Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 168 pages
Contents, Chapitres : R. Duncan Luce : Similar systems and dimensionally invariant laws - James Child : On the theoretical dependence of correspondence postulates - James A. Blachowicz : Systems theory and evolutionary models of the development of science - Ronald Munson : Biological adaptation - Fred I. Dretske : Reasons, knowledge and probability - Alfred Landé : The decline and the fall of quantum dualism - C.A. Hooker : Sharp and the refutation of Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen paradox - Laurence Fox : Art as cognitive : beyond scientific realism - Lowell Nissen : Neutral functional schemata - William F. Barr : A syntactic and semantic analysis of idealizations in science - DISCUSSIONS : David Hawkins : On the self-consistency of the steady state cosmology, reply by Richard Schlegel - Theodore Guleserian : On two aspects of eliminative materialism - Richard Butrick : Putnam's revolution - Alex C. Michalos : Hilpinen's rules of acceptance and inductive logic - Risto Hilpinen and Jaakko Hintikka : Rules of acceptance, indices of lawlikeness and singular inductive inference, reply to a critical discussion - Ronald C. Hopson : Angel's symmetry thesis - J.R. Lucas : Metamathematics and the philosophy of mind : a rejoinder - Book reviews, recent books working copy from Pierre Thuillier, annotations at ink and coloured ink (mainly on Blachowicz and Foss articles) - few words hanwritten on the wrappers
Revue Philosophy of Science - Maxwell (Nicholas) - Sharvy (Richard) - Uchii (Soshichi) - Lincicome (David) - Scoledes (Aristotle G.M.) - Wright (Larry) - Daniels (Norman) - Achinstein (Peter) - Giril (T.R.) - Schwartz (Robert) - Miettinen (Seppo K.) - Lazslo (E.) and Margenau (H.) - Torretti (Roberto) - Agassi (Joseph)
Reference : 27880
Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback Grand In-8 1 vol. - 152 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Pages 131 to 283 - Nicholas Maxwell : A critique of Popper 's views on scientific method - Richard Sharvy : Three types of referential opacity - David Lincicome : Reporting, evaluating, describing - Soshichi Uchii : Inductive logic with causal modalities, a probabilistic approach - Aristotle G.M. Scoledes : The determinism of quantum-mechanical probability statements - Larry Wright : Explanation and teleology - Norman Daniels : Thomas Reid 's discovery of non-Euclidean geometry - Discussion : Peter Achinstein : Models and analogies, a reply to Girill - T.R. Girill : Analogies and models revisited - Robert Schwartz : Paradox and projection - Seppo K. Miettinen : On Omer 's model of scientific explanation - E. Laszlo and H. Margenau : The emergence of integrative concepts in contemporary science - Roberto Torretti : Remarks on Salmon 's paradox of primes - Joseph Agassi : The interface of philosophy and physics - Books reviews - Recent books working copy from Pierre Thuillier, very few annotations at pencil, inside and on the cover
Baltimore, The William & Wilkind Company, 1934 - 2002. Royal8vo. Volume 1-21 + 32 in green half cloth, volume 33-36 in beige half cloth, volume 49-57 in orange half cloth, volume 58-65 in blue full cloth, volume 66-69 in white cloth. All volumes with gilt lettering to spine and small paper label pasted on to back board. Small stamp to title pages. A fine set which consists of the following volumes: 1-21, 32, 32-69. 59 volumes in total.
""Since its inception in 1934, Philosophy of Science, along with its sponsoring society, the Philosophy of Science Association, has been dedicated to the furthering of studies and free discussion from diverse standpoints in the philosophy of science.""
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1950 - 2004. 8vo. Volume 1-2 + 5-10 + 12-20 in green buckram with gilt lettering to spine. Volume 21 in orange buckram. Volume 22-30 in full buckram in different colours. Volume 32-55 in uniform blue buckram. All volumes with small library stamps to titel page and library label to back board.
""For over fifty years, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science has published the best international work in the philosophy of science under a distinguished list of editors including Alexander Bird, Peter Clark, Mary Hesse, James Ladyman, Imre Lakatos, and David Papineau. One of the leading international journals in the field, it publishes outstanding new work on a variety of traditional and 'cutting edge' topics, from issues of explanation and realism to the applicability of mathematics, from the metaphysics of science to the nature of models and simulations, as well as foundational issues in the physical, life, and social sciences. Recent topics covered in the journal include the epistemology of measurement, mathematical non-causal explanations, signalling games, the nature of biochemical kinds, and approaches to human cognitive development, among many others. The journal seeks to advance the field by publishing innovative and thought-provoking papers, discussion notes and book reviews that open up new directions or shed new light on well-known issues."" (Oxford University Press).
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Lorenz Krüger - Walter Hoering - R. Werth - Michael Heidelberger - Kurt Hübner - Gernot Böhme
Reference : 27293
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Très bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 85 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Lorenz Krüger : Intertheoretic relations as a tool for the rational reconstruction of scientific development - Walter Hoering : On judging rationality - R. Werth : On the theory-dependence of observations - Michael Heidelberger : Towards a logical reconstruction of revolutionary change : the case of Ohm as an example - Kurt Hübner : The concept of truth in a historistic theory of science - Gernot Böhme : On the possibility of closed theories - Books received - fifth international Wittgenstein symposium
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Edward McKinnon - Robert J. Baum - Philip Quinn - Edward H. Madden and Mendel Sachs
Reference : 31419
Macmillan , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 95 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Edward McKinnon : Theoretical entities and metatheories - Robert J. Baum : The instrumentalist and formalist elements of Berkeley 's philosophy of mathematics - Philip Quinn : Methodological appraisal and heuristic advice : problems in the methodology of scientific research programmes - Edward H. Madden and Mendel Sachs : Parmenidean particulars and vanishing elements - Essay review : Marshall Clagett, Nicole Oresme and the Medieval geometry of qualities and motions by Edward Grant - Reviews : R.S. Woolhouse, Locke 's philosophy of science and knowledge, reviewed by G.A. Rogers - John W. Yolton : Locke and the compass of human understanding, by Margaret Osler - Marian Przelecki, The logic of empirical theories, reviewed by John M. Nicholas - books received - notes on contributors working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at red ink - few words handwritten on the front-wrapper, otherwise fine copy
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - R.J.J. Martin - Allan Franklin and Colin Howson - Joel M. Smith - Frans Gregersen and Simo Koppe - H. Zandvoort - L.A. Whitt
Reference : 31423
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1988 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 135 pages
Contents, Chapitres : R.J.J. Martin : Explaining John Freind 's History of Physick - Allan Franklin and Colin Howson : It probably is a valid experimental result : a Bayesian approach of the epistemology of experiment - Joel M. Smith : Inconstency and scientific reasoning - Frans Gregersen and Simo Koppe : Against epistemological relativism - H. Zandvoort : Macromolecules, dogmatism, and scientific change : the prehistory of polymer chemistry as testing ground for philosophy of science - Discussions : L.A. Whitt : Conceptual dimensions of theory appraisal - Larry Laudan : Conceptual problem re-visited - index to volume 19, 1988 working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at red ink on Gregersen and Koppe's article - few words handwritten on the front-wrapper, otherwise fine copy
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Andrew Lugg - J.H. Lesher - Donald Franklin Moyer - Ronald Laymon
Reference : 31418
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1978 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 82 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Andrew Lugg : Overdetermined problems in science - J.H. Lesher : On the role of Guesswork in science - Donald Franklin Moyer : Conitnuum mechanics and field theory : Thomson and Maxwell - Ronald Laymon : Newton 's Experimentum Crucis and the logic of idealization and theory refutation - Boston colloquium, 1977-1978 - books received - index to volume 8 included 1 page with annotations at ink otherwise fine
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Jon Dorling - Joseph L. Esposito - Allan Franklin - Paul van der Vet
Reference : 24038
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 86 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Jon Dorling: Bayesian personalism, the methodology of scientific research programmes, adn Duhem's problem - Joseph L. Esposito: Reichenbach's philosophy of nature - Allan Franklin: the discovery and the non-discovery of parity nonconservation - discussion, Paul van der Vet: overdetermined problems and anomalies - books received working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at pencil
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Allan Franklin and Colin Howson - John Hendry
Reference : 27265
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1984 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 84 pages
Contents, Chapitres : 2 new vistas on Ernst Mach (Paul K. Feyerabend : Mach 's theory of research and its relation to Einstein - Zeljko Loparic : Problem-solving and theory structure in Mach) - Allan Franklin and Colin Howson : Why do scientist prefer to vary their experiments - John Hendry : The evolution of William Roman Hamilton 's view of algebra as the science of pure time - books received
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - C.U.M. Smitth - F.John Clendinnen - Eduard Glass - Margaret Campbell
Reference : 27264
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1983 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 87 pages
Contents, Chapitres : C.U.M. Smitth : Herbert Spencer 's epigenetic epistemology - F.John Clendinnen : The rationality of method versus historical relativism - Eduard Glass : Bio-science between experiment and ideology, 1835-1850 - Margaret Campbell : Adaptation and fitness - discussions (Husan Sarkar : In defence of truth - John Tendry : Monopoles before Dirac )
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Martha Feher - Donald W. Mertz - John Worrall
Reference : 27269
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1982 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 84 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Martha Feher : Galileo and the demonstrative ideal of science - Donald W. Mertz : The concept of structure in Galileo : its role in the method of proportionality and ex supositione as applied to the tides - John Worrall : The pressure of light : the strange case of the Vacillating Crucial Experiment few annotations, few words handwritten on the cover
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - P.J. White - Jerrold Aronson - Joseph Agassi
Reference : 27282
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 96 pages
Contents, Chapitres : P.J. White : Materialism and the concept of motion in Locke 's Theory of Sense-idea Causation - Jerrold Aronson : The legacy of Hume 's analysis of causation - discussion : Agassi 's alleged arbitrariness , by Joseph Agassi - Essay reviews : Davidson and Hintikka , ed. Words and objections, reviewed by B.A. Brody - Schneer , ed. Towards a history of geology , reviewed by Rachel Bush - Nasr , Science and civilisation in Islam , reviewed by William H. Baumer - books received
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Scott A. Kleiner - David Papineau - Nancy L. Maull - Vernon Pratt
Reference : 27275
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1977 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 84 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Scott A. Kleiner : Referential divergence in scientific theories - David Papineau : The Vis Viva controversy : do meanings matter - Nancy L. Maull : Unifying science without reduction - Vernon Pratt : Foucault and the history of classification theory
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science - M. Bar-Hillel and A. Margalit - V.J.F. Pratt
Reference : 23626
Cambridge, University Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback In-8 1 vol. - 83 pages
"Contents, Chapitres : articles (M. Bar-Hillel and A. Margalit: Newcomb's paradox revisited - V.J.F. Pratt: Biological classification) - discussions (G. Barnard: Two points in the theory of statistical interference - T. Settle: Propensity theories of probability unscathed, a reply to White - D.A. Evans and P.T. Landsberg: Free will in a mechanistic universe, an extension) - suite (J. de Maré: A comment on Gillies's falsifying rule for probability statements - D.A. Gillies: reply to De Maré - J. McDermott: I'm free because I know that I don't yet know what I'm going to do?) - Review article (N. Roll-Hansen: Louis Pasteur, a case against reductionist historiography, review of R. Dubos, ""Louis Pasteur, free lance of science"" and F. Dagognet, ""Méthodes et doctrines dans l'uvre de Pasteur"") - reviews (J.L. Bell on S.W.P. Steen, ""Mathematical logic"" ; H. Skolimowski on S. Körner, ""What is philosophy?"") - recent publications" few annotations
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Bruno Bertotti - Anguel Stefanov and Dimiter Ginev - Scott Atran
Reference : 27272
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1985 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 85 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Bruno Bertotti : The later work of E. Schrödinger - Anguel Stefanov and Dimiter Ginev : One dimension of the scientific type of rationality, a reflection upon the theory of group rationality - Scott Atran : Pre-theoretical aspects of Aristotelian definition and classification of animals : the case for common sense - books received - the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - G. Frege - H.R. Post
Reference : 27307
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 99 pages
Contents, Chapitres : G. Frege : On the law of inertia (translated by H. Jackson and E. Levy) - H.R. Post : Correspondence, invariance, and heuristics : in praise of conservative induction - Discussion : A note on Berkeley 's corpuscularian theories in Siris , Gabriel Moked - Essay reviews : F. Darwin, ed. The life and letters of Charles Darwin , reviewed by Ernst Mayr - Ghiselin , The triumph of the Darwinian method, by Frank N. Egerton - Rosenblueth, Mind and Brain, by Abraham S. Luchins - books received working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations at pencil
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Gary Thrane - Neal Wood
Reference : 27270
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 84 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Gary Thrane : The proper object of vision - Neal Wood : The Baconian character of Locke 's Essay - notes on contributors
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Hannah Gay - Nicolaas A. Rupke
Reference : 34314
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1976 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 85 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Hannah Gay : Radicals and types, a critical comparison of the methodologies of Popper and Lakatos and their use in the reconstruction of some 19th century chemistry - Nicolaas A. Rupke : Bathybius Haeckelii and the psychology of scientific discovery, theory instead of observed data controlled the late 19th century' discovery of a primitive form of life - Essay review : J.G. McEvoy working copy from Pierre Thuillier, annotations at ink and pencil, otherwise fine copy
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - James Austin - Stillman Drake - David Gooding
Reference : 33392
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1978 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 66 pages
Contents, Chapitres : James Austin : Systemic causation - Stillman Drake : Ptolemy, Galileo and scientific method - David Gooding : Conceptual and experimental bases of Faraday 's denial of electrostatic action at a distance few words handwritten on the front-wrapper, very few annotations at ink, otherwise near fine copy
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Jarrett Leplin - Scott A. Kleiner - Linda Wessels
Reference : 27305
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1979 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 88 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Jarrett Leplin : Reference and scientific realism - Scott A. Kleiner : Feyerabend , Galileo and Darwin : how to make the best out of what you have - or think you can get - Linda Wessels : Schrödinger 's route to wave mechanics - discussion : Darwinism and deductivist models of theory structure - index to volume 10 few words handwritten on the cover
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Jarrett Leplin - Stillman Drake - Mary Hesse - Vernon Pratt
Reference : 27291
Macmillan , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 91 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Jarrett Leplin : The concept of an Ad Hoc hypothesis - Stillman Drake : Free fall from Albert of Saxony to Honoré Fabri - Discussions : Mary Hesse : Bayesianism and scientific interference - Vernon Pratt : Functionalism and the possibility of group selection - Essay reviews : Understanding scientific change, by Peter K. Machamer - Epistemology and Psychology, by David Bloor - Reviews : Ronald N. Giere and Richard S. Westfall, eds. Foundations of scientific method, the Nineteenth-Century, reviewed by P.M. Heimann - books received - index to volume 5 working copy from Pierre Thuillier, many annotations at ink and pencil inside, and on the top wrapper
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - John Earman and Clark Glymour - William K. Goosens - Donald W. Mertz - Peter Barker
Reference : 27281
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 81 pages
Contents, Chapitres : John Earman and Clark Glymour : The gravitational red shift as a test of general relativity : history and analysis - William K. Goosens : Galileo 's response to the Tower argument - Donald W. Mertz : On Galileo 's method of causal proportionality - Peter Barker : Hertz and Wittgenstein working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations on the article from Mertz - few words handwritten on the cover
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Peter K. Machamer - John Hedley Brooke - William McGucken
Reference : 33391
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1973 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 104 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Peter K. Machamer : Feyerabend and Galileo : The interaction of theories and the reinterpretation of experience - John Hedley Brooke : Chlorine substitution and the future of organic chemistry - Methological issues in the Laurent-Berzelius correspondence, 1843-44 - Review : William McGucken : Nineteenth-Century spectroscopy : development of the understanding of spectra 1802-1897 - reviewed by Clifford L. Maier - Books received - Notes on contributors few words handwritten on the front-wrapper, very few annotations at ink, otherwise near fine copy
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Richard Nunan - William Bechtel
Reference : 34315
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1984 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 89 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Richard Nunan : Novel facts, Bayesan rationality and the history of continental drift - William Bechtel : The evolution of our understanding of the cell : a study in the dynamics of scientific progress