175 books for « pedersen »Edit

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Reference : X114408


‎Hittitica philologica : Convolute of 10 works on the Hittite language‎

‎Stuttgart, e.a., 1945-1961 10 works bound together in one physical volume, nice modern hardcover in half cloth and marbled boards, 24cm., good condition, weight: 1.3kg., [Content: 1: SOMMER F., Hethiter und Hethitisch (Stuttgart, 1947, 111pp.) / 2: LAROCHE E., Recherches sur les noms des dieux hittites (Paris, 1947, 141pp.) / 3: PEDERSEN H., Lykisch und Hittitisch (Kobenhavn, 1945, 77pp.) / 4: Collectif, Conférence de l'institut de linguistique de l'université de Paris, IX année 1949 (Paris, 1950, 94pp.) / 5: LAROCHE E., Recueil d'onomastique hittite (Paris, 1951, 153pp.) / 6: BILGIC Emin, Die einheimischen Appelativa der kappadokischen Texte und ihre Bedeutung für die anatolischen Sprachen (Ankara, 1954, 88pp.) / 7: FRIEDRICH J., Sprachliches zu den hetthitischen Gesetzen (sonderdruck aus Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, 14pp.) / 8: Id., Zu AO24,3 (Aus dem hethitischen Schrifttum, .Heft) (sonderdrück id., [24] pp.) / 9: ROSENKRANZ B., Die hethitische hi-Konjugation und das idg. Perfekt (ca.1959, 8pp.) / 10: NEUMANN G., Untersuchungen zum Weiterleben hethitischen und luwischen Sprachgutes in hellenistischer und römischer Zeit (Wiesbaden, 1961, 115pp.)], X114408‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR180.00 (€180.00 )

‎Various authors (GOTZE Albrecht, WITZEL Maurus O.F.M., PEDERSEN H., OTTEN Heinrich, e.a.)‎

Reference : X114411


‎Hittitica : Convolute of 10 works on the Hittite history and language‎

‎[Various places], 1924-1950 Collection of 10 works (mostly text editions or transcribed text editions) on Hittica bound in one physical volume, nice solid modern hardcover, 23cm., weight: 1.4kg., good condition, [Content: 1: GOTZE A., Ausgewählte hethitische Texte. Historischen und juristischen Inhalts transkribiert (Bonn, 1925, 26pp.) // 2: Kumarbi transkription (s.l., 32pp.) // 3: WITZEL M., Hethitische Keilschrift-Urkunden in transcription und Uebersetzung mit Kommentar. 1.Die Texte (Fulda, 1924, xv + 176pp.) // 4: GOTZE A., Hethitische Texte Heft.3: Madduwattas (Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1928, 178pp.+ 6 plates) // 5: GOTZE A. & PEDERSEN H., Mursilis Sprachlähmung. Ein hethitischen Text mit philologischen und linguistischen Erörterungen (Kobenhavn, 1934, vii + 83pp.) // 6: OTTEN Heinrich, Die Überlieferungen des Telipinu-Mythus (Inaugural-Dissertation, Friedrich-Wilhelms- Universität Berlin, 1940, 79pp.) // 7: GUTERBOCK Hans Gustav, Kumarbi. Mythen von churritischen Kronos aus den hethitischen Fragmenten zusammengestellt übersetzt und erklärt (Istanbul, 1946, viii + 128pp.) // 8: FRIEDRICH Johannes, Der churritische Mythus vom Schlangendämon Hedammu in hethitischer Sprache (1949, [25] pp.) // 9: FRIEDRICH J., Churritische Märchen und Sagen in hethitischer Sprache (1950, [38] pp.) // 10: CAVAIGNAC E., Les annales de Subbiluliuma (Strasbourg, Heitz, 1931, 27pp.)], X114411‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR200.00 (€200.00 )


Reference : 5135


‎Le Danemark a-t-il sauvé Céline.‎

‎ Plon 1975. In 8 reliure cartonnée éditeur, jaquette illustrée, 217 pp, très léger accroc en tête de la jaquette sur le premier et le second plat, bel état sinon. Helga Pedersen fut ministre de la Justice.‎

Phone number :

EUR80.00 (€80.00 )


Reference : F14159

‎Van Kierkegaard tot Sartre‎

‎, Antwerpen, De Nederlandsche Boekhandel, 1952, 167pp., linnen band‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : T54849


‎Hittitisch und die anderen Indoeuropäischen Sprachen‎

‎Kobnhavn, Levin & Munksgaard 1938 227pp., in the series "Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. Historik-filologiske Meddelelser" XXV-2, text in german, 24cm., stamp & signature of previous owner, else VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )


Reference : F66865


‎The emotions in hellenistic philosophy‎

‎Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998 xii + 380pp., 25cm., in the series "The new synthese historical library" vol.46, previous owner's name on front endpaper, hardcover (cart.), VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )


Reference : O67023


‎The first universities. Studium generale and the origins of university education in Europe‎

‎Cambridge, Cambridge University Press 1997 xvi + 310pp., 24cm., previous owner's name on front endpaper, hardcover (cloth), dustwrapper, VG‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎HALEN Harry & PEDERSEN Bent Lerbaek‎

Reference : X71278


‎C. G. Mannerheim's Chinese pantheon. Materials for an iconography of Chinese folk religion‎

‎Helsinki, Finno-Ugrian society 1993 93pp.with ills. + 443 ills. out-of-text, in oblong (22x31cm.), printed in 2 columns, in the series "Travaux ethnographiques de la société finno-ougrienne" vol.15, cloth, dustwrapper, VG, X71278‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )


Reference : X75747


‎Bidrag til en analyse af de Mandaeiske skrifter. Med henblik paa bestemmelsen af Mandaeernes forhold til Jodedom od Kristendom‎

‎Aarhus, Universitetsforlaget i Aarhus 1940 226pp., 26cm., softcover, good condition, [text in Danish], [doctoral dissertation "Denne Afhandling er af det teologiske Fakultet antaget til offentlig at forsvares for Doktorgraden, Kobenhavn, 1940"], scarce, X75747‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )


Reference : F105435


‎Aristotle's Theory of Moral Insight‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 1983 xii + 291pp., 1st edition, publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper (spine somewhat sunfaded), 23cm., text and interior clean and bright, good condition, F105435‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎PEDERSEN Holger (& TASHEAN Hakovbos, transl.)‎

Reference : X114360


‎Hin hayereni c'owc'akan deranownnere : yawelowacov hndikewropakan jaynaworac' p'oxanakowt'eanc' masin‎

‎Wien [Vienna], Mechitharisten-Buchdruckerei [Mkhit'arean Tparan] 1907 [7] + 95pp., text fully in Armenian, bound in solid modern cloth, original frontcover preserved, 20cm., text and interior are clean and bright, in the series "Nationalbibliothek" Band 54, very good condition, [study about demonstrative pronouns and about Indo-European vowels in the Armenian language], X114360‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )

‎Olafur Eliasson / Michael Holm (Editor), Anna Engberg-Pedersen Co-auteur: Engberg-Pedersen, Anna‎

Reference : 62198

‎Olafur Eliasson Experience Revised and Expanded Edition‎

‎, Phaidon, 2022 Hardcover 488 pages, Illustrated. 31.5 x 24.7 x 4.1cm. fine. ISBN 9781838665685.‎

‎mschrijving An updated and expanded edition of the acclaimed in-depth monograph on one of the most influential artists of our time. Conceived in close collaboration with the artist, this updated survey tracks Eliasson's artistic practice from the 1990s to the present day, including recent exhibitions at Tate Modern, London (In real life, 2019) and the Beyeler Foundation, Basel (Life, 2021). Through hundreds of illustrations bracketed by writings on and by Eliasson, this book provides an unparalleled overview of his‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR79.00 (€79.00 )


Reference : 33340


‎Romersk Elegi. Digte og Grafik. Udgivet af Carl-Henning Pedersen og Henry Thejls.‎

‎København, 1971. Stor8vo. Orig. omslag med orig. træsnit. 127 pp. Talrige træsnit trykt med de originale skæringer af Thejls. Nr. 629 af 800 eksemplarer signeret af Carl-Henning Pedersen og med egenhændig dedikation: ""15. april 1972/ Kæreste Grete (Zahle) !/ Nok et nyt forår oplever vi - dine hengivne Kari-Else-og Carl-Henning"". Frisk eksemplar.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,200.00 (€160.95 )

‎PEDERSEN (Steffen).‎

Reference : 112884


‎French: Advance and Other Lines.‎

‎ Gambit Publications, 2005, gr. in-8°, 144 pp, broché, couv. illustrée, bon état‎

‎In the third and final volume of his series on the French Defence, Steffen Pedersen covers all of White's alternatives to 3 Nc3 and 3 Nd2. These include the aggressive Advance, the quiet Exchange, and side-variations such as the Two Knights, King's Indian Attack and the Wing Gambit. In these lines, it is White who determines the central structure and sets the pace of the game. With the Advance Variation, White establishes a space advantage, and will often seek to exploit this by creating attacking chances on the kingside, or a bind on the queenside. Both sides have a variety of systems at their disposal, and the player who is better acquainted with the intricacies of these lines will tend to come out on top. It is a perennial favourite among players with a direct aggressive style: Shirov has played the Advance many times in recent years, while it has been employed by Sveshnikov and Kupreichik throughout their careers. The Exchange Variation leads to open and generally symmetrical positions. Pedersen carefully examines White's attempts to seize the initiative, and also recommends ways for Black to create play if White adopts a more stolid approach. ‎


Phone number : 01 43 54 43 61

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : M11690


‎ P , Horizons de France, 1958 , gr in8 toile grise illustrée éditeur , 188pp Langue: Français ‎

Nord - Sud - Kervignac

Phone number : 06 98 91 56 56

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎PEDERSEN, Carl-Henning et RAMSON, Sidsel ‎

Reference : 31490

ISBN : 2702210031


‎Paris Editions Cercle d'Art 2013 in 4 (29,5x25) 1 volume reliure toilée bleue de l'éditeur sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs, 303 pages, avec de nombreuses reproductions en couleurs, et des photographies en noir et blanc. Texte bilingue français et anglais. Très bel exemplaire ( Photographies sur demande / We can send pictures of this book on simple request ) ‎

‎Très bon Jaquette en très bon état Reliure ‎

Librairie Rouchaléou - Saint André de Sangonis

Phone number : 06 86 01 78 28

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎Enrico Morano, Samuel N.C. Lieu, Nils Arne Pedersen (eds)‎

Reference : 64480

‎Manichaica Taurinensia‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, xii + 404 pages, Size:210 x 297 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 120 col., Language(s):English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503584072.‎

‎Summary The volume contains the proceedings of the ninth international symposium of the International Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS) held at the University of Turin (11th-15th September, 2017) and covering all major aspects of Manichaean studies. This new volume brings the research on many aspects of Manichaeism up to date and offers also first editions or re-editions with new interpretations of Manichaean texts in the languages used by the Eastern and Western Manichaeans. It includes important studies on Manichaean Art, and on newly discovered Manichaean texts in Chinese and Parthian from Xiapu in South China. TABLE OF CONTENTS Jason BEDUHN ? Manichaean Redaction of Non-Manichaean Narratives, and the Case of Bilawhar and Budasf Fernando BERMEJO-RUBIO ? Syncretism versus Transversality: On the Emergence of Mani's Religious Outlook Iris COLDITZ ? Some Iranian Names of Manichaeans from Non-Iranian Sources. With an Appendix to Iranisches Personennamenbuch 2,1 Federico DRAGONI and Enrico MORANO ? A Sogdian Manuscript in Manichaean Script on Cosmogony and Rules for Elect and Hearers in Manistans Jean-Daniel DUBOIS ? The coming of Jesus ?without a body? (Kephalaion I, 12, 20ff.) Desmond DURKIN-MEISTERERNST ? ?rdhang wifr?s Jorinde EBERT ? A Manichaean Portrait Painter at the Chinese Song Court? Majella FRANZMANN ? Heavenly mothers and virgins and the earthly Eve Zsuzsanna GUL CSI ? Digital Restoration of an Icon of Jesus Preserved on an Uygur Manichaean Mortuary Banner from 10th-century Kocho Xiaodan HU ? The 7 distresses and 5 destinies of the individual soul: A study on Dunhuang Chinese Manichaean text the Scripture on Buddha-Nature ??? in comparison with Turfan and Coptic parallels G bor K SA ? A Survey of Research on the New Textual Materials from China (2013-2017) Samuel N.C. LIEU ? Manichaean Self-Identity revisited (I) Xiao-He MA ? The Painting of the Birth of Mani in Japan and ?The Hymn of the Descent? in the Mani the Buddha of Light manuscript Rea MATSANGOU ? Legal aspects regarding Manichaean assembly places in the later Roman Empire Gunner MIKKELSEN ? Up?ya in the Chinese Manichaean Texts from Dunhuang Evgenia MOISEEVA ? Prolegomena to Mani's vision of the Old Testament Bet l ZBAY ? The Orthography of the Rounded Vowels in Old Uyghur Manichean Texts Bet l ZBAY and ?ehnaz B? ER ? The Headline Ornament: Analysis of the Illuminated Manichaean Manuscript: MIK III 6368 Nils Arne PEDERSEN ? Differing Interpretations of Mani's Apostolate in Manichaean Sources: Subordination or Superiority? Andrea PIRAS ? The Painting of the Living Soul. Metaphors and Practices of Self Restoration Flavia RUANI ? Playing with Literature for Religious Competition: Manichaean Characters in Syriac Hagiography Natale SPINETO, Julien Ries e gli studi sul Manicheismo Michel TARDIEU ? Les m tamorphoses du Troisi me Messager Michel TARDIEU, Danny PRAET and Flavia RUANI ? , Franz Cumont et le d veloppement des tudes manich ennes H kon Fiane TEIGEN ? 'The Church where I am': Elect organisation in the Roman Empire A ron VANSPAUWEN ? Manichaean citations in De fide contra Manichaeos: The circulation of Latin Manichaean texts in North Africa Yutaka YOSHIDA ? B g Qaghan, Zieme, Clark, and Moriyasu: On some aspects of the early phase of the Uighur Manichaeism‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR135.00 (€135.00 )


Reference : 46643

‎The Mapping of Antarctica.Par Jakob Sondergard Pedersen, Philip Curtis‎

‎Unknown Publisher ,2012-01-01, in-4 de 164 pages ,broché ,Très bon état ,Langue : Anglais .Isbn : 9780957149700.(4 photos du livre sur mon site https://www.vieuxlivre.fr) .Les frais de port pour la France sont offerts à partir de 20 euros d'achat (Mondial relay )et 30 d'achat (colissimo suivi ). Pour l'étranger : tarif livre et brochure, colissimo international, DHL express‎

Phone number : 0623153626

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎N. J. Green-Pedersen (ed.);‎

Reference : 33843

‎Johannes Buridanus, Quaestiones topicorum,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 Paperback, XXIV+208 p., 165 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503528533.‎

‎This critical edition is the first edition of John Buridan's commentary on Aristotle's Topics. The work is preserved in one complete manuscript of good quality and in four abbreviated versions. Buridan composed the work at the University of Paris in the first half of the fourteenth century, and the work illustrates very well how the commentators of this period took a freer attitude to Aristotle than previously and were selective about the passages which they commented upon. In book II Buridan discussed a number of sophisms which are not found in his collection of sophisms. The commentary was quite influential in the fifteenth century, particularly on the teaching in the universities of Central and Eastern Europe. Languages: Latin, English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR60.50 (€60.50 )


Reference : 35041


‎Røster fra Nordatlanten. Paa Dansk ved Poul. P.M. pedersen. Tegninger af Sven Havsteen-Mikkelsen.‎

‎København, Gyldendal, 1942. Ubeskåret i orig. bogtrykte omslag. 79 pp. Illustreret. Med lang dedikation på htitlen til Einar Munksgaard.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK350.00 (€46.94 )


Reference : 54187


‎Biscops Absolons Oc her Esbern Snaris Herrekomst oc Adelige Stamme: Desligeste Sore Closters første Fundatz oc Fundatores. Sammenscreffuen met flid aff Morten Pedersøn, den 50. Abbet i Sore Closter...Er tillagt i enden, de Førsters oc Førstinders Ligs... - [THE FIRST DANISH WORK ON GENEALOGY]‎

‎Kiøbenhaffn, Laurentz Benedicht, 1589. Lille 4to. Nydeligt velbevaret halvlæderbind med skindtitel på ryg fra omkr. 1700. Marmoreret overtrækspapir på permer. Titelblad trykt i rødt og sort. 41 blade, teksten komplet, men uden sidste blanke blad. Med 29 store træsnit i teksten, skåret af L. Benedicht, afbildende skjoldefrisens våben. Gennemgående skjold, af varierende markering, nederst på siderne. Lettere brugsspor, et blad med lille hul repareret. Eksemplaret stammer fra Thore Virgin's samling på Quarnfors (No 184) og med mærkaten Ex Bibliotheca Rolf Wistrand N. 2082 på indersiden af bagpermen. Ex-libris Poul Hauge og Max Ebert.Small 4to. Lovely well preserved half calf from ab. 1700 with leather title-label to spine. Marbled paper over boards. Dampstaining throughout, af varying degree, to the bottom of the leaves. A bit of wear, and one leaf with a small repaired hole. With 29 large woodcuts in the text, cut but L. Benedict. Title-page printed in red and black. 41 ff. Text complete, but without the final blank. Frm Thore Virgin's library.‎

‎The extremely rare first edition of the first genealogical work of Denmark. The work documents the genealogical history of the Hvide family, to which the founder of Copenhagen, the great Absalon, belonged. ___________________________Det yderst sjældne originaltryk af Danmarks første genealogiske værk. Som abbed på Sorø Kloster interesserede Morten Pedersen sig for Klostrets grundlægger og Hvideslægtens historie som afbildet på ""Skjoldefrisen"" i Klosterkirken. Gengivelserne af frisens våbenskjolde i bogen er den ældste dokumentation for deres udformning, og bogens træsnit blev derfor benyttet som rettesnor for restaureringen af frisen i 1871. Bogen indeholder yderligere historien om Klostrets grundlæggelse og de kongelige grave heri. Birkelund nr. 35 - Thesaurus Nr. 213 - Bibl. Danica III:951.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK28,000.00 (€3,755.42 )


Reference : 100391


ISBN : 3857092882

‎Graphis Photo 88.‎

‎Zurich Graphis Press Corp. 1987 1 vol. relié Graphis Photo 88, le répertoire internationale de la photographie. in-4, cartonnage sous jaquette illustrée, 264 pp., nombreuses photos en noir et en couleurs. Texte trilingue anglais-allemand-français. Très bon état.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 54219


‎Nogle Betenkninger om det Cimbriske Sprog. - [FIRST DANISH WORK OF COMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS]‎

‎Kiøbenh. (i.e. Copenhagen), 1663. 8vo. Contemporary full vellum with handwritten title to spine. Nice and tight with little wear. Einar Christiansen's book plate to inside of front board. (10), 200 pp. With the wonderful engraved illustrated title-page with 11 lovely illustrations allegorically depicting the different chapters. WITH A DATED (1676) ORIGINAL SIGNATURE OF PEDER PEDERSEN SYV INSERTED TO FRONT FREE END-PAPER. ‎

‎The very rare first edition of the first Danish work of comparative linguistics and the first Danish work on comparative history of literature. The work is of seminal importance to the development of the Danish language as the accepted official and written language of Denmark. The seminal philological treatise constituted a programmatic defense of vernacular national languages and Syv is hereby responsible for introducing Danish in a wider spectrum of social domains and to establish a notion of Danish literature as accepted in its own right. Up until Syv, Latin and German were the learned languages of Denmark and the languages used for all matter of official business. But just as Dante had done with Italian, Peder Syv, with the present work, began the quest of making Danish a language also respected for written literature.The Cimbrian language included Scandinavian, Gothic, Slavic, German, and partly English and Russian, and Syv regarded it as one of the oldest tongues in the world, coming from Hebrew and older than Greek and Latin. He refused to view it as originally German. ""Peder Syv is sometimes referred to as ""the fist Danish grammarian."" In this remarkable little book, with its curious illustrated title-page, Syv defends the use of the Danish language in literature. To demonstrate the strength of his native danish tongue, Syv cites the accomplishments of important authors writing in Danish... for example, Huitfeldt, Skonning, Arrebo, Bording, and Pontoppidan."" (Reinhardt)Nancy S. Reinhardt: ""Danish Literature. An exhibition at the Houghton Library"". The Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986, nr. 10.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK30,000.00 (€4,023.66 )
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