, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 288 pages, 288 pages, Language: English. ISBN 9789603710875.
Summary The volume Strapped for Cash: Needy Soldiers, Reluctant Authorities. Studies on Military Payments in Greek and Roman Antiquity includes eight (8) studies focusing on the question of the payment of soldiers and mercenaries by the issuing authorities in Greek and Roman antiquity. The studies in the volume discuss the use of coinage in relation to the salaries of the troops, but also in relation to the daily needs of the soldiers, both in peacetime and during war operations. The scarcity of sources dealing with the payment of troops leads to interesting methodological approaches, the results of which illuminate aspects of the wider economic and military history. The volume examines the tripartite relationship of Money-Payment-Military activities, through a broad chronological and geographical spectrum covering the period from the Classical period to Roman Imperial times, starting from Gaul and the Iberian Peninsula and reaching to the East TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Authors Panagiotis P. Iossif, Evangeline Markou Introduction Selene E. Psoma War and Coinage during the Classical Period Charlotte Van Regenmortel Adam Smith at Taenarum? Wage Labour and Labour Markets in the Armies of the Successors Christian Lauwers The Pay of the Gallic Mercenaries St phane Martin Quantifying the Impact of Military Payments on Local Economies: the Case of Gaul in the 1st c. BC Fleur Kemmers Legionary Soldiers and State Payments in Rome?s Expanding Empire: Some Considerations Cruces Bl zquez Cerrato, Marta G mez Barreiro Caesaraugusta and the Roman Army: Copies of Pre-Claudian and Claudian Coinage to Supply Troops? Liesbeth Claes Legitimacy and Loyalty between the Severan Emperors and their Soldiers in the Provinciae Germaniae (AD 193-235): an Epigraphic and Numismatic Case Study Charikleia Papageorgiadou Numismatic Issues of Patrai in the Light of Caracalla?s Parthian Campaign Peter van Alfen Concluding Observations Abstracts and Keywords Indices