PERROT G.F. ( editor ) - Almanach des Iles de JERSEY , GUERNSEY , AUREGNY et SERK :
Reference : 42312
.: Jersey, imprimé et publié par G.F. Perrot, au Bureau de la ''Chronique''. 1856, in-12°, 15,5 x 10 cm, 143 pp, bound in green buckram with leather title label on spine. Only backwrapper has been retained, title page a bit soiled, the copy of Henry Berry of n° 1 Wharfstreet St. Heliers ( his name in ink on the title page). Text in French. Livre en français. Rare 19th century almanak published and serving the Channel Islands, contains information on shipping and shipbuilding on the islands, with lists of ships and crews.
PERROT G.F. ( editor ) - Almanach des Iles de JERSEY , GUERNSEY , AUREGNY et SERK :
Reference : 42313
.: Jersey, imprimé et publié par G.F. Perrot, au Bureau de la ''Chronique''. 1860, in-12°, 15,5 x 10 cm, 150 pp + (32) nn pp ( publicity) , bound in green buckram with leather title label on spine. Text in French. Livre en français. Rare 19th century almanak published and serving the Channel Islands, contains information on shipping and shipbuilding on the islands, with lists of ships and crews.
PERROT G.F. ( editor ) - Almanach des Iles de JERSEY , GUERNSEY , AUREGNY et SERK :
Reference : 42314
.: Jersey, imprimé et publié par G.F. Perrot, au Bureau de la ''Chronique''. 1864, in-12°, 15,5 x 10 cm, 160 pp , the publicity leaves are missing, bound in green buckram with leather title label on spine. Text in French. Livre en français. Rare 19th century almanak published and serving the Channel Islands, contains information on shipping and shipbuilding on the islands, with lists of ships and crews.