill. in colour, hardcover with dustwrapper, good condition, C10806
The Magazine of Glamour Photography - Vol. 5, No. 6, March, 1952. in-4 (21 x 27 cm), 68 pages, broché, couv. ill. - This issue features photographs of Barbara Osterman, Jane Easton and others. Photographs by Peter Gowland, Bernard of Hollywood and others.
Not so good. [ARCH]
Photography magazine, 1953, 54, 55, in-4to, env. 280 p. par vols., richement ill. de photographies n./b. et couleurs, brochure originale.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Boesmans Alfons,Hitchcock Brabara,Tsukahara Takuya; Photography: Lucille Fermans.
Reference : 46225
, Stichting Kunstboek, 2014 Hardback,Eng. ed. 330 x 245 mm,144 p | 100 col.ill. Fine copy. ISBN 9789058564962.
Watch Me is een overzicht van meer dan vier decennia fotografisch oeuvre van Lucille Feremans. Intrigerende foto's van succesvolle tentoonstellingen als Velata, Talking Hats, Polaroid Works, Body Visions en Specials worden gebundeld en afgewisseld met nooit eerder vertoonde beelden. Lucille Feremans' momentopnames portretteren de kracht en de schoonheid - in de ruimste zin van het woord - van het menselijk lichaam.
Reference : 48088
Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1882, 1888, 1892. 4to. No wrappers. 7 entire issues. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 95, No 1, 6 a. 14. Tome 107, No 16, 17 a. 18, Tome 114, No 18. (7 entire issues offered). With halftitles and titlepages to Vol. 95, 107 a. 114. The papers: pp. 14-16 (No1), 267-270 (no 6), 583-585, 2 textillustr. (no 14) - pp. 607-609 (No 16), 643-645, 1 textillustr. (No 17), 677-678 (No 18) - pp. 989-990 (No. 18). Stamps on verso of titlepages.
First printing of the main papers CONSTITUTING THE INVENTION OF MODERN CINEMATOGRAPHY -- from his invention of 1888 of the ""Chronophotograph"" followed the modern ""Cinematograph"" (first described here in the offered papers of 1888).It started with his invention of the chronographic apparatus with stationary plates and chronographic disk schutter... the paper of August 7, 1882, later in 1882 his description of the photographic gun, and in the 1892 paper ""Marey constructs, according to the reversible principle of the chronophotograph, an apparatus for the projection on a screen of series of pictures taken by the afore-mentioned apparatus and thus realizes the photographic synthesis of motion"" (Joseph Maria Eder ""History of Photography"", p.510).Marey (1830-1904) was a French physician, and his inventions sprang from his investigations in the physiology of the motion of men and animals.""In 1882, Marey, often claimed to be the 'inventor of cinema,' constructed a camera (or ""photographic gun"") that could take multiple (12) photographs per second of moving animals or humans - called chronophotography or serial photography, similar to Muybridge's work on taking multiple exposed images of running horses. [The term shooting a film was possibly derived from Marey's invention.] He was able to record multiple images of a subject's movement on the same camera plate, rather than the individual images Muybridge had produced. Marey's chronophotographs (multiple exposures on single glass plates and on strips of sensitized paper - celluloid film - that passed automatically through a camera of his own design) were revolutionary. He was soon able to achieve a frame rate of 30 images. Further experimentation was conducted by French-born Louis Aime Augustin Le Prince in 1888. Le Prince used long rolls of paper covered with photographic emulsion for a camera that he devised and patented. Two short fragments survive of his early motion picture film (one of which was titled Traffic Crossing Leeds Bridge).The work of Muybridge, Marey and Le Prince laid the groundwork for the development of motion picture cameras, projectors and transparent celluloid film - hence the development of cinema. American inventor George Eastman, who had first manufactured photographic dry plates in 1878, provided a more stable type of celluloid film with his concurrent developments in 1888 of sensitized paper roll photographic film (instead of glass plates) and a convenient ""Kodak"" small box camera (a still camera) that used the roll film. He improved upon the paper roll film with another invention in 1889 - perforated celluloid (synthetic plastic material coated with gelatin) roll-film with photographic emulsion."" (Tim Dirks ""The History of Film. The Pre-1920s"").
Reference : 49876
(Paris, Bachelier, 1851). 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de L'Academie des Sciences"", Tome 33, No 22. Pp. (589-) 632 (entire issue offered). Talbot's paper: pp. 623-627.
First printing of the paper in which Talbot describes how he worked out the method of instant photography. He patented it in 1852 and 1858. ""The beginning of high speed photography might be considered to be William Henry Fox Talbot's experiment in 1851. He attached a page of the London Times newspaper to a wheel, which was rotated in front of his wet plate camera in a darkened room. As the wheel rotated, Talbot exposed a few square inches of the newspaper page for about 1/2000th of a second, using spark illumination from Leyden jars. This experiment resulted in a readable image.""
s.l.: Art promotion Co, s.d. in-4, non paginé, illustrations. Broché. Texte chinois et anglais.
Dalu Ren. Photography by Anita Au. (s.l.: Art promotion Co, s.d.). [M.C.: Photographie, Chine]
Edited by Harold Lewis Edited by Harold Lewis 1949, In-4 cartonnage rouge de l'éditeur sous jaquette . 272 pages. Photos. Trés bon état.
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
LONDRES, Photography - cosmolitan press Ltd - 1936 - Grand In-4 -Reliure toile éditeur, couverture illustrée - Dos cassé - 464 pages, dont 380 de photographiers NB (1 à 9 photos par page) - suivi de la liste des Photographes et journaux ayant une photo dans cet ouvrage , puis liste des sujets traités avec renvoi & 80 pages de publicité sur la photographie - RARE
- Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou sur simple demande en Mondial Relay.- ATTENTION: Colis recommandé uniquement sur demande (parcel recommended on request). Si vous désirez un remboursement équivalent au montant de votre achat, en cas de perte détérioration ou spoliation, demandez-nous expressément un envoi en recommandé ( if you wish a repayment equivalent to the amount of your purchase, in case of loss - deterioration or despoliation, ask us expressly for a sending recommended)- Conditions de vente : Les frais de port sont affichés à titre Indicatifs (pour un livre) Nous pouvons être amené à vous contacter pour vous signaler le surcoût du au nopmbre de livres achetés ou du poids de ceux-ci. - Conditions of sale : The shipping costs are displayed as an indication (for one book) We may need to contact you to inform you of the cost of the additional shipping depending on the weight and the number of books- Possibilité d'envoi par Mondial-Relay - Réception en boutique sur rendez-vous. Librairie G. PORCHEROT - SP.Rance - 0681233148
New York Crown Publisher Inc. 1955 in 4 (31x23,5) 1 volume reliure de l'éditeur, dos toilé, jaquette illustrée, non paginé, avec de nombreuses illustrations dont photographies en noir et blanc par Andreas Feininger, petits défauts sur la marge supérieure de la jaquette, ex-dono manuscrit sur la première page blanche. With prints and contemporary photographs of the past and the same scenes 'today' in photographs by Andreas Feininger. History and description by Susan Lyman. Second printing march 1955. Bon exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request )
Bon Jaquette en bon état Couverture rigide
Mapin Publishing Pvt.Ltd; 1. édition (1 décembre 2010)
Livre à l'état de neuf, très frais sans annotations ni défauts dissmulés.
STAMPE & VERTONGEN ( aerial photography ) - Antwerp Port Authority ( editor ) :
Reference : 43261
".: 2. Antwerpen, Stadsbestuur, s.d. ( 1931), in-4°, oblong format, 22,5 x 30 cm. ca. 64 nn pp with 24 full page aerial views of the port of Antwerp, bi-lingual captions printed on the opposite page. Bound in blue publisher's cloth with silver lettering and decoration on front cover. Some slight discoloring of binding but a fine copy. Early example of aerial photography for commercial use. Apart from their aerial photography activity the S.&V. company also had a flying school. They produced the only Belgian aeroplane which gained an international reknown ; the SV4. , a trainer biplane of which a total of over 900 were built."
, Fonds Mercator/ Mercatorfonds , 2011 Hardback, 175x130mm, 88p, 50 bw illustrations, English edition . ISBN 9789061533498.
of Modern Art) in New York. Violin Phase is een van de vier delen van Fase, four movements to the Music of Steve Reich, een stuk dat in 1981 werd gecreeerd. Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker danste deze choreografie in het zand en zo ontstond in de loop van de performance een groot cirkelvormig motief op de grond van het Marron Atrium. Deze voorstellingen werden georganiseerd naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling "On Line: Drawing through the Twentieth Century", georganiseerd door Connie Butler en Catherine de Zegher. De uitzonderlijke foto's in dit boek vereeuwigen de bewegingen van de danseres en ook de compositie die ze tijdens haar dans construeerde. Het geheel wordt ingeleid met een tekst van Catherine de Zegher en Erin Manning. Een mooi klein boekje, volledig zwart/wit fotografie, gebonden in linnen dat bladert als een ?flipbook? !
[publisher: G. Loxton Grinstead] Ewell (Surrey) in-12°, 88 pp, Several b/w illus.
Good copy . [MI-20]
, London / Melbourne, Ward.Lock & Co., 1950, 2pp.text pictures with description, hard cover
SCHULZE Hagen (Text) & HAMM Manfred / SCHNEIDER Günter (Photography),
Reference : A17335
Leuven, s.d. (1970's) Collection of 15 original colour photographs, size ca. 13 x 14 cm., kept in an album (and easily removable if wanted). In fine condition. The photographer Paul Victor Maes was a painter from Louvain (Belgium, °1924, cfr. Arto 2000 II p.95). These pictures were made in the 1970's as documentation for paintings he made or intended to make. They depict mostly portraits of Louvain beguines. They have an important iconographical value as they portray the last three remaining beguines - sister Virginie, Colette and Julia - in their traditional surroundings. The last beguine left the Louvain beguinage in 1988. So these pictures document the ultimate moments of the once very important beguinage mouvement which had its roots in 12th century Flanders and had spread out, at the height of their development, all across North-Western Europe. B100511
Reference : B113991
s.l., 1917 large composed panoramic original bl/w photo (ca.162x7.5cm.) depicting the frontline of the war in the surroundings of Kruiseike (between Ieper and Wervik, Belgium) in January 1917, mounted on a folding cartonnated map (ca. 164x20cm.), with a few handwritten calculations regarding specific locations, two stamps ("Nur für Dienstgebrauch" & Kon. Preuss. Vermassungs-Abt. Nr.24"), rare original photo for use of the German army at the frontline in Belgium, B113991
.: Antwerpen, Sterkcxhof, 1980, 24 x 24 cm, 155 pp with coloured & b/w ill , publisher's cased binding with d.w. Illustrated survey, text in four languages, on Belgian photography 1940-1980. Sterckxhof Museum 1980.
.: 10. S.l. ( Leuven ), s.d. (1914) , photography album, oblong in-4°, 25 x 33,5 cm, containg 36 original photographs tipped on to 18 album leaves, photo size 125 x 175 mm, with printed captions in French tipped on to the album leaves. The album tied together with a silk ribbon. The tile printed in gilt on the front cover. The front cover slightly soiled, the gilt title faded, interior fine. The pictures give a vivid illustrations of the ruins left behind by the German army after entering the town in August 1914. One of the pictures shows the university library of which only some outer walls are still standing. The historical library of the oldest university of the Low Countries was competely destroyed.