Paris, Gauthier-Villars et Cie, 1911, in-4, VII-212 pp, Broché, couverture imprimée de l'éditeur, Édition originale. Niels Nielsen (1865-1931), né dans une modeste famille de fermiers, étudia à l'Université de Copenhague : il obtint son doctorat en 1895. Il succéda à Julius Petersen comme professeur de mathématiques dans cette même université. Il est l'auteur de nombreux ouvrages sur les fonctions spéciales. Bon exemplaire, malgré des rousseurs sur tranches. Petits accroc en pied du dos. Couverture rigide
Bon VII-212 pp.
Dateret (med stempel) ""25 NOV 1927"". 28 x 22. 3 sider. Med tilføjelser og ændringer i Nielsens hånd. Alle tre ark foldet på midten og har et mærke efter en papirklips i øverste venstre hjørne. Tredje ark signeret af Nielsen selv.Three leaves. Original handwritten and signed manuscript in with additions and corrections in Carl Nielsen's own hand. All three leaves folded once in the middle. Third leaf signed by Nielsen.
Brevet er en opfordring til københavnske musikelskere til at høre den berømte Wiener kvartet Kolisch-Kvartetten der skulle spille i byen den 29. november 1927. Nielsen skriver blandt andet: ""Der forestaar det Kjøbenhavnske Musikpublikum en / sjælden Begivenhed! Det er virkelig lykkedes at faa / denne berømte Wiener-Kvartet til at optræde her / i byen."" Nielsen er yderst begejstret for kvartettens musik og musikere, og om dem skriver han: ""[...], så er det her fire besynderligt fanta= /stiske moderne Sjæle der usynligt farer ud og ind og ægger, kærtegner, bider og klapper vort Øre og / vort Sind, saa vi bestandigt er midt i en hel ny / Virkelighed"".Kvartetten opførte blandt andet Nielsens egen Opus 44 (for stryger-kvartet). (Fellow, Carl Nielsen til sin samtid, P 140).Carl August Nielsen (1865 - 1931) er den mest betydelige og internationalt anerkendt danske komponist, og han er i dag bedst kendt for sine seks symfonier. Han var 62 da han skrev nærværende artikel, og havde på dette tidspunkt skåret kraftigt ned på sin musikalske aktivitet, som følge af et alvorligt hjerteanfald to år tidligere. Han forsatte dog med at komponere musik frem til sin død, og i 1927 udgav han sin selvbiografi Min Fynske Barndom, hvilket sammen med Kolisch-Kvartetten opførelse af sin strygekvartet i F-dur var det der optog ham mest i denne period. (brev fra Carl Nielsen til Emil Telmányi, 30.11.1927, (DK-Kk, C II, 10)).Kolisch-Kvartetten var i 1920erne en af de største og mest anerkendte ensembler på den klassiske musikscene især i Europa og USA men også i Asien, og de indspillede en lang rækker plader med hovedsageligt Schubert og Mozart.Et af kvartettens særtræk var at de ofte spillede koncerter uden brug af noder. Dette var ikke et forsøg på at fremstå overlegen men derimod et produkt af yderst ihærdig øvelse, hvilket overflødiggjorde noderne. Dette bevirkede at musikken i langt højere grad kom til at fremstå levende og dynamisk, hvilket også Carl Nielsen bemærker.___________________Carl Nielsen encourages the Danish music society to attend a concert with the famous Viennese quartet Kolisch Quartet. Carl Nielsen is today widely recognised as Denmark's greatest composer.
27 - 12 - [19]07. 1 page, 8vo. ""Kjære Hr Harder! / Kunde De ikke se op til mig / imorgen (Lørdag) Kl 12 1/2. / Imorgen Aften/eller Søndag Morgen rejser / jeg til Skodsborg Sanatorium, der / kunde De ogsaa glæde mig med / et Besøg i næste Uge engang, / men foreløbig haaber jeg at se / Dem imorgen. Med venlig Hilsen / Deres hengivne / Carl Nielsen.""
Original handwritten letter from the most prominent Danish composer, Carl Nielsen (1865-1931), addressed to his friend and colleague Knud Harder (1885-1967). Letters from Nielsen's hand are of utmost rarity.
30 - 5 - 1907 1 page, 8vo. ""Kjære Hr Harder! / Det er mig desværre ikke muligt at / modtage Dem imorgen. Hvis De vil / gaa videre selv og skrive saameget De / kan til paa Lørdag samme Tid, skal / jeg være til Tjeneste. Hilsen / Deres / Carl Nielsen"".
Original handwritten letter from the most prominent Danish composer, Carl Nielsen (1865-1931), addressed to his friend and colleague Knud Harder (1885-1967). Letters from Nielsen's hand are of utmost rarity.
14 - 4 - [19]07. 1 page, 8vo. ""Kjære Hr Harder! - De skal meget snart / høre fra mig. Jeg har ikke kunnet skrive / før. Min Hustru har været meget syg / de sidste Tre Uger, er bleven opereret / flere Gange. Desuden har vi af andre / Grunde ikke kunnet faa Tid at se ordentlig / paa Deres Ting. Paa Gensyn Deres / Carl Nielsen.""
Original handwritten letter from the most prominent Danish composer, Carl Nielsen (1865-1931), addressed to his friend and colleague Knud Harder (1885-1967). Letters from Nielsen's hand are of utmost rarity.
Copenhagen und Leipzig, Rothischen Buchhandlung, 1753. Samtidigt papbd. med rygforgyldning og forgyldt titelfelt. Noget slid i rygkanter, hvor noget af rygforgyldningen er forsvundet. (8),248,136 pp. Indvendig velbevaret. Med egenhændig dedikation på fribladet fra den danske komponist Carl Nielsen ""Til Th. A. Müller/ venskabeligst fra/ Carl Nielsen"". Nederst på fribladet har Th. A. Müller tilføjet ""Denne bog fik jeg foræret af Komponisten Carl Nielsen da vi i Sommeren 1918 sammen søgte Holberg udg. og da han tænkte paa en ny Holberg opera. Th. A. Müller."" - Th. A. Müller var historiker og pædagog, men mest kendt som Holbergforsker, f.eks. med bogen ""Den unge Ludvig Holberg""
Første tyske oversættelse af Holbergs ""Den Berømmelige Norske Handel-Stad Bergens Beskrivelse"", 1737.Ehr.-M. X, p. 258-59.
L'édition d'art H Piazza Paris, l'Edition d'art H Piazza, 1923. In-4 carré broché, couverture illustrée rempliée de 102 pages. Texte encadré. Illustrations de Kay Nielsen en couleurs et hors texte, sous serpente légendées. Tirage à 1500 exemplaires sur papier Japon, celui-ci n°932. Kay Nielsen (1886-1957) était un illustrateur danois célèbre pour son travail dans le mouvement Art nouveau et l'Âge d'or de l'illustration de livres. Il est surtout connu pour ses illustrations de contes de fées, caractérisées par des lignes élégantes, des couleurs vibrantes et une atmosphère onirique. en très bel état.
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
Paris, l'Edition d'Art H. Piazza, 1929. In-4 de 117 pages (dont le faux-titre, au V° justification du tirage, titre orné et à deux couleurs). Illustrations de Kay Nielsen : 12 compositions hors-texte reproduites en couleurs. Les 7 en-têtes, 7 lettrines et vignettes, 7 culs-de-lampe en couleurs ont été dessinées spécialement par Pierre Courtois. Serpentes légendées. Tirage à 2400 exemplaires. N°468. Parfait état intérieur. Très beau demi-chagrin vert foncé à coins. Double filet doré sur les plats, dos à nerfs orné de caissons avec filets dorés, perles et arabesques. Tête dorée. Couvertures et dos conservés. Reliure exécutée par le relieur Knut Hasslers de Stockholm. En excellent état.
Kay Nielsen (1886-1957) était un peintre et illustrateur danois dont les uvres incarnent le style ornemental de lArt nouveau. En 1939, il est engagé par les studios Disney pour réaliser des études sur plusieurs films dont Fantasia et un projet basé sur le conte de La Petite Sirène mais qui ne verra le jour que dans les années 1980, utilisant toutefois une partie de son travail. Il quitte le studio en 1941 mais y revient brièvement en 1952-1953.
[L'Edition d'Art, H. Piazza] - GRIMM, Jacob & Wilhelm ; NIELSEN, Kay
Reference : 65889
Illustrations de Kay Nielsen, un des 2000 exemplaires numérotés de 401 à 2400 (n° 1931), 1 vol. in-4 reliure de l'époque demi-basane rouge, dos à 4 nerfs doubles orné, couvertures et dos conservés, tête dorée, L'Edition d'Art, H. Piazza, Paris, s.d. [ 1929 ], 117 pp.
Bon état pour cette belle édition illustrée par l'artiste danois Kay Nielsen (1886-1957), qui travailla notamment pour les studios Disney de 1939 à 1941 puis au début des années 1950. Bon état (rel. lég. frottée, rares rouss., très bon état par ailleurs, ex-libris en garde).
John Travolta Connie Nielsen Roselyn Sanchez Samuel L. Jackson Giovanni Ribisi Harry Connick Jr. Brian Van Holt Taye Diggs Cristián De La Fuente Dash Mihok Tim Daly John McTiernan John Travolta Connie Nielsen
Reference : 89876
ISBN : 3475001003539
M6 Vidéo 2004 19x14x2cm. 2004. DVD.
FRENCH édition : zone 2 Europe - - en bon état de lecture - Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France
, Exhibitions International 2015, 2015 Hardcover, 303 pages, English, 275 x 230 mm, richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, book in fine condition !. ISBN 9789462300989.
The Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland (1869-1943) and artist Edvard Munch (1863-1944) were contemporaries. Only six years apart in age, they belonged to the same circles and the same artistic movements of their time. For a period they lived in adjoining rooms in Berlin. This richly illustrated book is the first extensive joint presentation of the two giants of Norwegian art history. The relationship between Vigeland and Munch is surrounded by myths, and many believe they were rivals. This book clarifies the connections between them by examining their artistic careers side by side. Their work, artistic development and ambitions have interesting features in common, and many previously undiscovered links are uncovered here. These include reciprocal influences and shared sources of inspiration, as well as thematic and formal similarities. For example, both artists followed contemporary trends and depicted angstridden figures, ambiguous love motifs and gloomy doomsday themes. Munch's work as a sculptor, a previously unknown aspect of his oeuvre, is also presented here for the first time.
Opta. Non daté. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Livré sans Couverture, Dos fané, Papier jauni. 216 pages. Accrocs au dos, frotté. Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc, in texte. Nombreuses rousseurs. Texte sur deux colonnes.. . . . Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
Sommaire: 55° à l'ombre par Helen Nielsen- le pêcheur par Dennis Lynds-Une belle salade par jim thompson- premier arrivé, premier servi par Rog Phillips- Attention, homme dangereux! par C.B. Gilford- alibi au minutage par E.X. Ferrars- le commis-voyageur par Donald Honig- drôle de prise et gros poissons par Edwin P. Hicks. Classification Dewey : 70.49-Presse illustrée, magazines, revues
Galerie Furstenberg, Paris 1956, 10,5x13,5cm, une feuille.
Edition originale de ce carton d'invitation au vernissage de l'exposition du peintre Jens Nielsen à la Galerie Furstenberg (Paris), le 6 novembre 1956. Bel exemplaire. - Photos sur -
Phone number : 01 56 08 08 85
1909 127 p., 4 (3 double) pls, paperbound. Published in: Entomologiske Meddeleser. With English abstract. Good copy. We Added: Nielsen, 1913. A correction concerning Tachina larvarum to ‘’Iagttagelser over....’’ (2 p.), and Nielsen, 1913. On some South-American species of the genus Mydaea, parasitic on birds (6 p., 4 figs).
Kjöbenhavn, Fr. Wøldike, 1862. 8vo. Indbundet i det særdeles nydelige originale helshirtbind med enkel stregforgyldning på ryg og forgyldt titel på forpermen. Blindtrykte rammer permer. Helt guldsnit. Med egenhændig dedikation fra forfatteren til G. Zachariae på fribladet. Ren og pæn indvendig. (4),206,(1: errata) pp.
Det ualmindelige originaltryk af Erik Frisenbergs doktordisputats. ""Hans Afhandling var nok meget tynd. Man mente at hans Doctorgrad skulde trumfes igennem og at Rasmus Nielsens ansete Navn var for godt til at bruges som Løftestang, for at en saadan Ubetydelighed som Erik Frisenberg skulde hæves op til Doctorværdigheden. En dengang vel kjendt yngre Dr. Phil. besluttede sig til at møde ved Disputatsen og afklæde Erik Frisenberg saa grundigt og tumle saaledes med ham, at det skulde blive en academisk Skandale, om han derefter fik Doctorgraden. - I de nærmeste Dage før Disputatsen var Erik Frisenberg meget forknyt. Man kunde have kjøbt hans Liv for fire Skilling. Men saa havde han det uhyre store og uventede Held, at den omtalte Dr. Phil., hvem man allerede havde tillagt navnet ""Eriksbane"", Dagen før Disputatsen blev heftig syg og var aldeles ude af Stand til at give Møde. Følgen blev, at Erik Frisenberg overstod Disputatsen, om end kun paa en meget tarvelig Maade og blev creeret til Dr. philosophiæ."" (Rasmus Nielsen, Regensen: Erindringer fra 1858-62, pp. 46-47)
"Short description: In Russian. Nielsen, Vladimir Semenovich. Cinematographer's Guide. Moscow; Leningrad: Art, 1936 (Leningrad: Lokhankov type and Volodarsky type). The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5294856"
Short description: In Russian. Nielsen, Vladimir Semenovich. Visual Building of a Film. Moscow: Film and Photo Edition, 1936: Type. The Spark of the Revolution. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU5294855
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 304 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9782503587882.
Summary When war ended, the hard work began. Crusader warfare was only the beginning, for after peace came huge and often fundamental changes for individuals and societies. First it was necessary to establish firm and secure agreements between enemies, and take care of prisoners of war and refugees. Soon followed new legal systems, and new social groups emerged as old and new families intermarried, or entire segments of the population became subordinates under new rulers. And in a longer time perspective, the entire physical landscape was changed to conform to and express the beliefs and values of the conquerors. The military expeditions of the medieval crusades are well studied, at different times and in many diverse areas, but the consequences for individuals and societies much less. This book opens up a new research area, and contributes with 11 studies covering the Middle Eastern crusader states, the Mediterranean, and the Baltic Sea. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. Legacies of the Crusades Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen and Kurt Villads Jensen I. The Diversity of Crusading From Jerusalem to Mexico. Unity and Diversity in Crusading, Eleventh to Sixteenth Centuries Alan V. Murray II. Crusades to the Holy Land Between the Downfall of Edessa and the Capture of Damietta. How the Glamour of the Prester John Legend Influenced the Crusader-Muslim Conflict, (539-618 AH / 1144-1221 AD) Ahmed M. Sheir Give me Three Good Reasons for a Muslim to end a crusade. Saladin and the Third Crusade Betty Binysh On the Role of Roman law in the Crusader States. Allocation of Risk and the Ransom of Captives Tomislav Karlovi? Refugees in the Latin East before and during the Third Crusade (1168-1192) Jochen Burgtorf III. Societies in the Eastern Mediterranean Desire, Myth, and Necessity. Latin Attempts at Integrating Nubians into the Orbis Christianorum of the Holy Land During the Twelfth to Fifteenth Centuries Adam Simmons Unknown Leaders. The Contribution of the Teutonic Grand Master's Deputies to the Order's Status and Position in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem Shlomo Lotan The Formation and Evolution of the Class of Burgesses in the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus 1192-1474 Nicholas Coureas The Knight Hospitaller Slave system and its Variety of Enslaved Groups on Cyprus, Rhodes and Malta Nicholas McDermott IV. New Polities and Societies in the Baltic Region Agreements on the Acceptance of Christianity between Crusaders and Pagans in Thirteenth-Century Livonia Mihkel M esalu A Crusader and the Chieftain's Daughter. Connubium between Conquerors and Natives during the Baltic Crusades Anti Selart The Inclusion of Indigenous Western Baltic People in the Teutonic Order's Prussian and Curonian Land Administration in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries Raitis Simsons The Teutonic Order and the Origins of its State as an Example of a Crusading Landscape in Fourteenth-Century Prussia Gregory Leighton
, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 222 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:10 b/w, 6 maps b/w, Language: English. ISBN 9782503587868.
Summary The crusades have been remembered and commemorated in many ways, from the late eleventh century until today. Soon after the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099, the fate of the First Crusade inspired literary, historiographical and artistic traditions. Participants in the subsequent crusades would look to the first Crusade for inspiration and spiritual guidance, while playing out their own ideas of crusading. Since then the crusades have been put to use in very divers ways and for different purposes. This volume explores how the crusades have been remembered, revered and ridiculed by those who participated in them and by those who in later periods made use of the crusades as an historical phenomenon. The volume thus traces the memory and legacy of the crusades by putting together essays that focus on the specific ways in which the crusades have been memorized, evoked and exploited from the eleventh century until today. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Crusades. History and Memory: Introduction Kurt Villads Jensen & Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen When Was the First History of the Crusades Written? Christoph T. Maier The Memory of Saladin and the Crusades in the Near East from the Fifteenth to the Late Nineteenth Centuries Jonathan Phillips When the Saints go Marching in. The Memory of the Miraculous in the Sources for the First Crusade Carol Sweetenham Once and Future Crusades. Past and projected plans of Emperor Frederick II and King Valdemar II of Denmark, c. 1214-1227 Kurt Villads Jensen The Circulation of the Eracles in Italy and Galeotto del Carretto's Chronicle(s) Massimiliano Gaggero From 'Superstitious Veneration' to 'War to Defend Christendom'. The Crusades in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1771-2018) Mike Horswell Has Emperor Henry of Constantinople's Legend Survived in Greek Folk Poetry? Aphrodite Papayianni Paradigms for Understanding Modern Crusading Adam KnoblerMemorials to Crusaders. The Use of Crusade Imagery in British First World War Memorials Elizabeth Siberry When and Where did the Word 'Crusade' Appear in the Middle Ages? And Why? Benjamin Weber
Paris, Editions d'art H. Piazza, 1929. In-4, 117-(3) pp., broché, couverture illustrée rempliée (dos doublé).
Un des 2000 exemplaires numérotés (après 400 pur fil). * Voir photographie(s) / See picture(s). * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences - Laurie M. Brown and Tian Yu Cao - Olivier Darrigol - Gregory A. Good - Keld Nielsen on T.J. Seebeck
Reference : 100914
University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 196 pages
few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 1991 Contents, Chapitres : Laurie M. Brown and Tian Yu Cao : Spontaneous breakdown of symmetry : Its rediscovery and integration into quantum field theory - Olivier Darrigol : Statistics and combinatorics in early quantum theroy, II : Early symptoma of indistinguishability and holism - Gregory A. Good : The Rockefeller Foundation, the Leipzig Geophysical Institute, and National Socialsm in the 1930s - Keld Nielsen : Another king of light : The work T.J. Seebeck and his collaboration with Goethe, Part 2) near fine copy, no markings - pages 212 to 407
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences - Laurie M. Brown and Tian Yu Cao - Olivier Darrigol - Gregory A. Good - Keld Nielsen on T.J. Seebeck
Reference : 100913
University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1991 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 196 pages
few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 1991 Contents, Chapitres : Laurie M. Brown and Tian Yu Cao : Spontaneous breakdown of symmetry : Its rediscovery and integration into quantum field theory - Olivier Darrigol : Statistics and combinatorics in early quantum theroy, II : Early symptoma of indistinguishability and holism - Gregory A. Good : The Rockefeller Foundation, the Leipzig Geophysical Institute, and National Socialsm in the 1930s - Keld Nielsen : Another king of light : The work T.J. Seebeck and his collaboration with Goethe, Part 2) plastified wrappers, transparent, else near fine, no markings - pages 212 to 407
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences -Glenn E. Bugos - Stuart M. Feffer on Arthur Schuster and J.J. Thomson - Robert Marc Friedman - Giora Hon on Franck, Hertz and Townsend - Keld Nielsen on T.J. Seebeck and Goethe - Norriss Hetherington
Reference : 100910
University of California Press, History of Science and Technology , Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1989 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's white wrappers, title in blue grand In-8 1 vol. - 195 pages
few black and white illustrations and text-figures 1st edition, 1989 "Contents, Chapitres : Glenn E. Bugos : Managing cooperative research and borderland science in the National Research Council, 1922-1942 - Stuart M. Feffer : Arthur Schuster, J.J. Thomson, and the discovery of the electron - Robert Marc Friedman : Text, context, and quicksand : Method and understanding in studying the Nobel science prizes - Giora Hon : Franck and Hertz versus Townsend : A study of two types of experimental error - Keld Nielsen : Another kind of light : The work of T.J. Seebeck and his collaboration with Goethe. Part I; Reviews and bibliographic essays - Norriss Hetherington : The extraterrestrial life debate : A productive perspective" plastified wrappers, transparent, else near fine, no markings - pages 1 to 195
1957 1957. Helen Nielsen: Pas de fleurs d'oranger/ Ditis 1957
Bon état
1923 Paris, Piazza, 1923. In-4°, 102 pp., maroquin mosaïqué orange, avec motifs de losanges noirs et rouges au centre du plat supérieur, dos lisse, couvertures et dos conservés (mors frottés, dos noirci, premier plat de couverture détaché).
Moins connu que Beardsley, Dulac ou Rackham, Kay Nielsen est l'auteur de magnifiques illustrations d'inspiration symboliste. 19 planches en couleurs. Un des 1 500 ex. sur Japon. * Voir photographie(s) / See picture(s). * Membre du SLAM et de la LILA / ILAB Member. La librairie est ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 14h à 19h. Merci de nous prévenir avant de passer,certains de nos livres étant entreposés dans une réserve.