Paris, Victor Masson, Imprimerie de Bachelier, 1853. Without wrappers. In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique"", 3me Series - Tome XXXVIII, August-issue. With titlepage to vol. 38.Pp. 385-508. a. 2 plates.(entire issue - Aout). Pasteur's paper pp. 437-483. Some scattered brownspots.
First appearance of an importent paper in which Pasteur extended his work on the optical activity and the molecular assymetry. An importent paper among the handfull of his early papers on these subjects.An importent paper by Robert Bunsen comes with the Pasteu-paper in this issue: ""Recherches sur les Rapports intrinseques des Phénomenes pseudovolcaniques de L'Islande"". Pp.385-436 a. 1 plate.