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‎Patrick Gautier Dalch ‎

Reference : 65019

‎Mappae mundi (VIIIe-XIIe si cle)‎

‎, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 2 vols, 1237 pages, Size:230 x 315 mm, Illustrations:684 col., Language: French. ISBN 9782503597249.‎

‎Summary ?The mappae mundi exist in scores of manuscripts and much work needs to be done before secure generalizations may be based upon them?, wrote the English historian Denys Hay in 1957. This book aims to contribute to this study by describing in detail the hundreds of diagrams and more elaborate maps found in medieval (mainly Latin) manuscripts up to around 1200. Most documents have been examined directly, some having been described from microfilm or electronic reproductions. Each document, far from being considered in isolation, is described in terms of its materiality (how the drawings were made, reprints and corrections, etc.), its codicological context (place of the drawing in the economy of the codex, rubrication, etc.) and its intellectual context (illustrated texts, place of the drawing on the page and in the codex as a whole). Taking these data into account will enable specialists to define precisely the reasons that contributed to the creation of these drawings. Each entry is accompanied by a reproduction of the map in large format to allow for comparisons and more in-depth study, making this book an indispensable resource for all related research. Les mappae mundi existent dans un grand nombre de manuscrits, et beaucoup de travail doit tre accompli avant que des g n ralisations certaines puissent tre fond es sur elles , crivait l'historien anglais Denys Hay en 1957. Cet ouvrage entend contribuer ce programme en d crivant dans le d tail les centaines de diagrammes et de cartes plus d velopp es que l'on rencontre dans les manuscrits m di vaux (principalement latins) jusqu'aux environs de 1200. La plupart des t moins ont t examin s directement, certains ayant t d crits partir de microfilms ou de reproductions lectroniques. Chaque t moin, loin d' tre consid r isol ment, est d crit dans sa mat rialit (fa on dont les dessins ont t r alis s, repentirs et corrections...), dans son contexte codicologique (place du dessin dans l' conomie du codex, rubrication...) et intellectuelle (textes illustr s, place du dessin dans la page et dans l'ensemble du codex). La prise en compte de ces donn es permettra aux sp cialistes de d finir pr cis ment les raisons qui ont contribu la r alisation de ces dessins. De tr s nombreuses reproductions permettent des comparaisons et des recherches plus approfondies, faisant de l'ouvrage un instrument de travail indispensable.‎


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