".: Northern Italy (?); 15th c. (?), size of the leaf : 73,5 x 52,5 cm. Square musical notation on six 4-line staves, with interlinear text in a rounded gothic hand. The floral extension painted in yellow, blue and green, contains a bird and grapes depicted between flowers and stems. The large initial ''L'' ( 10,5 x 10,5 cm)painted in red is illustrated with a bishop holding a crook. The text ''...ps. Benedixisti, [Domine] terram tuam : avertisti captivitatem Jacob gloria grad libertate...'' is used in the Annonciation mass in the Roman Catholic Church. The lower text part : '' Liberati nos domine ex afflictionibus nos et eos qui nos oderunt confudiste'' is a Psalm 43 citation. The verso of the leaf is numbered 84 in large red numbers. The leaf is very well preserved allthough some of the lettering shows some small holes due to ink corrosion. ( This does not harm the general fine outlook). A very large and handsome leaf of great visual beauty."