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Reference : 43109



‎Copenhagen, A/S Regnecentralen, 1964. 8vo. In the original yellow printed wrappers. ""Gier Algol 3. Kurt E. Larsen"" written in hand to front wrapper. 67 pp. A bit of wear to extremities and a bit of soiling, internally clean.‎

‎First edition of the Gier Algol III manual, a users' manual of the Algol 60 compiler system. The Algol 60 programming language was exceedingly influential and innovative and gave rise to many other programming languages, such as BCPL, B, Pascal, Simula and C. It is stated on the title-page that this is the ""Second edition of A Manual of Gier Algol"", which means, not that this is a later printing/edition of the paper, but that it is the second version of Gier Algol, being the 3rd paper in the Algol series. ""Where Algol 58 was considered quite properly to be a draft, Algol 60 was appreciated, almost immediately, as a rounded work of art. It was to become a universal tool with which to view, study, and proffer solutions to almost every kind of problem in computation."" (Origins of Cyberspace 813).""The language was designed by a committee of American and European computer scientist to address some of the problems with Fortran programming language. It had significant influence on later programming language design. John Backus developed a method for describing the syntax of the Algol 58 programming language. This was revised and expanded by Peter Nauer for Algol 60 and the resulting approach is known as Backus Naur form."" (O'Regan, Gerard. A brief history of computing, 2008, 80 p.).The Gier Algol was developed by the leading Danish computer scientist at that time: Henning Christensen, Gunnar Ehrling, Jørn Jensen, Peter Kraft, Paul Lindgreen, Knuth-Sivert Skog, Peter Willemoes and Peter Nauer, the later being a pioneer in computer science and in 2005 he won the ACM A.M. Turing Award for his work on defining the ALGOL 60 programming language. The N in the BNF notation stands for Nauer. (Backus-Naur form).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )


Reference : 61011


‎Leben und Thaten des beruhmten Konigl. Danischen Vice-Admirals Peter Tordenschilds. 3 vols. ‎

‎Kopenhagen, Mumme, 1753. 8vo. Bound in one comtemporary full calf binding with four raised bands and gilt lettering and ornamentation to spine. Wear to extremities, scratches to boards and with a few holes, showing the wooden boards underneath. Spine-ends with loss of leather. A worm-tract to lower margin of last few leaves, far from affecting text. A few stains to title-page but internally generally nice and clean. (16), 384, 408, 359 pp. + folded plate. ‎

‎The rare first German translation of Rothe’s famous account Peter Jansen Wessel Tordenskiold, commonly referred to as Tordenskjold, Vice-Admiral in the Great Nothern War. The work was first published in Danish under the title ""Forsøg til navnkundige danske Mænds Livs og Levnets Beskrivelse, Andet Stykke, Indeholdende den Danske SøeHeldt og Vice-Admiral Peder Tordenskiolds omstændelige Livs og Heldte-Levnets"", 1747-1750.Peter Jansen Wessel Tordenskiold (1690 – 1720), commonly known as Tordenskjold, was a legendary naval officer in the Danish-Norwegian navy during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. He became famous for his role in the Great Northern War (1700–1721) between the Scandinavian countries and Russia. At the age of only 30 he was killed in a duel. In Scandinavia he is still celebrated as one of the greatest military figures in their history. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,000.00 (€804.73 )


Reference : 55016



Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,250.00 (€167.65 )


Reference : 43108


‎A Manual of Gier Algol 4. - [FIRST EDITION OF THE GIER ALGOL 4 MANUAL.]‎

‎Copenhagen, A/S Regnecentralen, 1967. 8vo. In the original yellow printed wrappers. Former owner's stamp (K. Egelund Larsen) to front- and back-wrapper as well as title-page. 89 pp. A bit of wear to extremities, a bit of soiling to wrappers and a few spots to front wrapper. Internally nice and clean.‎

‎First edition of the Gier Algol 4 manual, a users' manual of the Algol 60 compiler system for the Gier computer (known as Gier Algol 4). The Algol 60 programming language was exceedingly influential and innovative and gave rise to many other programming languages, such as BCPL, B, Pascal, Simula and C. It is stated on the title-page that this is the ""Third edition of A Manual of Gier Algol"", which means, not that this is a later printing/edition of the paper, but that it is the third version of Gier Algol, being the 4th paper in the Algol series. ""Where Algol 58 was considered quite properly to be a draft, Algol 60 was appriciated, almost immediately, as a rounded work of art. It was to become a universal tool with which to view, study, and proffer solutions to almost every kind of problem in computation."" (Origins of Cyberspace 813).""The language was designed by a committee of American and European computer scientists to address some of the problems with Fortran programming language. It had significant influence on later programming language design. John Backus developed a method for describing the syntax of the Algol 58 programming language. This was revised and expanded by Peter Nauer for Algol 60 and the resulting approach is known as Backus Naur form."" (O'Regan, Gerard. A brief history of computing, 2008, 80 p.).The Gier Algol 4 was developed by the leading Danish computer scientists at that time: Tove Asmussen, Jørn Jensen, Søren Lauesen, Paul Lindgreen, Per Mondrup, Jørgen Zachariassen and Peter Nauer, the later being a pioneer in computer science" in 2005 he won the ACM A.M. Turing Award for his work on defining the ALGOL 60 programming language. The N in the BNF notation stands for Nauer. (Backus-Naur form).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK2,800.00 (€375.54 )


Reference : 13556

‎Udvalgte Digte. Valgte og med en Karakteristik forsynede af Prof. Rahbek, samt med Digternes Biographie af deres Broder F.W. Tröjel. 1.-2. Deel.‎

‎Kbhvn., 180l. 12mo. Beskedent samt. hshirtbd. 2. Del med kobberstukket titelblad. Fællestitelblad,XXII,190,CXXVI,127 pp. Begge dele trykt på velin, med stedvis brunplettet. Kobberstukket frontisp. af Flint.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK400.00 (€53.65 )

‎Jens Peter Schj dt, John Lindow, Anders Andr n (eds)‎

Reference : 65545

‎Pre-Christian Religions of the North. History and Structures‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 4 vols, lxviii + 2122 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:297 b/w, 3 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503574899.‎

‎Summary The product of an international interdisciplinary team, the History and Structures strand of the Pre-Christian Religion of the North series aims to approach the subject by giving equal weight to archaeological and textual sources, taking into consideration recent theories on religion within all the disciplines that are needed in order to gain a comprehensive view of the religious history and world view of pre-Christian Scandinavia from the perspective of the beginning of the twenty-first century. Volume I presents the basic premises of the study and a consideration of the sources: memory and oral tradition, written sources, religious vocabulary, place names and personal names, archaeology, and images. Volume II treats the social, geographical, and historical contexts in which the religion was practiced and through which it can be understood. This volume also includes communication between worlds, primarily through various ritual structures. Volume III explores conceptual frameworks: the cosmos and collective supernatural beings (notions regarding the cosmos and regarding such collective supernatural beings as the norns, valkyries, giants, and dwarfs) and also gods and goddesses (including rr, inn, Freyr, Freyja, and many others). Volume IV describes the process of Christianization in the Nordic region and also includes a bibliography and indices for the entire four-volume work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1. Introductory and Sources Jens Peter Schj dt, John Lindow, Anders Andr n, Preface & Introduction Jens Peter Schj dt, Theoretical Considerations Pernille Hermann, Memory, Oral Tradition, and Sources John Lindow, Written Sources John Lindow, Language: Religious Vocabulary Per Vikstrand, Language: Placenames and Personal Names Anders Andr n, Archaeology Anders Andr n, Images Terry Gunnell, Folklore Anders Andr n, The Spatial and Temporal Frame John Lindow, The Linguistic Frame Jens Peter Schj dt, Continuity and Break: Indo-European Jens Peter Schj dt, Continuity and Break: Germanic Rudolf Simek, Encounters: Roman Matthias Egeler, Encounters: Celtic Leszek P. S?upecki, Encounters: Slavic Thomas Dubois, Encounters: Baltic Thomas Dubois, Encounters: S mi Thomas Dubois, Encounters: Balto-Finnic Volume 2. Contexts and Communication between Worlds Anders Andr n, Historical and Social Contexts Stefan Brink, Laws and Assemblies John Lindow, Ethics Judy Quinn, Gender Jens Peter Schj dt, Kings and Rulers Jens Peter Schj dt, Warrior Bands Jens Peter Schj dt, Various Ways of Communicating Stephen A. Mitchell, Magic and Religion Torun Zachrisson & Anders Andr n, Ritual Space Andreas Nordberg, Ritual Time and Time Reckoning Olof Sundqvist, Cultic Leaders and Religious Specialists Jens Peter Schj dt, Crisis Rituals Jens Peter Schj dt, Cyclical Rituals Jens Peter Schj dt, Passage Rituals Neil Price, Death Ritual and Mortuary Behaviour John Lindow & Anders Andr n, Worlds of the Dead John Lindow, Fate John Lindow & Jens Peter Schj dt, The Divine, the Human and In Between Volume 3. Conceptual Frameworks: Cosmos and Collective Supernatural Beings, Gods and Goddesses Mathias Nordvig, Cosmogony Mathias Nordvig, Cosmology Anders Hultg rd, Cosmic Eschatology: Ragnar k John Lindow, Vanir and sir John Lindow, rr Jens Peter Schj dt, inn Olof Sundqvist, Freyr Jens Peter Schj dt, Loki Ingunn sd sard ttir, Freyja John Lindow, Baldr John Lindow, Nj?r r John Lindow, T r Anders Andr n, Ullr Sebastian C llen, Heimdallr Ingunn sd sard ttir, Frigg Jens Peter Schj dt, Hoenir John Lindow, Ska i John Lindow & Jens Peter Schj dt, Minor Gods and Goddesses Anders Andr n, Divine Twins Anders Andr n, Sun and Moon Rudolf Simek, Matronae John Lindow, D sir Karen Bek-Pedersen, Norns Judy Quinn, Valkyries Margaret Clunies Ross, Giants Terry Gunnell, Dvergar (Dwarfs) Terry Gunnell, lfar (Elves) Volume 4. The Christianization Process, Bibliography, General Indices Michael H. Gelting, The Christianization of Denmark S bj rg Walaker Nordeide, The Christianization of Norway J n Vi ar Sigur sson, The Christianization of the North Atlantic Bertil Nilsson, The Christianization of Sweden Tuomas Heikkil , Christianization of Finland H kan Rydving, The Christianization of the S mi Primary & Secondary Sources - General Indices‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 121

‎Ensemble de plaquettes de la revue Hourglass éditée par Peter Wood. ‎

‎ Nous avons en très bel état : Collectif, Curiouser & Curiouser, [les Surréalistes et leurs amis en Grande-Bretagne] Paris, Hourglass, 1995, 14,5 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [18], E.O. Plaquette éditée à l'occasion de l'exposition « Curiouser & Curiouser, les Surréalistes et leurs amis en Grande-Bretagne » de l'Espace UVA à Paris, organisée par Peter Wood en 1995 et qui rassembla de nombreux surréalistes anglais. Georges Lem, Eglantine aigre Paris, Hourglass, 1993, 14,5 x 21 cm, agr., 30 pp., E.O., numéroté 116/150 Max Hague, Swimming, peintures, dessins, assemblages Paris, Hourglass, s.d. [1994], 14,5 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [4] Plaquette éditée à l'occasion de l'exposition qui s'est tenu du 25 octobre au 1er novembre [1994] à l'Espace UVA à Paris, organisée par Peter Wood. Joyce Mansour, Floating Islands Paris, Hourglass, 1992, 15 x 21 cm, br., 50 pp., E.O. Traduction de Guy Flandre et Peter Wood de ce texte de Joyce Mansour publié initialement par Gallimard en 1973 in Histoires nocives: Jules César - Iles flottantes. Le nôtre, un des 100 exemplaires. Joyce Mansour, Julius Caesar Paris, Hourglass, 1991, 15 x 20 cm, br., 50 pp., E.O. Traduction de Peter Wood de ce texte de Joyce Mansour publié initialement par Gallimard en 1973 in Histoires nocives: Jules César - Iles flottantes. Le nôtre, un des 150 exemplaires. Farid Lariby, Hâter l'exigenceParis, Hourglass, s.d., 15 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [16], E.O., 24/150[Michel Lequenne, Hélène Lariby], Hommage à Farid Lariby 1937-1990, 30 octobre-10 novembre 1992Paris, Hourglass, s.d. [1992], 15 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [6]Guy Girard, Insula Pomorum Paris, Hourglass, 1990, 15 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [24], E.O., 19/100 Première traduction des poèmes de Guy Girard en anglais par Peter Wood, Guy Flandre et Guy Girard. Envoi à Guy Ducornet : « pour Guy Ducornet, ces poèmes traduits, en cette langue du pays des allers et retours vers l'île des pommes, avec amitié, Guy Girard, le 3 avril 2006. » Marianne van Hirtum, Proteus volens suivi de Le fantôme du quai Anatole Paris, Hourglass, 1991, 15 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [18], E.O., 54/250 Marianne van Hirtum, Peintures, dessins, objets Paris, Hourglass, s.d., 15 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [8] Plaquette éditée à l'occasion de l'exposition qui s'est tenu du 4 au 13 novembre 1991 à l'Espace UVA à Paris, organisée par Peter Wood. Marianne van Hirtum, John the Pelican Paris, Hourglass, 1990, 15,5 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [22], E.O., 77/150 Première traduction des poèmes de Marianne van Hirtum en anglais par Peter Wood et Guy Flandre. [André Bernard, Guy Bodson, Cassio, Gwen et Sol Diez, Georges Lem], Les Minutes du Sablier Paris, Hourglass, s.d., 14,5 x 21 cm, agr., n.p. [18] ‎

Phone number : 04 77 92 07 74

EUR400.00 (€400.00 )

‎Peter van Straaten‎

Reference : 61841

‎Peter van Straaten : 12 delige set boekjes (zie beschrijving)‎

‎, Van Gennep, 1991 Hardcovers, 12 delige set boekjes met het beste van Peter van Straaten ! In Prima Staat ! 190 x 130 mm. Titels : Seks & Erotiek / Huwelijk & Relatie / Reizen & Trekken / Trouw & Ontrouw / Mens & Bedrijf / Min & Onmin / Kunst & Cultuur / Zaken & Werk / Vrouwen & Mannen / Lijf & Leed / Eten & Drinken / Ouders & Kinderen.....Tekeningen in de welbekende stijl van Van Straaten met zwarte humor. ISBN 9789060129104.‎

‎ Peter van Straaten 1935-2016, TEKENAAR, CARTOONIST, SCHRIJVER Zijn werk is geliefd en veelomvattend: van politieke prenten, cartoons en strips, toneelstukken, erotische tekeningen tot vele bundels met proza. De carri re van Peter van Straaten beslaat meer dan een halve eeuw, waarin hij duizenden tekeningen maakte voor landelijke- en regionale dagbladen, weekbladen en boeken, alsook theater- en filmaffiches. Zijn werk is vele malen in boekvorm verschenen en jaarlijks, sinds 1994 tot heden, worden zijn tekeningen gebundeld in Peter?s Zeurkalender. Het werk van Peter van Straaten werd veelvuldig bekroond. Hij ontving onder meer de Gouden Ganzenveer in 2006 en in 2010 werd hem de Jacobus van Looy-prijs toegekend, een prijs voor dubbeltalenten. In 2011 ontving Van Straaten een eredoctoraat aan de Rijksuniversiteit Leiden. Peter won vijf keer de Inktspotprijs, de laatste keer in 2016.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR95.00 (€95.00 )

‎Peter Rogiers‎

Reference : 48981

‎Peter Rogiers, overzicht van het oeuvre van beeldhouwer Peter Rogiers‎

‎, Kannibaal, 2016 29 x 27 cm, 160 bladzijden, Hardcover, Quadrichromie, Tweetalige editie Nederlands-Engels. ISBN 9789492081643.‎

‎Indrukwekkend overzicht van het oeuvre van beeldhouwer Peter Rogiers Peter Rogiers is een van de bekendste Belgische beeldhouwers, wiens werk wereldwijd geexposeerd wordt en deel uitmaakt van tal van museumcollecties. Hij had onlangs soloshows in Berlijn, Parijs, Brussel, Antwerpen, New York en Los Angeles, en zijn werk werd opgenomen in de prestigieuze Louis Vuitton Building in Los Angeles. Als eerste kunstenaar ooit krijgt hij in 2016 voor de tweede keer, na vijftien jaar, een retrospectieve tentoonstelling in het Middelheimmuseum. In deze publicatie wordt een uitgebreide selectie van zijn werk sinds de jaren negentig getoond, afgewisseld met foto?s van zijn indrukwekkende installatieclusters in het Antwerpse openluchtmuseum. Rogiers beschouwt zichzelf als een figuratieve kunstenaar die verder werkt in de sculptuurtraditie en zo een plaats heeft in de kunstgeschiedenis, meer dan dat hij in zijn werk wil verwijzen naar de hedendaagse maatschappelijke context. In het verleden toonde Rogiers onconventionele, hybride sculpturen in polyurethaan, en recentelijk experimenteerde hij met vormen in aluminium, die door kunstcritica Lilly Wei in het magazine Art in America als echte highlights werden geprezen: ?Hoewel Peter Rogiers? sculpturen op het eerste gezicht alarmerend zijn, hebben ze ook fabuleuze kwaliteiten die elk gevoel van kwaadwilligheid tenietdoen. Ze bestaan uit gelijke delen barok, futurisme, surrealisme en kitsch, en ze belichamen zowel mimetische als verzonnen elementen. Op een ironische manier ontwricht Rogiers de integriteit van het figuratieve, door gezichten en ledematen (als dat is wat ze zijn) op onverwachte plaatsen te laten opduiken.? In samenwerking met het Middelheimmuseum, waar de grote retrospectieve van Peter Rogiers loopt van 21 mei tot 18 september 2016, en Tim Van Laere Gallery, Antwerpen. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR32.50 (€32.50 )


Reference : 1769


‎Toward a new Miro.‎

‎ New York : The Place Gallery, 1984. In-4, 292 x 236 : 54 pp., reliure à spirale, cartonnage illustré en couleur de l'éditeur. Reliure à spirale, cartonnage illustré en couleur de l'éditeur. ‎

‎Édition originale de ce catalogue publié à l'occasion de l'exposition de sculptures de Miro organisée à la Place Gallery de New York du 27 avril au 9 juin 1984.La couverture est constituée de carton à simple cannelure illustrée d'une composition figurant un collage. Les premiers feuillets comportent un texte en anglais de l'incontournable critique d'art américain Peter Schjeldhal (1942-2022) intitulé "Toward a new Miro".Nombreuses illustrations sur papier glacé imprimées en noir et blanc et en couleurs.Bel exemplaire malgré les coins très légèrement frottés. ‎

Librairie Busser - Savigny sur Orge

Phone number : 01 69 21 05 47

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : 61341


‎Theatrum divini regiminis a mundo condito usque ad nostrum seculum (...) Commentarii chronologici in tabulam mathematico-historicam.‎

‎Basel, Brandmylleri, 1683. 4to. In a contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with five raised bands and richlt gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Head of spine chipped, showing headbands. Small repair to spine. Lower outer corner of back board with large scratch showing the board underneath. Four-line note in contemporary hand to front free end-paper. Previous owner's name in contemporary hand to title-page. Internally fine and clean. (18), 354, 121, (1) pp. + 1 folded plate. ‎

‎First (only?) edition of mathematician Megerlin's work that combines mathematics, history, and theology to create a detailed historical and chronological analysis of divine governance from the creation of the world up to the second half of the 17th century. It is structured around the cycles of significant astronomical events, specifically the conjunctions and oppositions of Saturn and Jupiter, which recur approximately every 800 years. Peter Megerlin (1623–1686) was a German scholar and professor at the University of Basel. He was a theologian and mathematician and his work often reflected an interest in the intersection of these fields, of which this present work if a fine example. Megerlin famously tought Jacob Bernoulli, who later opposed his astrological interpretations of comet appearances. The work is of the utmost scarcity and we have only been able to trace one previous copy in the trade.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )


Reference : 61417


‎Theologia Polemica.‎

‎Ienae (Jena), Ioannis Guilielmi Hartungii, 1754. 4to. In contemporary full calf with five raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear to extremities, boards with a few scratches. Internally nice and clean. (10), 32, (2), 552 pp.‎

‎The rare first edition of Rausch’s unfinished ‘Theologia Polemica’. Johann Peter Reusch (1691 – 1758), was the son of a pastor. He studied philosophy, mathematics, theology and oriental languages at the University of Giessen starting in 1709, continuing in Marburg and Halle. Reusch earned his master’s degree in Jena in 1717. He became Rector of the Council School in Jena in 1719 and a professor of logic and metaphysics in 1738. Later, in 1755, he joined the theological faculty earning a Doctor of Theology during the university's jubilee in 1758.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 61100


‎Erleuterung uber S. T. Herrn Samuel Pufendorf Einleitung zur Historie der vornehmsten Reiche und Staaten.‎

‎Leipzig & Halle, Zeidler, 1695. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Wear to extremities, scratches to board with a bit of loss of leather. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Spine-ends chipped. Internally with light occassional browning. (22), 865 pp. + frontispiece and 1 folded table.‎

‎Rare first edition of Ludwig’s commentary on Samuel von Pufendorf’s ‘Einleitung zur Historie der Vornehmsten Reiche und Staaten’, a standard textbook for politically aspiring young aristocrats across Europe. Johann Peter von Ludwig or Ludewig) (1668-1743), was a prominent German jurist and historian. He studied at the University of Wittenberg and became a professor at the University of Halle, where he also served as royal historian and archivist. In 1719, he was ennobled by Emperor Charles VI. He later became Chancellor of the University and founded Halle's first regular newspaper.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 27039


‎Digte. Udgivne efter hans Død. 2 Deele.‎

‎k:, 1818. Indb. m. Gravblomster. Peter Foersoms Erindring helligede. K., 1819 i ét samt. slidt hldrbd. Gl. ejernavn streget ud på titelbl. af Første Deel. Uden portræt.‎

‎Gravblomsterne er med bidrag af Liebenberg, Ingemann, Rahbek, Tøxen, N. T. Bruun, Thaarup, m. fl.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK600.00 (€80.47 )


Reference : 40174


‎Egenhændigt brev med underskrift til Hr. Sandvig.‎

‎Dateret ""Lillehammer 17.8.1931"". 1 side 4to. Lødrup beskiver uenighed om ansættelser.‎

‎""Hans Peter Elisa Lødrup, født 1885, død 1955, født i Skien, norsk journalist og politiker (H). Redaktør av Riksmaalsbladet 1912-16, medarbeider i Aftenposten 1914-7 og 1923-30, redaktør (og eier) av Lillehammer Tilskuer 1930-40. Lødrup var i mange år medlem av Oslo bystyre og formannskap og hadde en rekke tillitsverv i Høyre og pressens organisasjoner. Utgav bl.a. Efter krigen. Politikk ute og hjemme (1925), Gustav Vigeland (1944), Vinjesvingen (1945), Det store oppgjør (1945)."" (Store norske Leksikon).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK500.00 (€67.06 )


Reference : 40175


‎Egenhændigt brev med underskrift til Sandvig.‎

‎Dateret Gudbrandsdølen, Lillehammer ""10.7.1931"". 1 side 4to. Brevet omhandler udgivelser og problemer med annoncer.‎

‎""Hans Peter Elisa Lødrup, født 1885, død 1955, født i Skien, norsk journalist og politiker (H). Redaktør av Riksmaalsbladet 1912-16, medarbeider i Aftenposten 1914-17 og 1923-30, redaktør (og eier) av Lillehammer Tilskuer 1930-40. Lødrup var i mange år medlem av Oslo bystyre og formannskap og hadde en rekke tillitsverv i Høyre og pressens organisasjoner. Utgav bl.a. Efter krigen. Politikk ute og hjemme (1925), Gustav Vigeland (1944), Vinjesvingen (1945), Det store oppgjør (1945)."" (Store norske Leksikon).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK500.00 (€67.06 )


Reference : 40176


‎Maskinskrevet brev med egenhændig underskrift til Hr. redaktør.‎

‎Dateret Lillehammer ""18. oktober 1933"". 1 side 4to. Lødrup ønsker at rejse til Tyskland for at skrive om valget og den nye politik"" han beder om 100 kroner til formålet.‎

‎""Hans Peter Elisa Lødrup, født 1885, død 1955, født i Skien, norsk journalist og politiker (H). Redaktør av Riksmaalsbladet 1912-16, medarbeider i Aftenposten 1914-17 og 1923-30, redaktør (og eier) av Lillehammer Tilskuer 1930-40. Lødrup var i mange år medlem av Oslo bystyre og formannskap og hadde en rekke tillitsverv i Høyre og pressens organisasjoner. Utgav bl.a. Efter krigen. Politikk ute og hjemme (1925), Gustav Vigeland (1944), Vinjesvingen (1945), Det store oppgjør (1945)."" (Store norske Leksikon). ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK500.00 (€67.06 )


Reference : 40177


‎Maskinskrevet brev med egenhændig underskrift til redaktør Anders Uchermann-Sandvig, Skiensfjordens Presse.‎

‎Dateret Gudbrandsdølen, Liellhammer, ""6 marts 1933"". 1 side 4to. Bervet omhandler sættere og arbejdsretten.‎

‎""Hans Peter Elisa Lødrup, født 1885, død 1955, født i Skien, norsk journalist og politiker (H). Redaktør av Riksmaalsbladet 1912-16, medarbeider i Aftenposten 1914-17 og 1923-30, redaktør (og eier) av Lillehammer Tilskuer 1930-40. Lødrup var i mange år medlem av Oslo bystyre og formannskap og hadde en rekke tillitsverv i Høyre og pressens organisasjoner. Utgav bl.a. Efter krigen. Politikk ute og hjemme (1925), Gustav Vigeland (1944), Vinjesvingen (1945), Det store oppgjør (1945)."" (Store norske Leksikon).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK350.00 (€46.94 )


Reference : 50662


‎Über den glatten Hai des Aristoteles, und über die Verschiedenheiten unter den Haifischen un Rochen in der Entwickelung des Eies. [In: Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Jahr 1840]. - [ESTABLISHING ARISTOTLE AS THE FOUNDER OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE]‎

‎Berlin, 1842. 4to. Entire volume of ""Abhandlungen""... and ""Mathamatische Abhandlungen""... 1840 present. Contemporary yellow boards with a vellum-like spine. Handwritten title to spine. A bit of wear and soiling to extremities, and corners bent. Internally fine and clean. Stamp to title-page (Dom-Gymnasium Magdeburg, also stamped out). Pp. (187)- 257 + 6 plates, two of which are folded. Text very nice, bright, and clean, plates with a bit of brownspotting. [Entire volume: (6), XVII, (5), 400 pp. + 10 plates, 4 of which are coloured + (4), 137 pp.].‎

‎First printing of this foundational work, which established the acceptance, by the modern world, of Aristotle as the founder of biological science. It is due to the present work that modern encyclopaedias will now conclude that ""Aristotle is properly recognized as the originator of the scientific study of life."" (SEP). Apart from its importance to the modern view of Aristotle, the present paper was also central to Müller's construction of a natural system of the fishes. For centuries, the authority of Aristotle in matters of science and biology was unrivalled, but with modern science, the advancement of exact knowledge, and modern man's ability to investigate the smallest of details, Aristotle's scientific and zoological works increasingly came to be viewed as not properly belonging to the exact sciences. Many biologists would claim that his observations were fanciful and incorrect, not constituting any real scientific value. This view completely changed with the publication of the present paper, by the renowned zoologist Müller.In his ""Historia Animalium"", Aristotle had described a phenomenon in a shark, which no modern zoologist believed to be true. Had it been true, our classification among sharks and fish would need to be different, as this fanciful observation would completely alter our view of the shark as such. Müller, in the present treatise, was the first to actually prove Aristotle's observation to be true, thereby altering the modern conception of Aristotle, earning him the respect that he truly deserved as the first scientific biologist and as the originator of the scientific study of life. ""Müller placed the Cyclostomata among the fishes. He was thus led to study the sharks... A further product of this investigation was ""Über den glatten Hai des Aristoteles"" (1842). In ""Historia animalium"", Aristotle had reported that the embryos of the ""so-called smooth shark"" are attached to the uterus of the mother by a placenta, as is the case among mammals. Rondelet had described such a shark in 1555 and Steno had observed one in 1673 off the coast of Tuscany, but it had not been referred to in more recent times. Müller was the first who was able to corroborate the earlier testimony.In conjunction with the study of the shark, Müller constructed a natural system of the fishes based on work as painstaking as it was perceptive."" (DSB).Johannes Peter Müller (1801-58) was one of the most important physiologists and zoologists of the 19th century. He made a vast number of important discoveries, and his unusual and empirical approach to his subjects made him one of the most influential scientists of the century. ""Müller introduced a new era of biological research in Germany and pioneered the use of experimental methods in medicine. He overcame the inclination to natural-philosophical speculation widespread in German universities during his youth, and inculcated respect for careful observation and physiological experimentation. He required of empirical research that it be carried out ""with seriousness of purpose and thoughtfulness, with incorruptible love of truth and perseverance."" Anatomy and physiology, pathological anatomy and histology, embryology and zoology-in all these fields he made numerous fundamental discoveries. Almost all German scientists who achieved fame after the middle of the nineteenth century considered themselves his students or adopted his methods or views. Their remarks reveal his preeminent position in medical and biological research. Helmholtz, one of his most brilliant students, termed Müller a ""man of the first rank"" and stated that his acquaintance with him had ""definitively altered his intellectual standards""."" (DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,000.00 (€2,414.20 )


Reference : 54297


‎Acerra Philologica. Det er: Tre Hundrede udlæste, nyttelige, lystige oc tænckværdige Historier oc Discurser, Tilsammenbracte aff de berømteste Grædske oc Latinske Scribentere. Huor vdi Indholdis Poeternis fleeste Dicter, de gamle Romeris oc Grækers fo...‎

‎Kiøbenhaffn, Salomon Sartor og Jørgen Holst, 1639. Lille 8vo. Noget senere hldrbd. Ryg med stregforgyldninger. Forgyldt rygtitel. Noget slid langs kanter.Titelbladet trykt i rød/sort. (16),208,86),214,(10),192,(8) pp. Sidste blad i faksimile (=sidste side af register til 3. afdeling). Indvendig med brugsspor og spredte pletter.‎

‎Første danske oversættelse. Originalen udkom første gang i Rostock 1633 med 200 historier. Peter Lauremberg var broder til den kendte professor i matematik i Sorø Hans Lauremberg. Han blev i 1624 professor i poesi og medicin ved Rostock universitetet og her blev han rektor i 1635. Han forblev i Rostock til sin død i 1639.Bibl. Danica II,464.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 59846


‎The Eaton-Richardson Library on the Atom. - [ ""A PIONEER CATALOGUE"" ON ATOMIC PHYSICS]‎

‎(London), 1960. Folio. Loose leaves in original cloth portfolio and slipcase. Gilt lettering to spine. Mimeographed typescript, printed on one side only. Ca. 400 unnumbered leaves.‎

‎The catalogue is very scarce, as apparently only a small number was issued. It comprises a checklist of the library and manuscript archives of Nobel Laureate Professor Sir Owen Willans Richardson, as offered for sale by Peter Eaton. Especially strong in electron theory and manuscript materials, the catalogue is also a useful reference for ephemeral material relating to pre-World War II atomic science. The collection was purchased by Texas University.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK8,500.00 (€1,140.04 )


Reference : 20025


‎Mindetale over Herr Andreas Peter, Greve af Bernstorff... holden i Videnskabernes Selskab den 3 November 1797.‎

‎Kbhvn., (1797). Nydeligt senere papbd. af klistermarmor. 57 pp. På svært skrivepapir.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK350.00 (€46.94 )


Reference : 36580


‎Lukas I-II. Tidsskrift om Kunst. Redigeret af Peter Brandes, Karsten Ohrt, Herbert Pundik og Mikael Wivel. 2 Bd.‎

‎København, Rhodos, 1994-96. Stor4to. Rigt farveillustreret. Hhv. nr. 418 og 227 af 500 eksemplarer.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK300.00 (€40.24 )

‎PETER (L.-J.) et HULL (R.)‎

Reference : 10889

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EUR17.30 (€17.30 )


Reference : 11863

‎A B C de la marine à voile, dessins de Peter KNUTH, Paris, Arthaud,1990.‎

‎1 vol. in-8° br., couv. illustrée pelliculée, 146 p. + illustrations couleurs et croquis, Très bon état d'occasion. ‎

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EUR14.50 (€14.50 )
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