Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Andr. Fred. Høst, 1851(1850)-52. Indb. i fire samt. ensartede hldrbd. m. forgyldte rygge. Bd. m. lidt rifter. På velin. - Med en halvsides dedikation til Ørsteds datter Mathilde Ørsted : ""Til/ min Kjære Datter Mathilde Ørsted/ Denne Bog har Ingen læst i dens Helhed/ förend Du, min Kjære Mathilde, da Du saa troligt hjalp mig med Rettelsesarbeider, som en Bogs Trykning medförer, og med tænksomme Soörgsmaal og Bemærkninger gav mig Anledning til mangen Forbedring. Modtag derfor Bogen, der allerede Skulde tilfalde Dig som en elsket Datter, tillige som et Minde om de Underholdninger (?) imellem os, hvortil du gav Anledning. H.C. Ørsted."" Mathildes navn findes i bind III,V og VI, og hun var Ø's yngste datter.Bound in 4 cont. uniform hcalfs w. richly gilt backs. Bindings w. a few scratches. A fine copy printed on vellum-paper. With a long (half-page) orig. handwritten dedication from Oersted for his youngest daughter, Mathilde Ørsted : ""Til/ min Kjære Datter Mathilde Ørsted/ Denne Bog har Ingen læst i dens Helhed/ förend Du, min Kjære Mathilde, da Du saa troligt hjalp mig med Rettelsesarbeider, som en Bogs Trykning medförer, og med tænksomme Spörgsmaal og Bemærkninger gav mig Anledning til mangen Forbedring. Modtag derfor Bogen, der allerede Skulde tilfalde Dig som en elsket Datter, tillige som et Minde om de Underholdninger (?) imellem os, hvortil du gav Anledning. H.C. Ørsted.""With the orig. handwritten signature of Mathilde in vols. III, V and VI.
First edition of Ørsted's Collected works (in which ""Aanden i Naturen"" (""The Spirit in Nature"") is printed for the fist time). Presented to his daughter with the warm, beautiful and personal dedication in volume 1, which translates as thus: ""For/ My dear Daughter Mathilde Ørsted/ Nobody has finished reading this book/ before You, my dear Mathilde, when You so faithfully helped me with the corrections the printing of a book carries with it, the thoughtful questions and remarks gave me reason for many improvements. Therefore, accept the book which already would have befallen You as a beloved daughter, together with a reminder of the entertainings (?) between us, of which You were the cause. H.C. Ørsted."" Oersted is universally known for his discovery of the Electro-Magnetism in 1820. Afterwards he went on to write a number of important philosophical works on natural philosophy and empiricism, of which ""Aanden i Naturen"" he himself considered his main work. Both H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard admit to having been influenced by the writings of Oersted. ""He was an enthusiastic follower of the ""Naturphilosophie"" school in Germany, whose main object was the unification of physical forces, thus producing a monistic theory of the universe. It was to further this purpose that Oersted sought in actual phenomena the electro-magnetic identity of which he had already convinced himself on metaphysical grounds"" (Percy H. Muir in Printing and The Mind of Man).
Kiøbenhavn, Andreas Seidelin, 1820. 8vo. In contemporary brown half calf with lighter brown leather title-label with gilt lettering. All edges coloured in blue. In: ""Dansk Litteratur = Tidende for Aaret 1820"". (The entire volume 1820 present, comprising all 52 issues, numbered 1-52). Light wear to extremities, spine with a few scratches. With occassional brownspotting, primarily affecting first and last leaves, but generally nice and clean. (Entire volume:) X, 822 pp. (Oersteds paper's in issue no. 28:) pp. 447-448.
The exceedingly rare very first announcement of H. C. Ørsted’s landmark discovery of electromagnetism, predating his famous “Experimenta”-paper by at least a week. Publishing the present brief note allowed him to quickly claim priority for his discovery, which ensured that his work would be recognized and attributed to him before others potentially stole his discovery. The importance of the discovery of electromagnetism, one of the most pivotal moments in the history of science, can hardly be overestimated. Here, Ørsted laid both the theoretical and practical foundation for future works of Faraday, Maxwell, and Hertz. The offered paper was published in the 28th week of July, 1820 (No. 28 of the periodical), which means that it was published some time between July 11 and July 16, probably the 11th or 12th. The paper which made Oersted famous all over Europe was his Latin pamphlet ""Experimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acun magneticam. Hafniæ, 1820"", dated July 21, 1820. The Latin “Experimenta” was sent on the same day (according to Kirstine Meyer in ""Scientific Life and Works of H.C. Ørsted"") to learned bodies and scholars in all European countries. The communication offered here (in Danish) was published at least a week before ""Experimenta"". The essence of Oersted's discovery is detailed in the paper offered here, where he describes how the magnetic effect of an electric current-carrying wire was initially observed using an incandescent platinum wire. He then extended his experiments to non-incandescent wires made from various materials noting that the magnetic effect was influenced by the wire's dimensions. Among Oersted's papers (now in the holding of the Danish Royal Library), we have both a draft written in his own hand on acid-stained paper and a nearly identical version in another handwriting. These experimental notes form the basis of the present paper (which Kirstine Meyer refers to as ""Supplement II""). In Supplements III and IV (dated July 15 and 21), Oersted further elaborates on his experiments with the wire in different positions relative to the magnet which became his “Experimenta”-paper. “Electromagnetism itself was discovered in the year 1820, by Professor Hans Christian Oersted, of the University of Copenhagen. Throughout his literary career, he adhered to the opinion, that the magnetical effects are produced by the same powers as the electrical. He was not so much led to this, by the reasons commonly alleged for this opinion, as by the philosophical principle, that all phenomena are produced by the same original power. … His researches upon this subject, were still fruitless, until the year 1820. In the winter of 1819–20, he delivered a course of lectures upon electricity, galvanism, and magnetism, before an audience that had been previously acquainted with the principles of natural philosophy. In composing the lecture, in which he was to treat of the analogy between electricity and magnetism, he conjectured, that if it were possible to produce any magnetical effect by electricity, this could not be in the direction of the current, since this had been so often tried in vain, but that it must be produced by a lateral action. This was strictly connected with his other ideas" for he did not consider the transmission of electricity through a conductor as an uniform stream, but as a succession of interruptions and reestablishments of equilibrium, in such a manner that the electrical powers in the current were not in quiet equilibrium, but in a state of continual conflict.… The plan of the first experiment was to make the current of a little galvanic trough apparatus, commonly used in his lectures, pass through a very thin platina wire, which was placed over a compass covered with glass. The preparations for the experiments were made, but some accident having hindered him from trying it before the lecture, he intended to defer it to another opportunity yet during the lecture, the probability of its success appeared stronger, so that he made the first experiment in the presence of the audience. The magnetical needle, though included in a box, was disturbed but as the effect was very feeble, and must, before its law was discovered, seem very irregular, the experiment made no strong impression on the audience [“Thermo-electricity,” in Edinburgh Encyclopaedia (1830), XVIII, 573–589" repr. in Oersted’s Scientific Papers, II, 356]. “We have now reached the spring of 1820. Ørsted understood that the “feeble” disturbance of the compass needle seen in his lecture demonstration was a genuinely important discovery. Other duties prevented a more detailed and quantitative investigation of this effect until the beginning of July 1820. Ørsted had new laboratory facilities and a more powerful galvanic apparatus that facilitated his measurements. Confident that his experiments would have a successful outcome, he gathered a group of six distinguished observers who would serve as witnesses of his experiments. (Their names and credentials were duly noted in the written description of his investigations.) He set about an exhaustive series of measurements aimed at documenting how the distance and orientation of a current-carrying wire affected the deflection of a compass needle. He made copious notes and drawings, many of which can be seen in Det Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen. ” (Karen Jelved & Andrew D. Jackson, H. C. Ørsted and the Discovery of Electromagnetism, 2019). But before the above mentioned Latin paper was published - which within the same year was reprinted in England, France, Germany and Italy - Oersted made sure to secure his discovery and consequently eternal fame by publishing the present paper.OCLC only list three copies (Danish Royal Library, Houghton, Harvard, USA & British Library). Bibliotheca Danica IV: 535 (The periodical was published from 1811-36). Erslew ""Almindeligt Forfatterlexicon"", Bd. III, p. 688. (Dibner 61, PMM 282, Horblitt 3 b, Sparrow 152, Norman 1606 - all 4 only recording the later ""Experimenta"").
Kjøbenhavn, Reitzel, 1844. Samtidigt hldrbd. Rygforgyldningen lidt svag. lettere brugsspor. XXII,360,(1) pp. Talrige tekstillustrationer i træsnit. Enkelte tilskrifter i teksten. Lille indhug øverst på titelblad (navn bortklippet).Contemporary half calf Gilding on spine a bit vague. Numerous woodcut illustrations in the text. A few annotations in the text. Old owner's name cut out of top of title-page (far from affecting lettering). XXII,360,(1) pp.
First edition of Ørsted's textbook on his primary field, ""On the Mechanical Part of the Philosophy"", which served as the authoritative textbook on the field for about 50 years in Denmark.Due to his previous work and discoveries, Ørsted had never actually had the time to compose a textbook within his actual field, although his wish to do so kept growing over the years. Thus, he finally decided to begin his work on this and hired a helper (C. Petersen, who had followed his lectures intensely) to do part of the work, namely expanding and editing Ørsted's own material, collecting from other works (mostly foreign textbooks, especially German) the areas on which Ørsted had not written anything, making the index and the corrections. In the preface, Ørsted himself states that ""Naturally, a textbook composed in this manner cannot in all its parts achieve the completeness that could have been achieved, had the author devoted all his time to this"" but since this has not been possible, one will probably be tolerant, as long as the work advances the spreading of that science in the home country."" (the Preface, p. V). Ørsted himself advised against translating the work into other languages (especially German, which would be the language closest to Danish), since many equally good textbooks of this sort already existed in other countries. The book, however, was translated into German and appeared with Ørsted's consent.
Reference : 45991
Paris, Crochard, 1823. No wrappers. In: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago."", tome 22 (Cahier 4), With titlepage to vol. 22. Pp. 337-444. (Entire issue offered). Oersted & Fourier's paper: pp. 375-389 and 1 folded engraved plate. showing apparatus used.
First appearance of this importent paper - which can bee seen as the precursor of OHM'S LAW - in which Ørsted explains the experiments he did together with Fourier on the thermo-electric effects discovered by Seebeck. They proved with different experiments, that the effect depended solely on the heating of the plates in the voltaic arrangements. Ørsted calls Seebech's observations ""the most beautiful of the discoveries which have as yet grown out of mine (his discovery of electromagnetism three years before)""""We learn from his letters that thet the experiments on which the paper was founded had taken him 3 weeks, a space of time which evidently much too short for the performance of the work" thus Ørsted himself points out a fundamental flaw in the experiments, but there has been no time to remedy it. The work is of interest, both by what has been gained through it, and by what does not plainly appear" in some of its results it is the precursor of Ohm's law and by its defects it shows how great was the feat of the actual discovery of this law.""(Kirstine Meyer).The offered issue contains further Poisson ""Sur le Phénomene des anneaux colorés"", pp. 337-347., Ørsted ""Sur le Multiplacateur électro-magnetique de M. Schweigger, et sur quelques applications qu'on en a faites"", pp. 358-365, Ampère ""Extrait d'une Lettre de M. Ampère à M. Faraday"", pp. 389-400.
Reference : 48150
Paris, Crochard, 1820. Contemp. hcalf., raised bands, gilt spine with gilt ettering. Stamps to verso of titlepage and to verso of plates. In ""Annales"". In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago"" Tome XIV pp. 417-25. Entire volume offered: 448 pp. and 3 folded engraved plates. Fine and clean, printed on good paper.
First French edition of Ørsted's announcement of his discovery of electromagnetism. It was through this first French edition of Ørsted's original Latin paper, translated by Arago that the founder of electrodynamics, Ampère, first became aware of Ørsted's discovery. It is the first translation of Oersted's epoch-making announcement in his Latin pamphlet ""Extperimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acun magneticam. Hafniæ, 1820"" (privately printed in a very small number, and only distributed to colleques in Europe). This discovery and confirmation of the connection between 2 forces, electricity and magnetism, must be considered one of the happiest events in the history of science, both with regard to scientific and practical results. - ""From the moment that Ørsted's discovery became known it created an enormous sensation. The results communicated were so astounding that they were received with a certain distrust, but they were stated with such accuracy that it could hardly be permitted to entertain any doubts. In the course of a short time the treatise was translated into all the chief languages."" (Kirstine Meyer). Arago was givin a copy of the Latin paper by the Swiss physicist Marc-Auguste Pictet. 4 September Arago announces Oersted's discovery to the Academie. - 11 September Arago reproduces Oersted's experiments.Dibner:61 - PMM: 282 - Horblitt: 3 b. - Sparrow: 152.
Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Luno, [1844]. 8vo. Uncut in the original green gift wrappers. Spine neatly reinforced. Inscribed by Ørsted to outside of front wrapper: ""Herr Professor Heiberg / venskabeligst / fra / Forfatteren."" ('Professor Heiberg, with friendly greetings from the Author'). Corners stained, otherwise internally clean. Printed on good paper. 29,(1) pp.
An unusually neat copy of the first printing. Ørsted is universally known for his discovery of Electro-Magnetism in 1820. As a writer, he had a dominant influence on the Danish language and its development in the Golden Age, inspiring both H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard. The present copy carries an autograph inscription by Ørsted to the prominent author and literary critic Johan Ludvig Heiberg (1791-1860). As by far the leading Danish critic of the 19th century, Heiberg was an immensely important figure of the Golden Age. In addition to his production as a critic, he was a prolific writer, and his 'Elves' Hill' (Elverhøj), commissioned by Frederik VI, is still considered the greatest Danish national play.
København., Th. Linds Forlag, 1870. Et samt. hldrbd. Rygforgldnin og forgyldt skindtitel. Ryg med lettere brugsspor. Kobberstukket portræt af Ørsted. Øverste venstre hjørne med en skjold, som ikke når ind til billedfladen. (6),322,(6),305 pp. Indvendig ren og frisk.
Kjøbenhavn, Schiellerup, 1835. Senere marmoreret omslagspapir. Et par samtidige marginalier i blæk. De første sider lidt brunplettede. (1),50 pp., 1 kobberstukket foldetavle med 57 figurer.
Originaludgaven hvori Ørsted giver en sammenfatning af sin opfattelse af lysets natur, et emne, som han var meget optaget af omkring 1815. Han udvikler en bølgeteori i lighed med Huygens, men i opposition til Newton's emmissionsteori. Ørsted var den første som vendte tilbage til bølgeteorien hvor han forestillede sig oscillationen i lysets retning, men tilføjer her, at oscillationen har elektrisk karakter.
(København, 1858/1861). 4to. Ubeskåret, uden omslag. Udkom i ""Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter"" Nat.Vid. og Math. Afd. Femte Række, Bd.5"" pp. 75-152 samt 11 smukke kobberstukne plancher og 1 kort.
Kopenhagen den 20 April 1847. 1 page in 4to. Ørsted is sending ""Selskabets Oversigter"" from 1846 to the ""Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften"" in Göttingen. Signed by H.C. Ørsted.
(København, 1858/1861). 4to. Ubeskåret, uden omslag. Udkom i ""Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter"" Nat.Vid. og Math. Afd. Femte Række, Bd.5"" pp. 75-152 samt 11 smukke kobberstukne plancher og 1 kort.
Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), 1836. 12mo. Original pictorial printed boards depicting air-balloons. The blank spine lacks so boards loose.
First edition of the poem entitled ""The Airship"" by the world-famous Danish scientist, Ørsted (Oersted, Örsted), who is renowned for the discovery of electro-magnetism.
Reference : 46026
(Paris, Crochard, 1820). No wrappers. In ""Annales"". In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago"" Tome XIV, Cahier 4, Titlepage to vol. 14 + pp. 337-442. (Entire issue offered). Ørsted's paper: pp. 417-25. A few scattered brownspots.
First French translation and the first translation of Oersted's epoch-making announcement in his Latin pamphlet ""Extperimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acun magneticam. Hafniæ, 1820"" (privately printed in a very small number, and only distributed to colleques in Europe). This discovery and confirmation of the connection between 2 forces, electricity and magnetism, must be considered one of the happiest events in the history of science, both with regard to scientific and practical results. - ""From the moment that Ørsted's discovery became known it created an enormous sensation. The results communicated were so astounding that they were received with a certain distrust, but they were stated with such accuracy that it could hardly be permitted to entertain any doubts. In the course of a short time the treatise was translated into all the chief languages."" (Kirstine Meyer). - Dibner:61 - PMM: 282 - Horblitt: 3 b. - Sparrow: 152.
(København), 1864. Orig. blankt omslag. Omslag med rift. Ubeskåret. 119 pp. samt 2 kobberstukne plancher (trykt på en) med talrige figurer. Udgivet i ""Videnkabelige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Forening i Kjöbenhavn"", 1864, nr. 1-2.
kjöbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1858. 4to. Uncut in orig. blue boards. Offprint from ""Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter"" Nat.Vid. og Math. Afd. Femte Række, Bd.5"". 78 pp. and 11 fine engraved plates with many figs. and 1 map. Clean and fine.
First edition. - Stafleu & Cowan: 7019.
Kopenhagen, Reitzel, 1837. 12mo. Original pictorial printed boards depicting air-balloons. Fine condition.
First German edition of the poem entitled ""The Airship"" (1836) by the world-famous Danish scientist, Ørsted (Oersted, Örsted), who is renowned for the discovery of electro-magnetism.
Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Bianco Luno, 1850. 8vo. Bound in a recent half calf binding. Scattered brownspots, otherwise internally clean. Printed on vellum-paper. X, 190, XII, 206 pp.
First edition of Oersted's main work on natural philosophy. Oersted is universally known for his discovery of Electro-Magnetism in 1820. Afterwards he went on to write a number of important philosophical works on natural philosophy and empiricism, of which he considered ""Aanden i Naturen"" as his main work. The work is found printed on 2 sorts of paper, common- and vellum paper, the present copy being on vellum. Both Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard admit to having been influenced by the writings of Oersted. ""He was an enthusiastic follower of the ""Naturphilosophie"" school in Germany, whose main object was the unification of physical forces, thus producing a monistic theory of the universe. It was to further this purpose that Oersted sought in actual phenomena the electro-magnetic identity of which he had already convinced himself on metaphysical grounds"" (Percy H. Muir in Printing and The Mind of Man). The copy once belonged to the renowned Danish book collector Gustav Philipsen (1853-1925) and carries his exlibris.
Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Andr. Fred. Høst, 1850. 8vo. Bound in a beatiful later half-morocco binding with richly gilt spine. (Anker Kysters Eftf. 1971). Spine slightly faded. Scattered brownspots, otherwise internally clean. Printed on vellum paper. X,190"XII,206 pp.
First edition of Oersted's main work on natural philosophy. Oersted is universally known for his discovery of Electro-Magnetism in 1820. Afterwards he went on to write a number of important philosophical works on natural philosophy and empiricism, of which he considered ""Aanden i Naturen"" as his main work. The work is found printed on 2 sorts of paper, common- and vellum paper, the present copy being on vellum. Both Hans Christian Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard admit to having been influenced by the writings of Oersted. ""He was an enthusiastic follower of the ""Naturphilosophie"" school in Germany, whose main object was the unification of physical forces, thus producing a monistic theory of the universe. It was to further this purpose that Oersted sought in actual phenomena the electro-magnetic identity of which he had already convinced himself on metaphysical grounds"" (Percy H. Muir in Printing and The Mind of Man). The copy once belonged to the renowned Danish book collector Gustav Philipsen (1853-1925) and carries his exlibris.
(Paris, Crochard, 1823). 8vo. Without wrappers as extracted from: ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago."", Vol. 22, pp. 375-389.
First appearance of this paper, revealing the results of experiments with the galvanic elements, using pairs of small antimony and bismuth bars welded in series, which Oersted performed together with Fourier during his visit to Paris. This constitutes the invention of the first thermo-electrical pile. Oersted and Fourier had found that heat had a significant effect upon the performance of the galvanic element. - ""Seebeck seems to have had another theory about this. However, I have experimented with the matter, and found the conjecture correct. I believe that this discovery will be of far-reaching consequence. The laws for this new effects are, I suppose, in reality the same as for the galvanic battery"" yet this looks so different that I have been obliged to spend a great deal of my time during the last fortnight in discovering and defining them..."". In a letter of somewhat later date to prince Christian, he states that he has made the experiments ""in conjunction with Fourier, the secretary of the mathematical department of the Institute"". Oersted, when reading this paper to the Academy on 31st of March 1823, proposed the name ""thermo-electric"" for these currents, a name which has since been adopted everywhere. Ronalds Catalogue p. 374. - Ørsted, Works II, p. 272. Stitched together with this paper is ""Extrait d'une Lettre de M. Ampere à M. Faraday"". Pp. 389-400. First printing. Dealing with electricity.
Brunt glanspapiromsl. Lidt brunplettet.
Førstetrykket. A.W. Hauch var en stor kulturpersonlighed, der besad mange stillinger ved hoffet, var ridder af Elefanten, fik æresdiplom som Doktor i Filosofien, var chef for det kgl. Museum for Naturvidenskaberne og for det kgl. Bibliotek. Pram har bl.a. skrevet om ham: ""Ver lige glad, naar kun Møllen gik rask,/ om det, den maled, var Mel eller Mask.""
Kbhvn., Bianco Luno, 1838. Orig. sort glanspapirsomslag. 32 pp. Lettere brunplettet.
Kjøbenhavn, H. Tikjøbs Forlag, 1806. Ubeskåret med originale bogtrykte omslag. Hele heftet af ""Nyt Bibliothek for Physik, Medicin og Oeconomie udgivet af Herholdt, Rafn, Viborg og Ørsted"" (Niende Binds Tredie hefte, som samtidig er tidsskriftets sidst udgivne del). 1. Afhandling pp. 229-52 - 2. Afhandling pp. 268-75 - 3. Afhandling pp. 329-332.
First editions of three early works by Oersted. The second work is Oersted first paper on electricity and magnetism, investigations on which later made his name famous by his discovery of Electromagnetism in 1820. The paper here does not state the causal connection, but gives information of the striking analogies and parallels between the two phenomena in connection with polarization and their propagation as waves.""Alt hvad her er sagt om Electricitetens Udbredelse, gjelder ogsaa om Magnetismens. Magnetens Virkning begynder og med en Polarisation, og maa altsaa af samme grunde, ligesom Electriciteten, udbrede sig bølgeagtigen...."" (All what is said here about the propagation of electricity, also holds for magnetism. The effects of the magnet also starts with a polarization, and must, due to these same causes, just like electricity, propagate in wave-like fashion).
Kjøbenhavn (Copenhagen), Andr. Fred. Høst, 1850. 8vo. Et nydeligt samt. hldrbd. m. samt. tidstypisk rig rygforgyldn. En smule slitage v. false og kapitæler, en anelse svag i forreste indre fals, ellers et nydeligt ekspl., kun indimellem brunplettet. X, 190 XII, 206, (2, -avertissement) pp. 8vo. Nice cont. hcalf w. richly gilt back. A bit of waer to hinges and capitals, and inner front hinge a bit weak, otherwise a very nice and good copy w. only occational brownspotting. X, 190" XII, 206, (2, -advertisement-leaf) pp.
Originaludgaven af Ørsteds naturfilosofiske hovedværk med dedikation fra forfatteren til ""Herr Professor og Dr i Theologien/ Scharling/ venskabeligst/ fra/ Forfatteren."" Under dedikationen er tilføjet et håndskrevet citat fra et brev af Sophie Ørsted (f. Oehlensläger) (fra Adam Oehlenschlägers Erindringer) i samtidig hånd (sandsynligvis Scahrlings). Dedikationen er til professor Carl Emil Scharling (1803-77), teolog, som var bror til Ørsteds datters (Karen) mand. First edition of Oersted's main work in natural philosophy. Presentation-copy with the inscription ""Herr Professor og Dr i Theologien/ Scharling/ venskabeligst/ fra/ Forfatteren."" (Mr. Professor and Doctor of Theology/ Scharling/ with the kindest regards/ The Author""). Underneath the presentation-inscription a handwritten quotation from a letter from Sophie Oersted (born Oehlenschläger) (from Adam Oehlenschläger's Memoires) in cont. hand (probably that of Scharling). The presentation-inscription is for professor Carl Emil Scharling (1803-77), theologist, who was the brother of Oersted's daughter's (Karen) husband.Oersted is universally known for his discovery of Electro-Magnetism in 1820. Afterwards he went on to write a number of important philosophical works on natural philosophy and empiricism, of which ""Aanden i Naturen"" he himself considered his main work. The work is found printed on 2 sorts of paper, common- and vellum-paper. This copy is on vellum-paper. Both H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard admit to having been influenced by the writings of Oersted. ""He was an enthusiastic follower of the ""Naturphilosophie"" school in Germany, whose main object was the unification of physical forces, thus producing a monistic theory of the universe. It was to further this purpose that Oersted sought in actual phenomena the electro-magnetic identity of which he had already convinced himself on metaphysical grounds"" (Percy H. Muir in Printing and The Mind of Man).
Reference : 35260
Paris, Crochard, 1820. Recent hcloth. Some repairs to inner margin of titlepage to ""Annales"". In ""Annales de Chimie et de Physique, Par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago"" Tome XIV pp. 417-25. The whole volume present: 448 pp. and 3 folded engraved plates.
First French translation and the first translation of Oersted's epoch-making announcement in his Latin pamphlet ""Extperimenta circa effectum conflictus electrici in acun magneticam. Hafniæ, 1820"" (privately printed in a very small number, and only distributed to colleques in Europe). This discovery and confirmation of the connection between 2 forces, electricity and magnetism, must be considered one of the happiest events in the history of science, both with regard to scientific and practical results. - ""From the moment that Ørsted's discovery became known it created an enormous sensation. The results communicated were so astounding that they were received with a certain distrust, but they were stated with such accuracy that it could hardly be permitted to entertain any doubts. In the course of a short time the treatise was translated into all the chief languages."" (Kirstine Meyer). - Dibner:61 - PMM: 282 - Horblitt: 3 b. - Sparrow: 152.
Kjøbenhavn, Schultz, 1842. Orig. papbd. med dekoreret overtrækspapir, overtrækket med lidt tab, særligt ryggen. Afhandlingen i ""Dansk Folkekalender for 1842. Udgivet af selskabet for Trykkefrihedens rette Brug."" (54),XII,200 pp. Ørsteds afhandling pp. 169-190.
Første danske udgave, som er skrevet i 1837 og udgivet for føste gang på tysk i Schumachers astronomisches Jahrbuch 1838. Ørsted har ikke fundet et velegnet sted for publikation af afhandlingen før nu i Dansk Folkekalender.