A Genève, Librairie Jullien-Editeur, 1899. Grand in-8, broché, couverture illustrée et rempliée, 278 pp.
Édition originale. Un des 700 exemplaires numérotés sur vélin à la forme. Illustré de 30 compositions de Louis DUNKI dans et hors-texte. Bel exemplaire. Photos sur demande.
Traduzione di Catello Cosenza dalla prima edizione originale riveduta e rielaborata dall'autore. Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese, Torino, 1969. In-8 gr., mz. tela edit., pp. XIX,492. Volume n. 35 della collana Sociologi ed Economisti. Ben conservato.
Lex8vo-oblong. Orig. full cloth with dustjacket. 159 pp. Richly illustrated.
Genève, Jullien, 1900. Grand in-8 de VII-278-[6] pages, demi-maroquin rouge, dos lisse avec titre doré, filet doré sur les plats, couvertures et dos conservés.
Illustré de 30 compositions de Louis Dunki, gravées par Maurice Baud. Edition originale au tirage limité à 710 exemplaires, celui-ci un des 700 sur vélin à la forme (334), signé par l'éditeur au justificatif. Nom de posseur au crayon à papier, au titre.
Genève, Libriaire J. Jullien 1900, 250x165mm, VII- 278pages, Percaline ornée de l’éditeur, couverture conservée.Exemplaire numéroté sur papier vélin à la forme 684/700. Très bel exemplaire.
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Paris, Magnificat, 2007. 14 x 18, 415 pp., très nombreusres illustrations en couleurs, reliure d'édition carton imprimé, état neuf.
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 4 vols, lxviii + 2122 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:297 b/w, 3 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503574899.
Summary The product of an international interdisciplinary team, the History and Structures strand of the Pre-Christian Religion of the North series aims to approach the subject by giving equal weight to archaeological and textual sources, taking into consideration recent theories on religion within all the disciplines that are needed in order to gain a comprehensive view of the religious history and world view of pre-Christian Scandinavia from the perspective of the beginning of the twenty-first century. Volume I presents the basic premises of the study and a consideration of the sources: memory and oral tradition, written sources, religious vocabulary, place names and personal names, archaeology, and images. Volume II treats the social, geographical, and historical contexts in which the religion was practiced and through which it can be understood. This volume also includes communication between worlds, primarily through various ritual structures. Volume III explores conceptual frameworks: the cosmos and collective supernatural beings (notions regarding the cosmos and regarding such collective supernatural beings as the norns, valkyries, giants, and dwarfs) and also gods and goddesses (including rr, inn, Freyr, Freyja, and many others). Volume IV describes the process of Christianization in the Nordic region and also includes a bibliography and indices for the entire four-volume work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 1. Introductory and Sources Jens Peter Schj dt, John Lindow, Anders Andr n, Preface & Introduction Jens Peter Schj dt, Theoretical Considerations Pernille Hermann, Memory, Oral Tradition, and Sources John Lindow, Written Sources John Lindow, Language: Religious Vocabulary Per Vikstrand, Language: Placenames and Personal Names Anders Andr n, Archaeology Anders Andr n, Images Terry Gunnell, Folklore Anders Andr n, The Spatial and Temporal Frame John Lindow, The Linguistic Frame Jens Peter Schj dt, Continuity and Break: Indo-European Jens Peter Schj dt, Continuity and Break: Germanic Rudolf Simek, Encounters: Roman Matthias Egeler, Encounters: Celtic Leszek P. S?upecki, Encounters: Slavic Thomas Dubois, Encounters: Baltic Thomas Dubois, Encounters: S mi Thomas Dubois, Encounters: Balto-Finnic Volume 2. Contexts and Communication between Worlds Anders Andr n, Historical and Social Contexts Stefan Brink, Laws and Assemblies John Lindow, Ethics Judy Quinn, Gender Jens Peter Schj dt, Kings and Rulers Jens Peter Schj dt, Warrior Bands Jens Peter Schj dt, Various Ways of Communicating Stephen A. Mitchell, Magic and Religion Torun Zachrisson & Anders Andr n, Ritual Space Andreas Nordberg, Ritual Time and Time Reckoning Olof Sundqvist, Cultic Leaders and Religious Specialists Jens Peter Schj dt, Crisis Rituals Jens Peter Schj dt, Cyclical Rituals Jens Peter Schj dt, Passage Rituals Neil Price, Death Ritual and Mortuary Behaviour John Lindow & Anders Andr n, Worlds of the Dead John Lindow, Fate John Lindow & Jens Peter Schj dt, The Divine, the Human and In Between Volume 3. Conceptual Frameworks: Cosmos and Collective Supernatural Beings, Gods and Goddesses Mathias Nordvig, Cosmogony Mathias Nordvig, Cosmology Anders Hultg rd, Cosmic Eschatology: Ragnar k John Lindow, Vanir and sir John Lindow, rr Jens Peter Schj dt, inn Olof Sundqvist, Freyr Jens Peter Schj dt, Loki Ingunn sd sard ttir, Freyja John Lindow, Baldr John Lindow, Nj?r r John Lindow, T r Anders Andr n, Ullr Sebastian C llen, Heimdallr Ingunn sd sard ttir, Frigg Jens Peter Schj dt, Hoenir John Lindow, Ska i John Lindow & Jens Peter Schj dt, Minor Gods and Goddesses Anders Andr n, Divine Twins Anders Andr n, Sun and Moon Rudolf Simek, Matronae John Lindow, D sir Karen Bek-Pedersen, Norns Judy Quinn, Valkyries Margaret Clunies Ross, Giants Terry Gunnell, Dvergar (Dwarfs) Terry Gunnell, lfar (Elves) Volume 4. The Christianization Process, Bibliography, General Indices Michael H. Gelting, The Christianization of Denmark S bj rg Walaker Nordeide, The Christianization of Norway J n Vi ar Sigur sson, The Christianization of the North Atlantic Bertil Nilsson, The Christianization of Sweden Tuomas Heikkil , Christianization of Finland H kan Rydving, The Christianization of the S mi Primary & Secondary Sources - General Indices
Charles Amirkhanian, John Ashberry, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Bill Berkson, Joe Brainard, Michael Brownstein, William S. Burroughs, John Cage, Jim Carroll, Tom Clark, Clark Coolidge, Gregory Corso, Robert Creeley, Diane Di Prima, Ed Dorn, Larry Fagin, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Frank Lima, Michael McClure, Gerard Malanga, Bernadette Mayer, Frank O'Hara, Charles Olson, Peter Orlovsky, Maureen Owen, Ron Padgett, John Perreault, Charles Plymell, Ed Sanders, Jack Spicer, Lorenzo Thomas, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Diane Wakoski, Anne Waldmann, Philip Whalen, John Wieners
Reference : 103163
1974 disque Etats-Unis, 1974, Giorno Poetry System GPS003, 2 disques 33trs, 30cm, sous pochette ouvrante, conception et photographies de Les Levine.Cet album est un "do-it-yourself dial-a-poem kit".Avec Charles Amirkhanian, John Ashberry, Imamu Amiri Baraka, Bill Berkson, Joe Brainard, Michael Brownstein, William S. Burroughs, John Cage, Jim Carroll, Tom Clark, Clark Coolidge, Gregory Corso, Robert Creeley, Diane Di Prima, Ed Dorn, Larry Fagin, Allen Ginsberg, John Giorno, Frank Lima, Michael McClure, Gerard Malanga, Bernadette Mayer, Frank O'Hara, Charles Olson, Peter Orlovsky, Maureen Owen, Ron Padgett, John Perreault, Charles Plymell, Ed Sanders, Jack Spicer, Lorenzo Thomas, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Diane Wakoski, Anne Waldmann, Philip Whalen, John Wieners. (103163)
Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37
London Hamish Hamilton 1983 1 vol. broché in-8, broché, couverture illustrée, 507 pp., index. Edited by John Goodwin. Texte en anglais. Très bon état. Exemplaire provenant de la bibliothèque d'Alain Resnais.
Hewlett-Packard Journal - James H. Holl and Frank E. La Fetra, Jr. - Frederic C. Amerson - Patria G. Alvarez, Greg L. Gilliom, John R. Obermeyer, Paul L. Rogers and Malcolm E. Woodward - William M. Parish, Eric B. Decker and Edwin G. Wong - Robert H. Banta, Peter H. Dorvard and Steven A. Scampini - John C. Doue and Anthony G. Vallance
Reference : Cyb-2972
Hewlett-Packard Journal Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1985 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's illustrated wrappers In-4 1 vol. - 35 pages
Contents, Chapitres : James H. Holl and Frank E. La Fetra, Jr. : VLSI delivers low-cost, Compac HP 3000 computer system- Frederic C. Amerson : Simplicity in microcoded computer architecture - Patria G. Alvarez, Greg L. Gilliom, John R. Obermeyer, Paul L. Rogers and Malcolm E. Woodward : Simulation ensures working first-pass VLSI computer system - William M. Parish, Eric B. Decker and Edwin G. Wong : Creative ways to obtain computer system debug tools - Robert H. Banta, Peter H. Dorvard and Steven A. Scampini : New cardiograph family with ECG analysis capability - John C. Doue and Anthony G. Vallance : Computer-aided ECG analysis - Authors (with photographies) the top of the journal is lightly folded, else near fine copy, no markings
Hawkes (Peter W.), ed. - A. Gopinath - Heinrich Hora and Peter H. Handel - John N. Lee and Arthur D. Fisher - Kenji Murata and David F. Kyser - Harry Wechsler
Reference : Cyb-4051
Academic Press , Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's full black printed clothes, no dust-jacket grand In-8 1 vol. - 338 pages
1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Contributors, Preface, xi, Text, 327 pages - A. Gopinath : Voltage measurement in the scanning electron microscope - Heinrich Hora and Peter H. Handel : New experiments and theoretical development of the Quantum modulation of electrons (Schwarz-Hora effect) - John N. Lee and Arthur D. Fisher : Device developments for optical information processing - Kenji Murata and David F. Kyser : Monte Carlo methods and microlithography simulation for electron and X-ray beams - Harry Wechsler : Invariance in pattern recognition near fine copy, no markings, no dust-jacket
, Brepols, 2022 Paperback, xcv + 442 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:63 b/w, 1 col., Language(s):English, Middle English. ISBN 9782503594675.
Summary The scene is Rome in the fifteenth century, Golden Rome, a magnet drawing pilgrims by its architectural attractions and the magnitude of its religious importance as the mother of faith. The Austin friar John Capgrave attended Rome for the Jubilee in 1450, including the Lenten stations, and his Solace of Pilgrimes, intended as a guide for subsequent pilgrims, was written up following the author's own pilgrimage. In three parts it covers the ancient monuments, the seven principal churches and the Lenten stations, and other churches of note, especially those dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The work has been described as the most ambitious description of Rome in Middle English. The present edition offers a new Text based on a transcription of the author's holograph manuscript. Parallel with the Text there is a modern English Translation. The illustrations, mostly from a period slightly later than the 1450 Jubilee, aim to give some visual clue as to what Capgrave saw. There is a full account of the multiple sources that he used, most of which is the product of new research. Following the Text there is a Commentary that aims to provide some background information about the buildings and monuments that Capgrave focuses on, and to explain and illuminate any difficulties or points of interest in the Text. Capgrave is an omni-present guide leading us towards what he considered an appropriate interpretation of the classical past as a foundation for the Christian present, which built on it and surpassed it. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Abbreviations Introduction Select Bibliography Editorial Procedure The Solace of Pilgrimes by John Capgrave OSA Part I Ancient Rome Introduction and list of chapters in Part I ch 1 The original founders of Rome ch 2 The gates, walls and towers of Rome ch 3 The bridges of Rome ch 4 The hills of Rome ch 5 The 'palaces' in Rome ch 6 The triumphal arches in Rome ch 7 The cymyteries 'catacombs' in Rome ch 8 Holy places and their pre-Christian names ch 9 The Angulla Sancti Petri 'St Peter's Obelisk' ch 10 Pagan temples turned to Christian use ch 11 The Capitol ch 12 The statue of the Dioscuri ch 13 The statue of Marcus Aurelius at the Lateran ch 14 The Coliseum ch 15 The Pantheon ch 16 Ara Celi ch 17 The Mausoleum of Augustus ch 18 The Septizodium ch 19 The Circus of Tarquinius Priscus ch 20 The Cantharus in the atrium in front of old San Pietro ch 21 The 'pyramid' or tomb of Romulus ch 22 The paleys 'temple' of Trajan ch 23 The conch-shaped font where Constantine was allegedly baptized ch 24 The place called Omnis Terra (= Monte Testaccio) ch 25 The rulers of Rome from the time of Romulus to the last king Tarquinius ch 26 The rulers of Rome from Tarquinius to the first emperor ch 27 The emperors of Rome from Julius Caesar to Frederick II (d 1250) Part II The seven principal churches and the stations for Lent Prologus ch 1 San Pietro ch 2 San Paolo fuori le Mura ch 3 San Sebastiano ch 4 San Giovanni in Laterano ch 5 Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 6 San Lorenzo fuori le Mura ch 7 Santa Maria Maggiore ch 8 The station at Santa Sabina ch 9 The station at San Giorgio in Velabro ch 10 The station at Santi Giovanni e Paolo ch 11 The station at San Trifone ch 12 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 13 The station at San Pietro in Vincoli ch 14 The station at Santa Anastasia ch 15 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore ch 16 The station at San Lorenzo in Panisperna ch 17 The station at Santi Apostoli ch 18 The station at San Pietro ch 19 The station at Santa Maria in Domnica ch 20 The station at San Clemente ch 21 The station at Santa Balbina ch 22 The station at Santa Cecilia in Trast vere ch 23 The station at Santa Maria in Trast vere ch 24 The station at San Vitale ch 25 The station at Santi Marcellino e Pietro ch 26 The station at San Lorenzo fuori le Mura ch 27 The station at San Marco ch 28 The station at Santa Pudenziana ch 29 The station at San Sisto Vecchio ch 30 The station at Santi Cosma e Damiano ch 31 The station at San Lorenzo in Lucina ch 32 The station at Santa Susanna ch 33 The station at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 34 The station at Santi Quattro Coronati ch 35 The station at San Lorenzo in Damaso ch 36 The station at San Paolo fuori le Mura ch 37 The station at San Martino ai Monti and the station at San Silvestro in Capite ch 38 The station at Sant'Eusebio ch 39 The station at San Nicola in Carcere ch 40 The station at San Pietro ch 41 The station at San Crisogono ch 42 The station at San Ciriaco in Thermis ch 43 The station at San Marcello al Corso ch 44 The station at Sant'Apollinare ch 45 The station at San Stefano Rotunda ch 46 The station at San Giovanni alla Porta Latina ch 47 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 48 The station at Santa Prassede and the station at Santi Nereo e Achilleo ch 49 The station at Santa Prisca ch 50 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore ch 51 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 52 The station at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme ch 53 The station at San Giovanni in Laterano ch 54 The station at Santa Maria Maggiore Part III Other churches of note, especially those dedicated to our Lady Prologus ch 1 Santa Maria Rotunda (= Pantheon) ch 2 Santa Maria in Aracoeli ch 3 Lacking ch 4 Santa Maria sopra Minerva ch 5 Santa Maria Annunziata ch 6 Santa Maria in Transpontina ch 7 Santa Maria in Palmis ch 8 Santa Maria del Populo ch 9 Santa Maria Antiqua ch 10 Santa Maria in Cosmedin ch 11 Santa Maria Imperatrice ch 12 Santa Maria della Consolazione ch 13 Santa Maria in Portico Further chapters lacking Commentary Appendix Index of Names and Places
Wenner-Grens Institut - Olov Lindberg - John Runnström - Bjorn Afzelius - Harry Boström - Lars Ernster - Tryggve Gustafson - Berndt E. Hagström - Tore Hultin - Peter Perlmann
Reference : 68117
Almqvist and Wiksells , Wenner-Grens Institut - Stockholm Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1959 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's illustrated brown wrappers grand In-8 1 vol. - 130 pages
1 plate in frontispiece and a portray of John Runnström in black and white Contents, Chapitres : Olov Lindberg : Preface - In Retrospect - John Runnström : A search for insight into the problems of embryonic development - Bjorn Afzelius : Aspects of electron microscopical work in biology - Harry Boström : Radioactive sulphate as a tool in medical research - Lars Ernster : Mitochondria as a research object on the border-line of biology and medicine - Tryggve Gustafson : Studies in developmental physiology - Berndt E. Hagström : Some aspects of fertilization - Tore Hultin : On the function of the endoplasmic reticulum - Peter Perlmann : Immunochemical and immunobiological studies - Research projects in progress 1959 - Staff for 1959 - List of publications (40 pages, 890 issues) - Index - List of dissertations near fine copy, no markings
Pour la Science - Maurice Daumas - Maurice Daumas - Werner Soedel et Vernard Voley - Norman Smith - Ladislao Reti sur Léonard de Vinci - Arthur Klein sur Peter Bruegel l'ancien - Lynn White - Eugene Ferguson - John Bierlein - Thomas Howard - Stanley Backer - Robert Woodbury - F. Heath - Otto Mayr - Ralph Mosher - James Nevins et Daniel Whitney - Stanley Angrist
Reference : 101266
Belin , Bibliothèque Pour la Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1982 Book condition, Etat : Bon relié, cartonnage éditeur blanc, illustré d'une photographie d'engrenages dans un réducteur de vitesse de Leroy-Somer et Michel Duteuil In-4 1 vol. - 184 pages
très nombreuses illustrations dans le texte en noir et blanc, quelques-unes en couleurs nouvelle édition française, 1982 Contents, Chapitres : Maurice Daumas : Préface - 1. L'époque des précurseurs : Werner Soedel et Vernard Voley : Balistes et catapultes de l'antiquité - Norman Smith : Les techniques hydrauliques des romains - Ladislao Reti : Léonard de Vinci, ingénieur mécanicien - Arthur Klein : A la découverte des techniques du xvie siècle avec Peter Bruegel l'ancien - 2. Le choix d'une force motrice : Lynn White : Les utilisations de l'air à l'époque médiévale - Norman Smith : L'histoire de la turbine à eau - Eugene Ferguson : Les origines de la machine à vapeur - 3. La recherche de l'efficacité : John Bierlein : Les paliers - Thomas Howard : Excavateurs et tunneliers - Stanley Backer : Les méthodes de filature - Robert Woodbury : L'origine du tour - 4. La voie de l'automatisation : F. Heath : Le métier Jacquard et le code binaire - Otto Mayr : La régulation des machines par rétroaction - Ralph Mosher : Les télémanipulateurs - James Nevins et Daniel Whitney : Les robots industriels - 5. Quêtes et querelles : Eugene Ferguson : L'homme-machine - Stanley Angrist : Les machines à mouvement perpétuel - Index et Bibliographie cartonnage empoussiéré, à peine jauni, coins de la couverture à peine émoussés, sinon en bon état, intérieur propre, papier à peine jauni
[Christopher (Peter)] - Dyson (John), Christopher (Peter) (photographies de) Coin Cuenca (Dr Luis Miguel) (recherches maritimes de)
Reference : 1672
1991 1991 JC Lattès, Paris, 1991. 1 volume in-4 cartonnage d'éditeur avec jaquette, 228 pages. Bel état.
La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné. La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné.
Salway, Peter / Blair, John / Guy, John / Morill, John / Langford, Paul / Harvie, Christopher / Morgan, Kenneth O.
Reference : 6832
Oxford University Press 11 x 17,5 Oxford 2000 Sept volumes, couvertures rempliées, 78, 90, 112, 99, 119, 171, 128 pp. Collection "A Very Short Introduction" de l'Université d'Oxford. Les sept exemplaires correspondent aux numéros 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. Exemplaires à l'état neuf.(C49)
ARRABAL (Fernando) - BROOK (Peter) - MNOUCHKINE (Ariane) - BOURSEILLER (Antoine) - CAGE (John) -SAVARI (Jérôme) - Alexandro Jodorowsky.
Reference : 44089
Paris : Editions Christian Bourgois, 1968. Un volume broché (11,8x19,8 cm), 281 pages. Un cahier photographique. Textes de Peter Brook, Antoine Bourseiller, Tom Bissinger, Jérome Savari, Ariane Mnouchkine, John Cage, Alexandro Jodorowsky. Bon état.
( Revue Heavy Metal / Métal Hurlant - Bandes Dessinées ) - Val Mayeric - Denis Sire - Lee Marrs - Chantal Montellier - John Pocsik - Bruce Jones Studio - Moebius - Vaughn Bodé - Byron Preiss - Michael Reaves - Peter A. Kuper - Philippe Caza - Kenneth Smith - Paul Kirchner - Frank Margerin - Walt Simonson - Joseph Zucker - Mick Jagger - Keith Richards - James Waley - Gene Day - Arthur Suydam - Jim Starlin.
Reference : 29409
Heavy Metal Magazine Vol. III. N° 4, August 1979. In-4 agrafé de 100 pages au format 28 x 21 cm. Couvertures illustrées par Montxo Algora. Plats et intérieur frais. Textes et dessins de Val Mayeric, Denis Sire, Lee Marrs, Chantal Montellier, John Pocsik, Bruce Jones Studio, Moebius, Vaughn Bodé, Byron Preiss, Michael Reaves, Peter A. Kuper, Philippe Caza, Kenneth Smith, Paul Kirchner, Frank Margerin, Walt Simonson, Joseph Zucker, " Sympathy for the Devil ", scénario de Mick Jagger et Keith Richards ( paroles ) adapté par James Waley et Gene Day, Arthur Suydam, Jim Starlin. Complet de l'insert " certificat " pour s'abonner. Rare édition originale en superbe état général.
Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
La Salle, Open Court 1994 xxviii + 334pp., signed with dedicace by P.Urbach, 23cm., softcover, VG
Lerner (Rita G.), Series Editor - William Feckinger and Kenneth L. Kowalski eds. On Michelson and Morley - John Schoff Millis - Wolfgang K.H. Panofsky - Dorothy Michelson Livingston - Arthur L. Schawlow - Hans A. Bethe - Frederick Reines - Peter F. Michelson - Albert Libchaber - Ivar Giaever - Philip W. Anderson - Kenneth G. Wilson - Leon Lederman - Murray Gell-Mann - Robert Kirshner - Paul Ching-Wu Chu
Reference : 101163
American Institute of Physics - AIP, New York Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1988 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover, editor's binding, printed cloths, clear brown grand In-8 1 vol. - 274 pages
12 plates out of text at the beginning of the volume (8 in colors, complete), many black and white text figures 1st edition, 1988 Contents, Chapitres : Contents, Prologue, Acknowledgments, xvi, Text, 258 pages and catalogue - John Schoff Millis : Celebration - Wolfgang K.H. Panofsky : Physics at higher energies and smaller distance, are there limits ? - Dorothy Michelson Livingston : Reminiscences of my father - Arthur L. Schawlow : Atoms, molecules and light - Hans A. Bethe : The life of the stars - Frederick Reines : Neutrinos from the atmosphere and beyond - Peter F. Michelson : The search for gravitational waves : Probing the dynamics of space-time - Albert Libchaber : Experimental gaze at nonlinear phenomena - Ivar Giaever : A Physicist's view of biology - Philip W. Anderson : Strange insulators, strange semiconductors, strange metals : High 7, as a case history in condensed-matter physics - Kenneth G. Wilson : Grand challenge to computational science - Leon Lederman : The supercollider : Assault on the summit - Murray Gell-Mann : Is the whole Universe composed of superstrings ? - Robert Kirshner : SN1987A : The supernova of lifetime - Paul Ching-Wu Chu : The discovery and the physics of superconductivity above 100 K near fine copy, no markings, complete of the 12 plates, a nice copy - no dust-jacket, supposingly as issued
Mattock John, Mc Hoy Peter, Newdick Jane
Reference : RO20236791
ISBN : 2876771969
Soline. 1994. In-4. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 160 pages. Nombreuses photos en couleurs dans le texte. Cinq onglets. Reliure à spirale. Second plat à rabat avec velcro permettant de faire tenir l'ouvrage debout (système chevalet). . . A l'italienne. Classification Dewey : 582.13-Fleurs (ouvrages généraux)
Photographies de Neil Sutherland, John Glover et Peter Mc Hoy. Traduction française de Jean Marie Merle et Anne Blot. Classification Dewey : 582.13-Fleurs (ouvrages généraux)
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - John Earman and Clark Glymour - William K. Goosens - Donald W. Mertz - Peter Barker
Reference : 27281
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1980 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 81 pages
Contents, Chapitres : John Earman and Clark Glymour : The gravitational red shift as a test of general relativity : history and analysis - William K. Goosens : Galileo 's response to the Tower argument - Donald W. Mertz : On Galileo 's method of causal proportionality - Peter Barker : Hertz and Wittgenstein working copy from Pierre Thuillier, few annotations on the article from Mertz - few words handwritten on the cover
Journal of Studies in History and Philosophy of Science - Peter K. Machamer - John Hedley Brooke - William McGucken
Reference : 33391
Pergamon Press , Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1973 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 104 pages
Contents, Chapitres : Peter K. Machamer : Feyerabend and Galileo : The interaction of theories and the reinterpretation of experience - John Hedley Brooke : Chlorine substitution and the future of organic chemistry - Methological issues in the Laurent-Berzelius correspondence, 1843-44 - Review : William McGucken : Nineteenth-Century spectroscopy : development of the understanding of spectra 1802-1897 - reviewed by Clifford L. Maier - Books received - Notes on contributors few words handwritten on the front-wrapper, very few annotations at ink, otherwise near fine copy
Journal of the History of Ideas - E.J. Hundert - John B. Noone - Ted B. Humphrey - Michael Goldberg - Oscar J. Hammen - Dennis Porter - Mark Sacharoff - Christopher R. Reaske - Roland N. Stromberg - Peter H. Hare
Reference : 27346
Temple University, Philadelphia , Journal of the History of Ideas Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1972 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback grand In-8 1 vol. - 188 pages
Contents, Chapitres : E.J. Hundert : Locke between ideology and history - John B. Noone : Rousseau 's theory of natural law - Ted B. Humphrey : Internal structure in Kant 's thought - Michael Goldberg : Dickens ' political development - Oscar J. Hammen : Alienation in Marx and Engels - Dennis Porter : Anatole France 's liberalism - notes : Mark Sacharoff : Suicide in Julius Caesar - Christopher R. Reaske : The devil and Jonathan Edwards - Roland N. Stromberg : Uncertainties about the League of Nations - Peter H. Hare : Hazard on free will - reviews : Donald Weinstein : Interpretations of Renaissance Humanism - William Gerber : Tonelli 's list of Subject Dictionaries
[Philip Taaffe] - Yau, John, Robert Kelly and Peter Lamborn Wilson
Reference : 097959
ISBN : 9781935263043
Yau, John, Robert Kelly and Peter Lamborn Wilson: Philip Taaffe: Works on Paper. Exhibition: New York, Gagosian Gallery, 2010. 152 pages, illustrated throughout. Hardback. 25.5 x 31.5cms.