".: 15. Register, page size 437 x 291 mm, containing ca. 200 leaves ; 125 lvs size 437 x 291 are completely blank ; 40 lvs size 410 x 270 are also completely blank, end 18th century, ( written pages contain some manuscript notes in ink referring to 1793). Bound in old full vellum, (re-used leaf from an antiphonary) . Good quality, rather strong spotless paper (in all 165 leaves with the minimum size of 410 x 270, which is rather large for 18th-century paper). Watermark grapevine height 40 mm - on the other part of the leaf the letters CV C.."
".: 11. Paper size is 301 x 194 mm, 105 blank leaves, manufactured in the 18th century , ( ca. 1750), watermark ; Coat of arms of Amsterdam held by two Lions ( similar to Churchill Nr. 48) with the Letter LV on the opposite page). The leaves are bound in a contemporary vellum binding. As vellum cover was used a leaf of an earlier manuscript antiphonarium. The book contains 2 x 30 pages ( not counted as blank leaves) of 18th and 19th c. manuscript bookkeeping and/or notary annotations. The blank leaves are clean and stainless .The written leaves, at both sides of the book, have not been counted in. (See Churchill, Watermarks in Paper, Third impression , 1967, Herzberger, Amsterdam)."
".: 12. Paper size is 328 x 204 mm, 88 blank leaves, manufactured and bound in the 18th century , half vellum binding, boards covered with blue-grey paper, with ties in linen. Interior without any markings except for a page number in ink on the upper right hand corner; pp. 5 - 92 ( the first four leaves have been removed). Watermark ; Pro Patria similar to Churchill Nr. 130-153, but from a design not corresponding with any of these numbers. With the name ''J Vatelde - (or) J. Villelden - (or) J. Vahlagen ? '' ( difficult to decipher). (See Churchill, Watermarks in Paper, Third impression , 1967, Herzberger, Amsterdam). In clean and fine condition.."
".: 12. Paper size is 325 x 200 mm, 94 leaves, manufactured in the 18th century , ( ca. 1755), watermark ; Pro Patria, with the manufacturar's intitials IB VL. , similar to Churchill Nr. 135. The leaves are gathered in quires and still sewed together. The quires were removed from a binding. The leaves are clean and stainless .The dustsoiled outer leaves have not been counted in. (See Churchill, Watermarks in Paper, Third impression , 1967, Herzberger, Amsterdam)."
".: Wormerveer & Zaandijk, Oude Blauwmill , paper size is 316 x 206 mm, 138 leaves, manufactured in the late 18th - early 19th century , ( ca. 1800), watermark ; Pro Patria, with the manufacturar's intitials D & C Blauw , similar to Churchill Nr. 82. The leaves are bound in cloth , with green silk ties. The leaves are clean and stainless . All pages contain a margin line drawn in red ink. The first 13 leaves have a double line in the middle and a small (alphabet) cut out in the outer margin. Fine item, in a contemporary cloth binding, ready for use as a ledger, but here unused. (See Churchill, Watermarks in Paper, Third impression , 1967, Herzberger, Amsterdam)."
".: 12. Paper size is 312 x 200 mm, 105 leaves, manufactured and bound in the 18th century , full vellum binding with traces of ties. Interior without any markings. In the middle of the book some leaves have been neatly removed ( not counted in the actual number of leaves). Watermark ; Amsterdam coat of arms similar to Churchill Nr. 58 but without any symbols underneath. On the opposite page the initials '' I T M ''. (See Churchill, Watermarks in Paper, Third impression , 1967, Herzberger, Amsterdam). In clean and fine condition.."
".: 14. Paper size is 242 x 165 mm, 152 numbered blank leaves, ( lvs numbering from 23 to 176 - the first 22 lvs have been removed )Handmade paper of the 18th c. (?) , watermark ; the letters ''s'' and ''m'' connected with an upper ligature The leaves are bound in a contemporary full vellum, with two leather ties. On the front cover is written '' Registre concernant les affaires de M. et Madame de Ste-Simon Bidou ''. We are unable to estimate the period in which this paper was produced ( 18thc. or early 19th ?)."
.: 11. Vellum binding containing 100 leaves of blank paper. Size 298 x 186 mm, no watermark, handmade paper, French, end of 18th century (can be deduced from a manucript note in ink on the front cover of the binding.) Une reliure en plein parchemin qui contient 100 feuilles de papier blanc, Français, fin 18ième siècle (d'après une note contemporaine sur le plat supérieur). Sans filigrane. En parfait état.
".: 11. Paper size is 320 x 20 mm, 74 leaves, manufactured around 1800 , watermark ; Vryheydt W.M. ( Libertate, Pro Patria, manufacturer's initials are W.M.) , similar but not identical to Churchill nrs. 90-100 , the leaves are gathered in quires and still sewed together. The quires were removed from a binding. The leaves are very clean and spotless. The four outer leaves which are stained have not been counted. (See Churchill, Watermarks in Paper, Third impression , 1967, Herzberger, Amsterdam)."
".: Paper size is 375 x 245 mm, ca. 47 unnumbered blank leaves, paper with a slight bluish colour, handmade watermark ; a double circle ca. 4 cm diameter; and the name P RABELIER or RABELIEN (difficult to read). Very clean leaves."
.: In-4° album, ca. 1800, paper size 27 x 19,5 cm, bound in half vellum with contemporary decorated paper boards, some leaves have been removed. The paper shows a faint blue-greyish shade, and has a pronounced regular watermark ruling, some pages have a chess pawn ( ca. 2 cm height) in the middle. Very finely preserved, absolutely stainless leaves.
"PAPER - PAPIER - French; handmade , mid 18th century - [ ] Chevalier de la Motte à AUDRIEU - Watermark dated 1778 :"
Reference : 54745
.: Bound in contemporary full vellum, edges painted red, traces of leather ties. Watermark : narrow cross in a circle with a crown on top on the other page the initials C.R.
"PAPER - PAPIER - French; handmade , mid 18th century - [ ] Chevalier de la Motte à AUDRIEU - Watermark dated 1778 :"
Reference : 50285
.: 12. Bound in contemporary full vellum, edges painted red, traces of leather ties. The register contains 192 pages. The first 89 are numbered in ink and contains some text. ( as indicatede in the title). The rest of the pages ( 102) are unnumbered and entirely blank. Watermark : a winged four-legged animal half-upright ( sort of harmless looking dragon - griffon in French - ca. 90 mm long). On most opposite leaves the text '' FIN . 1778 / V. HARIUEL.'' . The dragon resembles Briquet n° 7464..
.: 4. Bound in cont. full leather (worn), ex-libris 1794 (taxstamp 30 sols). From the original binding many leaves where was written on have been removed,4 leaves with writing still extant. Watermark Heraldic (105 x 100 mm ) PROPATRIA, Lion with sword in a den, a knight with a lance is sitting on the fence at the right.
.: 14. Bound in cont. full vellum (worn and soiled), the original binding , some leaves have been removed, no watermark. Leaves clean and fine, one leaf with a damaged corner.