Dover Publications Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1954 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's illustrated wrappers In-8 1 vol. - 587 pages
173 text-figures 1st edition was 1931 Contents, Chapitres : Biographical Note, Preface, Acknowledgments, Contents, x, Text, 577 pages - 1. Their structure and functions : The origin of the amphibia - Development and heredity - The mode of life history - Speciation and adaptation - Sex and secondary sex characters - The integument - The respiratory system - The circulatory system - The digestive system - The skeleton - The muscular system - The urogenital system - The endocrine glands - The sense organs and their functions - The nervous system - Instinct and intelligence - The ways of amphibia - The relation of amphibia to their development - Geographic distribution and economic value - 2. Relationships and classification : Labyrinthodontia - Phyllospondyli - Lepospondyli - Gymnophiona - Caudata - Salienta - Index - cf : Biologie des amphibiens, grenouilles, crapauds et salamandres corner of the front-wrapper very lightly folded, paper very lightly yellowing, else near fine copy, no markings