".: Brugis (Brugge), Typis Felicis De Pachtere, 1835, in-8°, 14 cm, (8) + 116 pp + xliii pp. BOUND WITH;Officia Propria Sanctorum Dioecesis Brugensis, Pars Hiemalis...(IV parts), Mechilinae, Typographia Hanicquiana, 1846, 44 pp + 44 pp + 16 pp + 26 pp + supplementum (from 1853). BOUND WITH; OFFICIA PROPRIA Ecclesiae Cathedralis et Dioecesis Namurcensis...Tertio Editio...Namurci (Namur), G.J. Leclercq, 1756, 40 pp + 14 pp. BOUND WITH; Officia Propria Ecclesiae Cathedralis et Dioecesis Namurcensis, Editio Octava. Namurci, J.J. Legros, 1830, xii + 26 + 45 + 19. BOUND WITH, idem, Mechliniae, Hanicq, 1838, 20 + 40 + 20, BOUND WITH; idem, Officia Propria Festorum...12 + 35 + 20 + 23 pp. Contemporary half leather, ex-library small stamp on title. Rare convolute of liturgical calendars for the Roman Catholic church which differed for each geographical part of the Church, here Brugge in Flanders andNamur in Wallonia (southern Belgium) are represented."
.: Mechliniae (Mechelen), Typographia Hanicquiana, 1845, 1846, 1847, 7 calendars each in four parts (hiemalis, verna, aestiva, autumnalis). In-12°, 11,5 cm, entirely printed in red and black, some parts only with halftitle (as issued ?). Contemporary half leather, ex-library small stamp on verso first half title. Rare convolute of liturgical calendars for the Roman Catholic church, which differed in each geographical part of the Church, here Batavia (Indonesia), America, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden are represented. (Liturgy, calendar).
.: x. #Matriti (Madrid), Typis Regiae Societatis, Mense Martio 1831, format in-8°, 17,5 cm, lxiv pp (title with engraved vignet) + 224 pp (complete), entirely printed in red & black , in two columns, on high quality paper, Bound in dark brown full leather, gilt decoration on both covers with a small supra-libro in the centre, all edges gilt. With two working metal clasps. Binding with some wear but a fine copy with a stainless interior. Fine copy of the Roman Catholic liturgical book. The execution and typography are clearly based on the 200 year old tradition of the Plantin-Moretus press in Antwerp (Soutern Netherlands) This press held the privilege for these kind of books for the Spanish kingdom and its American colonies until the French Revolution..
.: 2. Mechliniae (Mechelen), P. J. Hanciq, 1853, in-8°, 67 pp, with gregorian music, sewn, original yellow printed paper wrapper, unopened pages. (Wrapper a bit discoloured and dusty).This selection of church music contains only English and Irish saints.
".: 7. (Salzburg), Typis Joannis Baptistae Mayr, 1672, in-8°, (4)nn pp + 97+ (11) nn pp. BOUND WITH ; Officium P. N. Benedicti abbatis..., Salisburgi, Typis Joann. Bapt. Mayr, 1674, 72 pp; vellum, printed in red and black throughout, handwritten ex-libris ''Philibert Khaltenhaufen'', small 19th century circular ex-library stamp on verso title. Nice copy."
MECHLINIAE / DESSAIN - HANICQ. 1866. In-8. Relié demi-cuir. Etat d'usage, Couv. défraîchie, Dos frotté, Intérieur acceptable. 606 pages 6+ CCIV + environ 300 pages - Frontispice - TExte sur 2 colonnes - Signets - Piqures de ver - Toile grenée - Coins , tranches et dos frottés - Contre-plats marbrés et renforcés d'adhésifs - TRanches rosées (fanées).. . . . Classification Dewey : 220-Bible
Texte en LATIN - Classification Dewey : 220-Bible