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‎PETERSEN, Anders - ANDERSON, Roger (texte de).‎

Reference : 86399

‎Le Bistrot d'Hambourg.‎

‎ Contrejour, 1979, 1 volume de 215x240 mm environ, 88 pages, broché. Petit défaut à la couverture, sinon bon état.‎

‎Anders Petersen, né le 3 mai 1944 à Solna, est un photographe suédois. Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.‎

Phone number : 33 04 78 42 29 41

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : 60374


‎Egil’s Saga or A Tale about Egil Skallegrimson after the Icelandic original Text (original handwritten manuscript). - [EARLY MANUSCRIPT-TRANSLATION OF EGIL'S SAGA BY RENOWNED DANISH PHILOLOGIST N. M. PETERSEN]‎

‎(Manuscript, posssibly 1835-1839, no later than 1862). 4to (225 x 177 mm). In four parts, all in contemporary blank grey stitched paper wrappers. Tome-numbers to front wrappers. In fine legible handwriting. Vol. 1. with numerous corrections in pencil throughout in different hand than the translation. Front wrapper On vol. 1 detached and missing paper in margins. Otherwise fine. 347 ff. with text on both verso and recto.‎

‎Original unpublished manuscript translation of ""Egil's Saga"" into English, done in the mid-19th century by renowned Danish philologist Niels Matthias Petersen, first professor of the Nordic languages in Denmark, predating the first published English translation with circa 50 years. Egil's saga is generally considered amongst the best and most beloved of the Icelandic sagas. Based on Petersen’s industriousness and diligent work in having his research and translations published and the many third party textual and grammatical corrections throughout the text, the present translation was most likely intended for publication. It is not evident exactly when the translation was made nor it is clear from which text/manuscript it is translated. Petersen spent time on a Danish translation of Egil’ saga in the period 1835-1839 and it is likely that the present English translation also was made then. For Petersen’s Danish translation (In the Four volume-work: “Historiske Fortællinger om Islændernes Færd”, 1839-1844) he used the second printed edition of Egil's saga from 1809. It was produced for the Arnamagnæan Commission by Gudmundur Magnússon. It has a short introduction in Latin, followed by the text of the saga and a parallel translation in Latin. This text is in the main based on that of Codex Mödruvallensis (Ms. No. 132. Fol.) in the Arnamagaean Collection. It is highly likely that Petersen also used the 1809-edition for this present English translation. The saga spans the years c. 850-1000. Its oldest manuscript (a fragment) dates back to 1240 AD, and comprises the sole source of information on the exploits of Egill, whose life is not historically recorded. Stylistic and other similarities between Egill's Saga and Heimskringla have led many scholars to believe that they were the work of the same author, Snorri Sturlasson. Not until 1893 was an English translation published. It was translated by W. C. Green from the original Icelandic “Egils saga Skallagrímssonar”. Eddison, author of epic fantasy novels and occasional member of the Inklings, judged it as ""being so bad as to be unreadable"". Eddison thought that the saga ‘perhaps the finest of all except Njal’ deserved better, and that Egil Skallagrimson, the ‘most typical of the true viking spirit’, should be brought to a wider audience – consequently Eddition made his own translation in 1930. The syntax and vocabulary in this translation are deliberately archaic in order to maintain the style of the Icelandic. Three later English translations were made: Gwyn Jones (1960), Christine Fell (1975) and Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards (1976). The most recent English translation is in The Complete Sagas of Icelanders (1997). Niels Matthias Petersen (1791-1862), linguist, philologist, historian and literary historian, is regarded as being the father of modern Danish saga-studies. During his school years he befriended Rasmus Rask, his senior by four years, who kindled his interest in Old Norse and the ancient history of the Nordic countries. During his theological studies, which did not lead to a formal graduation, he pursued these interests. After working as a teacher in a seminary near Odense in the period 1815-26, he returned to Copenhagen, where he remained for the rest of his life. His first linguistic publications appeared in 1826.In 1829, Petersen entered the employment of the University Library, then of the Danish central archive. In these years he published a major language history (1829-30), a work on Denmark's early history (1834-37) and a translation and edition of a large portion of the Icelandic sagas (1839-44). ""He was the first to publish a substantial collection of Icelandic sagas in translation, ten sagas in four volumes under the title ""Historical accounts of the dealings of the Icelanders at home and abroad"" (Historiske Fortællinger om Islændernes Færd hjemme og ude, 1839-44). Petersen's aim was to present the sagas as enjoyable reading for the general public, and to strengthen the Danish language by introducing Old Norse-Icelandic neologisms.In 1845 Petersen was appointed to the first professorship in the Scandinavian languages in the Nordic countries, a position he kept to his death in 1862. In this period he wrote the modestly-titled, but comprehensive and groundbreaking five-volume ""Contribution to the history of Danish literature"" (Bidrag til den danske Literaturs Historie, 1853-61). In this work Petersen introduces into Danish the theory of periodization, and several of his period titles have survived in later accounts. His concept of literature was not restricted to imaginative writing but encompassed the entire body of writings valued in society. For Petersen, literature not only documents and reflects the nation's culture, but also exercises a formative influence on it."" (Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe). For various publications by Petersen including translations of Egil's Saga see: Klose 4870-4894.Fiske pp. 460-461. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK50,000.00 (€6,706.10 )

‎Cacti. Petersen, Elly:‎

Reference : 5968AB


‎Taschenbuch für den Kakteenfreund. Eine praktische Anleitung für Anzucht und Pflege der Kakteen und Sukkulenten.‎

‎4th and not revised ed. Esslingen und München, Schreiber, 1927. 8°. VII, 179 pp, 2 leaves. Numerous plates and ill.. Orig. wrappers.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF30.00 (€30.70 )

‎Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim: (Hrsg.: Julius Petersen)‎

Reference : 8766AB

‎Lessings Werke - Auswahl in sechs Teilen.‎

‎4 Bde. Berlin, Lpz, Deutsches Verlagshaus Bong & Co, o.J. 8°. 2 Portr., 1 Tafel, 1 gef. Handschriftfaks.. Goldgepr. Orig.-Ldr m. Kopfgoldschnitt.‎

‎Einbände minim berieben.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF120.00 (€122.82 )

‎Petersen, Julius Magnus; (1827-1917).‎

Reference : 665DG


‎Flicka med Bibel - Mädchen mit Bibel‎

‎1869 Oel auf Leinwand. Format: 58 x 76 cm. Mit Holzrahmen: 75 x 96 cm.‎

‎Dänischer Maler. Im unteren Drittel signiert und datiert.‎

EOS Buchantiquariat Benz - CH-8001 Zürich

Phone number : 41 (0)44 261 57 50

CHF2,000.00 (€2,047.00 )

‎[Petersen] - ‎ ‎PETERSEN Anders - ANDERSON Roger‎

Reference : 013075


‎Le Bistrot d'Hambourg‎

‎Paris Contrejour 1979 Broché, couverture illustrée à rabats ‎

‎Edition originale française. Texte de Roger Anderson et 88 photos en noir et blans d'Anders Petersen. (Ref. Parr & Badger, I, p. 230 ; Hasselblad, pp. 318-319). Très bon 0‎

Phone number : 01 42 66 38 10

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )


Reference : 33453


‎Til Kunstens Venner. Fra Kobberstikker Petersen.‎

‎Kiøbenhavn, Bianco Luno & Schneider, 1832. Lille 8vo. Samt. hshirtbd. med skindtitel på forperm. 36 pp. Titelblad og sidste blad lidt brunplettet.‎

‎Kobberstikker Petersen, som er identisk med Søren Henrik Petersen blev kendt og respekteret for værkerne ""Danske Egne"", ""Dansk Atlas"" mv., indleder her en kunstteoretisk polemik som var foranlediget af en afvisning af et stik bestilt af Akademiet for de Skjønne Kunster.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK450.00 (€60.35 )


Reference : 100366


‎122 Farvefotografier.122 colour Photographs‎

‎Copenhague Schoenberg Publishers 1948 Copenhague, Schoenberg Publishers. sans date [1948], 345x255mm, 132 p., plats en carton gris bleu dos papier blanc imprimé, jaquette imprimée, étui de l'éditeur. Observations de Keld Helmer-Petersen et essai de Sven Kragh-Jacobsen, en danois et en anglais et 122 photographies en couleurs reproduites pleine page; elles ne sont pas légendées, seul figurent les détails techniques: objectif, ouverture, temps de pose. Conception graphique de Høy Petersen. Plus de vingt ans avant Stephen Shore et William Egglestone, Helmer-Petersen pose les jalons de la pratique artistique de la photographie en couleurs; si son livre, à cause d'une diffusion trop limitée, passa à l'époque inaperçu, il mérite cependant d'âtre cité comme une tentative singulière et remarquablement précoce pour valoriser cette nouvelle technique. Quelques points d'adhérence sur quatre pages, petits défauts sans manque à la jaquette. Mette Sandbye & Gitte Pedersen: Dansk Fotografi Historie, Copenhague 2004, p. 258-260 ; Parr & Badger I, p.202-203 ; Ingrid Fischer Jonge, Christian Rud Andersen & Jens Erdman Rasmussen '28 danske fotobøger' p22-23 ; Auer 331. Très bel exemplaire (infimes manques à la jaquette). (100366) ‎

Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37

EUR2,800.00 (€2,800.00 )

‎PETERSEN, Theodor:‎

Reference : 138889aaf

‎Aus der Silvrettagruppe. Orographische Bemerkungen. Von Guarda nach Klosters Erststeigung des Dreiländerspitz. Sep.aus der Zeitschr. d. deutschen Alpenvereins Bd. II, Abth. 2.‎

‎ o.J. (um 1870), in-8vo, S. 73 bis 84 (12 S.), Exlibris Peter E. Obergfell, Rez. Pappband. Umschlag mit S.A.C. Stempel miteingebunden.‎

‎Theodor Petersen war Mitbegründer der Frankfurter Chemischen Gesellschaft und Vorsitzender des Physikalischen Vereins in Frankfurt am Main. Darüber hinaus gilt er als wissenschaftlicher Erschließer und Erforscher der Ötztaler Alpen.[1] Petersen führte Vermessungen und Erstbesteigungen durch. Er war der erste Zentralpräsident des Deutschen und Österreichischen Alpenvereins. Nach ihm wurde die Petersenspitze (3472 Meter) in den Ötztaler Alpen benannt. ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF120.00 (€122.82 )


Reference : 46332


‎Danske Gejstlige Sigiller fra Middelalderen/ Sceaux de L'Église Danoise du Moyen Age. (Henry Petersen). Tegnede og Lithographerede af Th. Bergh. (+) Danske Adelige Sigiller fra Det XIII og XIV Aarhundrede. (Henry Petersen). Afbildningerne tegnede af E...‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, Thieles Bogtrykkeri, 1886, 1897, 1905, 1917. Folio. Et hldrbd. i flammet kalv, rygforgyldning og forgyldt skindtitel. XIV,114 pp. samt 60 litograferede plancher (1039 afbildn.), (4),67 pp. samt 51 plancher i zinkætsning (1160 afbildn.), XXVIII,140 pp. samt 140 plancher i forotypi (talrige afbildn.), XVII,20 pp. samt 21 plancher (mange afbildn.) i fototypi. Dwe sidste plancher lidt løse. Indvendig ren og velbevaret.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK5,500.00 (€737.67 )

‎PETERSEN Hjalmar‎

Reference : ML1113


‎ Jaquette Couverture rigide Zurich, Silva 1967, in4 cartonnage noir éditeur sous jaquette illustrée,131pp, 100 photos couleurs collées. Langue: Français ‎

Nord - Sud - Kervignac

Phone number : 06 98 91 56 56

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎PETERSEN (William).‎

Reference : 110006


‎Malthus. Le premier anti-malthusien.‎

‎ Dunod, 1980, in-8°, 270 pp, préface d'Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, importante bibliographie, broché, un portrait de Malthus en couv., bon état‎

‎"Pour Petersen, Malthus est un père fondateur c'est-à-dire un prétexte pour défendre des thèses démographiques, économiques et sociales ultralibérales. Petersen brosse donc assez rapidement le portrait de Malthus et de son époque, l'Angleterre des coalitions contre Napoléon. Le fait dominant lui paraît moins être la révolution industrielle que la révolution culturelle, cette « laïcisation » qui petit à petit retire à la religion, puis à la morale qu'elle sous-tendait, tout pouvoir d'expliquer le bas monde. A cet égard, la vie de Malthus est exemplaire puisqu'il la commence comme prêtre de l'église anglicane et l'achève comme professeur d'économie politique dans un collège laïc. Son œuvre aussi porte la marque de cette « professionnalisation » qui apparaît alors dans les sciences sociales." (Hervé Le Bras, Population, 1980) ‎


Phone number : 01 43 54 43 61

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎Julie Petersen‎

Reference : 64814

‎AI-criminaliteit, Nieuwe uitdagingen in het (ondernemings)strafrecht‎

‎Leuven- Antwerpen, Lea uitgevers, 2024 softcover 114 pagina's NL tekst. ISBN 9789464662429.‎

‎De steeds toegankelijkere digitale en AI-technologie n van vandaag vergemakkelijken het (off- en online) leven aanzienlijk, en deze tendens is ook op het vlak van het straf(proces)recht voelbaar. Zoals echter steeds het geval is wanneer het op maatschappelijke (r)evoluties aankomt, zijn het niet alleen legale partijen die hierin interesse tonen. Aan een vaak nog hogere snelheid ontdekken momenteel ook (cyber)criminelen wat artifici le intelligentie allemaal te bieden heeft. In hoeverre is ons (huidig en toekomstig) strafrecht aangepast aan de nieuwe criminaliteitsvormen die AI met zich meebrengt? In dit boek wordt naar het antwoord op deze vraag gezocht. Het geeft vanuit de invalshoek van het materieel ondernemingsstrafrecht een eerste beschrijving van AI-criminaliteit die de rechtspracticus nu en later voor de nodige uitdagingen zal stellen. Meer bepaald komen aan de hand van enkele actuele en praktische casussen drie onderscheiden vormen van AI-criminaliteit aan bod: criminaliteit met AI (AI als ?instrument? van het misdrijf); criminaliteit door AI (AI als ?dader? van het misdrijf); criminaliteit tegen AI (AI als ?slachtoffer? van het misdrijf). ?Huidig boek komt geen dag te vroeg, want een oplossing vinden begint met het probleem te begrijpen. (...) Dit is het eerste boek op de Belgische markt dat deze AI-gedreven misdrijven inpast in het Belgische ondernemingsstrafrecht en deze ook kritisch tegen het licht houdt. De grootste verwezenlijking van de auteur is dat haar boek erin slaagt om op een bevattelijke en toch alomvattende manier de rol van AI in criminaliteit en de impact ervan op het Belgische ondernemingsstrafrecht te vatten. Juist de bedrijfsjurist, advocaat, procureur of rechter die het boek niet ter hand neemt, want ?niets verstaat van technologie? of nog ?het zal mijn tijd wel duren?, zou het cadeau moeten krijgen omdat Julie de lezer eenvoudig over die drempels helpt met de ultieme stepping stone die iedere lezer al wel heeft: het recht.? ? Prof. dr. Catherine Van de Heyning Julie Petersen is advocaat aan de balie van Antwerpen (Waeterinckx Advocaten Ondernemingsstrafrecht) en is daarnaast als deeltijds assistent verbonden aan het Instituut voor Strafrecht van de KU Leuven. Zij is gespecialiseerd in het straf- en strafprocesrecht, meer specifiek in alle facetten van het ondernemingsstrafrecht, met een bijzondere interesse voor cybercriminaliteit.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )


Reference : 61484


‎En historisk Beretning om dansk-vestindiske Öer. St. Croix, St. Thomas og St. Jan tildeels efter Engelsk.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri, 1855. 8vo. Contemporary brown half calf with gilt spine. Wear to hinges and corners. A tear to top of back hinge, but binding tight. Internally nice and clean. (4), 284, (2) pp.‎

‎Scarce first edition of this historical account of the Danish West Indian islands: St. Croix, St. Thomas, and St. John. It offers an overview of the islands' history and includes a foreword by Bernard V. Petersen. The book is primarily based on John P. Knox: A Historical Account of St. Thomas etc...1852 as a source. Sabin 61222.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )


Reference : 61423


‎Das Geheimnuss Von Den Arbeitern Jm Weinberge (...).‎

‎Franckfurth, Metzler, 1713. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear to extremities, corner bumped and foot of spine with minor loss of leather. Internally fine and clean. (28), 400, (12), (16), 296 pp. ‎

‎Rare first edition of Petersen’s work on biblical parable of the workers in the vineyard, found in the Gospel of Matthew (20:1-16). The parable tells the story of a landowner who hires workers at different times of the day to work in his vineyard but pays them all the same wage which has been interpreted in various ways in Christian teachings. OCLC is only listing one copy (in Sachsen, Germany).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )

‎Petersen Eskild‎

Reference : CSD24RT

ISBN : 9782040112837

‎Malthus le premier anti-malthusien‎

‎Bordas Editions Broché D'occasion bon état 01/03/1993 150 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Kennedy (Jacqueline), sur - Petersen (Peter), ed. - Marechal (Robert), trad.‎

Reference : 43074


‎Jacqueline Kennedy - La première dame des Etats-Unis , librement adapté d'après des documents contemporains de Peter Petersen, texte français de Robert Maréchal‎

‎Centre Européen de Presse et d'Edition, E.P.E. , Hommes et Femmes Célèbres Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1963 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture illustrée d'une photographie de Jacky Kennedy avec ses deux enfants In-8 1 vol. - 151 pages‎

‎quelques planches hors-texte de photographies en noir et blanc Contents, Chapitres : Un rêve varié et exaltant - Comment on devient une jeune américaine accomplie - Le deuxième coup de foudre - Jack cause des soucis - La lutte pour la présidence - L'entrée à la Maison Blanche - Le dur métier de First Lady - Histoires d'enfant au coin du feu - Jackie, la femme qui a de l'avenir - Appendice sur la Maison Blanche dos recollé, sinon bon etat‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Photos and texts Robert Van der Hilst, Mark Power, Stephane Duroy, Anders Petersen, Gerard Rondeau, Tastuhiro Oshiro. ‎

Reference : 81451


‎European Eyes on Japan 2. Japan Today. Robert Van der Hilst, Mark Power, Stephane Duroy, Anders Petersen, Gerard Rondeau, Tastuhiro Oshiro. ‎

‎Collectif. EU-Japan Fest. EU-Japan Fest Japan Committee. , Kyushu-Okinawa Summit , 2000, in-4, broché sous jaquette, 173p. Texte anglais / japonais. Bon état. ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )


Reference : 11447


‎, Amsterdam, Kosmos, 1975., , originele uitgeversomslag, 19x26cm, 256pp, illustrated in color and b/w, index. ISBN 9021505320.‎

‎Sandberg, een open oog/ an open eye. Biografische notities/ Biographical notes. Teksten/ writings. Typografie/ Typographic design.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 18946


‎, Eklingen/ Munchen, Schreiber, 1927, Brochiert mit Schutzumschlag, 120 x 170mm., 180S. + Tabeln coloriert.‎

‎Eine praktische Unleitung fur Unzucht und Pflege der Kakteen und Sukkulenten. Guter Zustand.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎N. H. Petersen, E. ?strem, A. Bucker (eds.);‎

Reference : 30979

‎Resonances. Historical Essays on Continuity and Change,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2011 Hardback, X 266 p., 12 b/w ill. 4 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm. . ISBN 9782503534930.‎

‎Continuity and change enclose a problem field that is fundamental to the interpretation of historical material. On the one hand the notions that are necessary to perceive the historical account as a narrative: continuity, tradition, constancy, consistency, identity; on the other those that provide an impetus or drive to that account: change, innovation, rupture, or discontinuity. Resonances: Historical Essays on Continuity and Change explores the historiographical question of the modes of interrelation between these motifs in historical narratives. The essays in the collection attempt to realize theoretical consciousness through historical narrative 'in practice', by discussing selected historical topics from Western cultural history, within the disciplines of history, literature, visual arts, musicology, archaeology, philosophy, and theology. The title Resonances indicates the overall perspective of the book: how connotations of past meanings may resonate through time, in new contexts, assuming new meanings without surrendering the old. Ritus et Artes (RITUS 5). New.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )


Reference : 34089



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK450.00 (€60.35 )


Reference : 54301


‎""Dansk Atlas"". Kjøbenhavn og dets Omegn. (+) Helsingøer og dets Omegn. (+) Frederiksborg og Fredensborg. (+) Roeskilde og dets Omegn. (Fyn og Taasinge). (+) (Jylland).‎

‎København, 1832-60. 4to. Samtidig kartonnage med shirtryg. Rift ved øvre del af forreste fals. Skindtitel på forpermen ""Danske Prospecter af Petersen"". (2),65"48 pp. Det udkomne af teksten. Med ialt 61 kobberstukne plancher. rent velbevaret eksemplar.‎

‎Der udkom et kobberstukket titelblad (ikke tilstede her), og værket forblev ufuldendt. Der udkom kun tekst til København, Helsingør, Frederiksborg og Fredensborg og Roskilde. Ifølge Krohn, (1401) udkom der ialt 68 plancher. Det foreliggende eksemplar har 61 heraf.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,500.00 (€871.79 )


Reference : 54302


‎Vognfundene i Dejbjerg Præstegaardsmose ved Ringkjøbing 1881 og 1883. Et Bidrag til Oplysning om den Forromerske Jernalder i Danmark. Med 5 Tavler raderede i Kobber af Magnus-Petersen og 36 Figurer i Texten.‎

‎Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1888. 4to. Med orig. bogtrykte omslag, som dog er noget beskadigede med rifter i kanter og ved ryg, delvist repareret. Med dedikation til Dr. juris Joh. Steenstrup. Noget brunplettet. 52 pp. samt 5 kobberstukne plancher (det ene dobbeltsidet) og tekstillustr.‎

‎Den yderst sjældne originale beskrivelse af dette enestående fund, som omfatter en betydelig del af 2, 4-hjulede vogne.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,500.00 (€335.30 )
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