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‎PALLADIUS HELENOPOLITANUS (Bishop of Aspona) - Gentian HERVET (translator) :‎

Reference : 11923

‎( HISTORIA LAUSIACA ) Palladii Divi Evagrii Discipuli Lausiaca quae dicitur historia, et Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri Theophilus (Gr.), est religiosa historia. Quorum utérque continet instituta, res gestas, & miracula piorum virorum sui temporis. Gentiano Hervete Aurelio interprete.‎

‎".: Parisiis (Paris), Apud Martinum Iuuenem, sub insigni D.Christophori è regione gymnasii Cameracensium, 1555, in-4°, 22 x 15 cm, title with woodengraved printer's mark + (19) + 477pp + (3)(blank), old vellum, with a large woodengraved grotesque initial on page 1, a very nice copy with no stains or browning. (Adams P.103 ; USTC 151852 ) . Palladius (368 - 430 A.D.), bisschop of Helenopolis, translated in Latin by the French scholar Hervet (Orléans ? - Reims 1584) who studied with Reuchlin and Erasmus in Orléans and who took an active part in the Council of Trent (1545-1562). He made this translation in Rome where he accompagnied cardinal Pole (son of the Duchess of Salisbury). This is probably the first edition; the privilege dating from the19 January 1555. A first edition in Greek appeared in Leiden (1616)."‎

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