16 books for « niebuhr carsten »Edit

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Reference : 250


‎Voyage en Arabie : dans les années 1761, 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765, 1766, &c. : entrepris par ordre de Leurs Majestés danoises Frederic V & Christian VII, à bord d'un vaisseau de roi commandé par M. de Fischer, Contre-amiral des armées navales. Contenant la description de l'Arabie, ses bornes & ses provinces, des observations sur son climat & son terroir, sur la religion, les sectes, le gouvernement, les moeurs, les sciences, les arts & le commerce des Arabes, sur leurs monumens, leur langue, leurs monnoyes, &c. & enfin sur leur histoire civile & naturelle, &c. &c. Un volume in-4° très-bien imprimé & orné d'un très-grand nombre de cartes & de figures gravées en taille-douce à Copenhague sous la direction de M. Niebuhr par M. de Fehrt.‎

‎Copenhague Möller (et Paris : Costard) 1776 In-4° (262 x 211 mm) de XLIII - [3], 372 pp. - [1] f. d'errata et 25 ff. de pl. h.t. dont 10 dépl. et [1] f. tabl. dépl., veau havane marbré, dos à 5 nerfs orné, fleurons et motifs dorés, pièce de titre de maroquin rouge, double filet sur les coupes (reliure de l'époque) ‎

‎Ouvrage d'une remarquable précision, notamment pour ses études relatives à l'écriture et la calligraphie arabe Rare remise en vente sous un nouveau titre de la Description de l'Arabie, d'après les observations et recherches faites dans le pays même, première édition française publiée en 1773, traduite par Ferdinand-Louis Mourier de l'originale allemande donnée par Carsten Niebuhr (1733-1815) en 1772. Elle est ornée de 25 planches (dont plusieurs tirées ici sur papier bleuté) représentant outils, vues (dont 1 dépl.), souliers, costumes, feuillet d'un Coran (2 pl. dépl. et colorées), inscriptions, monnaies, calligraphies, techniques et cartes (dont 7 pl. dépl., celle du Yemen avec contours colorés), gravées par Martin et Defehrt, d'après Baurenfeind pour les dessins d'après nature. Le comte de Bernstorff, ministre du roi du Danemark, convainquit Niebuhr d'entreprendre une excursion dans le but d'élargir les recherches sur l'« Arabie Heureuse », en envoyant une équipe de gens de lettres dans le pays. Le roi choisit pour l'expédition le professeur Frédéric-Chrétien de Haven, comme physicien, le professeur Forskal, comme mathématicien et botaniste, le docteur Cramer, instruit en médecine et en histoire naturelle, Carsten Niebuhr, comme ingénieur géographe et enfin Georg Wilhelm Baurenfeind, dessinateur et graveur. Johann-David Michaëlis fut chargé d'établir un Recueil de questions, dont la traduction en français fut publiée en 1753, destinées à être résolues par l'équipe lors du voyage. Tous les membres, excepté Niebuhr, moururent lors de l'expédition : De Haven et Forskal en Arabie, Baurenfeind dans le nord de l'Inde et Cramer à Bombay. L'ouvrage se scinde en deux parties : l'Arabie en générale puis ses provinces, à savoir principalement l'« Arabie Heureuse » actuel Yémen, avec in fine le désert du Sinaï et le golfe arabique. Cette nouvelle émission, rendant au explorateurs disparus leur place au titre de l'ouvrage, est fort rare. Nous n'avons pu en localiser que 2 ou 3 exemplaires. Il ne faut pas la confondre avec celle d'Amsterdam, même date, intitulée Voyage en Arabie et en d'autres pays circonvoisins qui est l'édition originale en 2 volumes de la relation de voyage de Niebuhr à proprement dite. Mors supérieur fendu, mors inférieur fendu en tête, coins frottés avec manque pour deux d'entre eux. ‎


Phone number : +336 72 05 01 03

EUR1,000.00 (€1,000.00 )

‎[Chez S. J. Baalde, Chez J. van Schoonhoven & Comp] - ‎ ‎NIEBUHR, Carsten‎

Reference : 59260


‎Voyage en Arabie & en d'autres Pays circonvoisins (2 Tomes - Complet) [ On joint : ] Description de l'Arabie faite sur des observations propres et des avis recueillis dans les lieux mêmes ‎

‎3 vol. in-4 (27 x 22 cm en marge, 28,5 x 24 en reliure) reliures uniformes arabisantes milieu XXe siècle plein chagrin vert, dos à 4 nerfs orné, plats ornés de dorures dans le type islamique, Chez S. J. Baalde, A Amsterdam, Chez J. van Schoonhoven & Comp., Utrecht, Voyage en Arabie : 1776, Tome I : VIII pp., 3 ff. (table des matières et tables des planches), 409 pp. avec 72 planches hors texte (dont nombreuses planches dépliantes) et une grande carte dépliante (Terrae Yemen de 1763) ; Tome II : VI pp., 5 ff. (table des matières et tables des planches), 389 pp. avec 52 planches hors texte (dont nombreuses planches dépliantes) ; Description de l'Arabie : 1774, XLII-372 pp. et 7 ff. n. ch., avec 24 planches hors texte (dont nombreuses planches dépliantes, dont deux planches de calligraphie coufique rehaussées en couleurs) et la grande carte dépliante ("Terrae Yemen maxima Pars" au frontières rehaussées en couleur)‎

‎Remarquable ensemble, en belle reliure uniforme arabisante, réunissant les premières éditions en français des 2 ouvrages de Carsten Niebuhr dans lesquels il détaille la fameuse expédition danoise en Arabie (1761-1767) dont il sera le seul survivant, ses 5 autres compagnons, dont le naturaliste Peter Forsskal trouvant la mort pendant le long périple. Partie de Copenhague en janvier 1761, l'expédition passa par l'Egypte (Alexandrie et le Nil, Le Mont Sinaï...), Jeddah, Mocha (Niebuhr recueille le témoignage d'un hollandais rénégat sur ses pérégrinations au "Yémen"), Sanaa (les survivants y sont accueillis par al-Mahdi Abbas) poussa jusqu'à l'Inde et Bombay (où Niebuhr séjourna 14 mois). Seul survivant, Niebuhr s'en revint par Mascate, Persépolis (ses copies des inscriptions cunéiformes de Persépolis jouèrent un rôle fondamental dans leur déchiffrement), Bassorah, les ruines de Babylone, Bagdad, Mossoul, Alep, Chypre et la Palestine, le Mont Taurus et rejoignit Constantinople pour rejoindre le Danemark en novembre 1767. Bons exemplaires à grandes marges, reliés sur brochure, bien complet des 150 belles planches et cartes, souvent dépliantes (qq. rares petites mouill. ou traces de frott. dans le texte, petite fente à une carte, anciens ex-libris conservés d'un collège anglais avec cachets annulés) dans une belle reliure de style arabe. "Although Niebuhr explored not much more than a small triangle in Yemen, his work on Arabia was the first european attempt at a complete account of Arabia, its people and their way of life. He amassed a vast quantity of factual information, which he relates in a simple unrhetorical fashion, distinguishing clearly between things he observed personally and things learned from others" (The Library of Peter Hopkirk, 1010). Good copy with wide margins (some scarce rubbing or small waterstains, small slot on a map, old ex-libris from an english college witt its cancelled stamp) in a fine arabian style binding. ‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR5,900.00 (€5,900.00 )


Reference : 56657


‎Flora Ægyptiaco-Arabica. Sive Descriptiones Plantarum, quas per Ægyptum Inferiorem et Arabiam Felicem detexit, illustravit. Post mortem Auctoris edidit Carsten Niebuhr. Accedit Tabula Arabiæ felicis Geographica-Botanica. - [THE PLANTS OF THE ARAB EXPEDITION]‎

‎Hauniæ (Copenhagen), Mölleri, 1775. 4to. Contemp. marbled boards. Small nicks to coverpaper at edges. (1-7)8-32,CXXVI,(2),219,(1) pp., 1 engraved map (Tabula Arabiæ Felicis). A few faint brownspots. Clean and fine, printed on good paper.‎

‎First edition of Forskål's fundamental description of the plants of Yemen and lower Egypt found on the Danish expedition to Arabia. As Forskål died in Jerim it was Carsten Niebuhr, the leader of the expedition and only survivor, who published Forskål's manuscripts. Many botanical species are here described for the first time. Forsskål was one of the most gifted disciples of Linnaeus.Staffleu & Cowan, 1819. - Pritzel, 2969.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK35,000.00 (€4,694.27 )


Reference : 60446


‎Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Erster- (Zweyter) Band. 2 vols. - [FIRST EUROPEAN ATTEMPT AT A COMPLETE ACCOUNT OF ARABIA]‎

‎Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in 2 contemporary similar but not uniform half calf bindings. Vol. 2 with gilt lettering to spine and having slightly wider margins compared to vol. 1. Wear to extremities of both volumes and hindges weak. Stamp and previous owners names to half titles. Stamp to verso of plates. Vol. 1 split in innner margin in a few places. A few occassional brownspots and first few leaves in both volumes with light dampstaining, but generally internally fine. XVI, (6), 501, (1);""(16),479 pp. 1 large folded map, """"Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."""" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete). ‎

‎First edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia being a testament to one of the most significant and captivating exploratory journeys of the 18th century. Through meticulous mapping, cultural documentation, and scientific observations, Niebuhr's travelogue provided invaluable insights into Arabia, expanding geographic knowledge and influencing the field of Orientalism.Like his """"Beschribung von Arabien"""", his """"Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"""" """"provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""(Josef Wiesehöfer).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK16,000.00 (€2,145.95 )


Reference : 60248


‎Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. 2 vols. - [ON OF THE MOST IMPORTANT TRAVEL ACCOUNTS OF ARABIA]‎

‎Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in two contemporary full sprinkled calf bindings with five raised bands and richly gilt spines. Extremities with light wear. Spine on vol. 1 with wear with most of gilting worn off. Internally fine and clean. 2 engraved titlevignettes. Halftitles. XVI, (6), 505, (1);"" (16), 479 pp. 1 large folded map, """"Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."""" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete). ‎

‎Scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his """"Beschribung von Arabien"""", his """"Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"""" """"provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""(Josef Wiesehöfer).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK30,000.00 (€4,023.66 )


Reference : 56949


‎Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Erster- (Zweyter) Band.‎

‎Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in 2 contemp. full mottled calf. Gilt spines. Title-and tome-labels with gilt lettering. Wear to top of spine on vol. I. Fronthinge on vol. II cracked and loosening. 2 engraved titlevignettes. Halftitles. XVI,(6),505,(1);""(16),479 pp. 1 large folded map, outlinecoloured """"Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."""" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete). Internally fine and clean, a few marginal brownspots. Printed on good paper.‎

‎Scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his """"Beschribung von Arabien"""", his """"Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"""" """"provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""(Josef Wiesehöfer).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK32,500.00 (€4,358.96 )


Reference : 54723


‎Reize naar Arabië en andere omliggende landen. Uit het Hoogduitsch vertaald. 2 parts. - [NIEBUHR'S GREAT TRAVEL ACCOUNT OF THE MIDDLE EAST]‎

‎Amsterdam, 1776-1780. 4to. Bound in two contemporary uniform brown half calf bindings with gilt lines and gilt title-labels to spines. Spines with some wear and tear and vol. 2 with a couple of glue-repairs to upper capital. A small marginal damp stain to first quire of vol. 2 and (mostly very faint) marginal damp stain later on as well, otherwise internally very nice and clean. Tt2 with a tear to top margin, no loss. Beautiful allegorical vignettes to title-pages. VIII, (6), 484, (1, -errata) + 71 engraved plates (out of 72) + engraved folded map;"" (16), 455, (1) pp. + 52 engraved plates. In all with 123 splendid engraved plates, many of them folded, out of 124 - missing plate 29 in vol. 1. + the famous map of Yemen.‎

‎First Dutch edition of Nieburh's great travel account of Arabia, originally published in Copenhagen, 1774-78, in German under the title """"Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"""". This splendid and extremely important work on the Middle East, Egypt, Persia and India """"provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years."""" (Josef Wiesehöfer).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK20,000.00 (€2,682.44 )


Reference : 53620


‎Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Erster- (Zweyter) Band.‎

‎Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774-78. 4to. Bound in 2 contemp. hcalf. Gilt spines. Title-and tome-labels with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spines. Slightly rubbed. Stamps on title-pages. 2 engraved titlevignettes. Halftitles. XVI,(6),505,(1);""(16),479 pp. 1 large folded map, outlinecoloured """"Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."""" and 124 engraved maps and plates (complete). A dampstain on lower part of leaves in volume 2, increasing towards end. Printed on good paper. A few scattered brownspots.‎

‎Scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his """"Beschribung von Arabien"""", his """"Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"""" """"provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""""""Despite its tragic course, the expedition was a complete success with regard to its scientific and scholarly results. It was especially due to Niebuhr's efforts to preserve and continue his and his collegues' , that the Royal Danish Library was eventually equipped with a host of oriental manuscripts, maps, and drawings, as well as many botanical and zoological specimens... It was Niebuhr who edited and published Forskåll's Flora Aegyptiaco-Arabica (1775) and Descriptiones Animalium (1775), together with the drawings of Bauerfeind. In 1772 he had alredy published his systematic and geographically organized beschreibung von Arabien, which was followed between 1774 and 1778 by the first two volume of his three-volume chronologically arranged Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien. (the item offered, the third volume was published many years later, 1837). Both works, written in a clear and sober language and illustrated with numerous precise drawings, maps, and plans, provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""""(Josef Wiesehöfer).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK28,500.00 (€3,822.48 )

‎NIEBUHR (Carsten).‎

Reference : 42055


‎Voyage de M. Niebuhr en Arabie et en d'autres pays de l'Orient, avec l'extrait de sa description de l'Arabie & des observations de M. Forskal.‎

‎En Suisse, chez les libraires associés, 1780. 2 vol. in-8 de (4)-428 pp., 11 planches et 3 cartes gravées sur cuivre ; VIII-464 pp., 8 planches et 3 cartes gravés sur cuivre, basane marbrée, dos lisse orné, pièces de titre et tomaison en maroquin rouge, tranches jaspées (reliure de l'époque). ‎

‎Deuxième édition française abrégée, traduite de l'allemand, qui contient des extraits des "Observations sur l'histoire naturelle de Forskal" ainsi que des extraits de la Beschreibung von Arabien publiée en 1772. « Le comte de Bernstorff, ministre du roi de Danemarck, ayant fait espérer à ce prince d'obtenir des lumières importantes sur l'Arabie Heureuse, si l'on y envoyait un certain nombre de gens de lettres, le roi choisit pour l'exécution de ce voyage, le professeur Frédéric-Chrétien de Haven, comme physicien, le professeur Forskal, comme mathématicien et botaniste, le docteur Cramer, également instruit en médecine et dans plusieurs branches de l'histoire naturelle, M. Niebuhr, ingénieur-géographe et M. Paurenfeind, tout à-la-fois dessinateur graveur. M. Michaélis, savant distingué, fut chargé de leur proposer de résoudre, dans le cours de leur voyage, beaucoup de questions importantes ou curieuses, dont il leur fut remis l'exposé, avec un mémoire de direction pour leur route. De Haven et Forskal moururent dans l'Arabie même, Paurenfeind dans le nord de l'Inde, près Sacotra, Cramer à Bombay, dans l'Inde même. Niebuhr, seul échappa, seul il eut la gloire douloureuse de publier la description de l'Arabie et la relation du voyage dans cette contrée » (Boucher de La Richarderie).Collation conforme à la table des planches. Ex-libris armorié de la famille Chauvelin dont le premier écu montre un serpent entourant un arbre - inconnu à Olivier, Hermal, Roton (planches 1116-1119).Boucher de la Richarderie, Bibliothèque universelle des voyages IV, p. 441 ; Atabey, 872 ; Gay, 3589. ‎


Phone number : 33 01 46 33 57 22

EUR1,500.00 (€1,500.00 )

‎NIEBUHR, Carsten‎

Reference : 94389


‎Voyage en Arabie et en d'autres pays circonvoisins [Premier volume]‎

‎Amsterdam, Baalde, Utrecht, Van Schoonhoven 1776 In-4 25,5 x 20,5 cm. Reliure plein veau porphyre, dos à nerfs, caissons ornés, triple filet sur les plats, titre gravé, 10-407 pp., 72 planches, 23 repliés dont 6 cartes. Reliure usée, premier plat partiellement délié, coiffes arrachées, manque en tête, mors fendillés et coins émoussés. Quelques rousseurs marginales éparses, sinon int. assez frais. En l’état.‎

‎Premier volume seul de la première édition française. C'est en tant qu'astronome, cartographe et trésorier de l'expédition commanditée par le roi du Danemark que le jeune Allemand Carsten Niebuhr (1733-1815) découvrit ces contrées. Observateur précis et attentionné, doué de l'instinct du savant et d'une grande probité morale, il enregistrait les résultats de ses observations avec une conscience rigoureuse et un grand désir de représenter la réalité. Ses œuvres ont longtemps été des classiques de la géographie, l'Ethnologie, et l'archéologie de la plupart des lieux qu'il parcourut en Arabie. Le premier volume porte sur l’Egypte et le Yemen, pays inviolé appelé alors l'Arabie heureuse. Etat correct d’occasion ‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR809.00 (€809.00 )


Reference : 54250


‎Beschreibung von Arabien aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande selbst gesammleten Nachrichten abgefasset. - [WITH THE VERY FIRST MAP TO MENTION KUWAIT]‎

‎Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1772. 4to. Bound in a very fine contemp. Danish full calf binding, blindtooled covers and a gilt border on covers (spejlbind - Cambridge binding style) with 5 raised bands and richly gilt compartments. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Engraved titlevignette. XLVII,(1),431,(1) pp., 1 large folded map, handcoloured in outline (Terræ Yemen) and 24 engraved plates (of which 6 are charts, 2 handcoloured, many large folded). One folded plate repaired in outer margin, outside image and a small close tear with repairs on verso. A bit of browning to a few foldings. A fine copy on good paper with broad margins.‎

‎First edition of Niebuhr's famous classical account of his Arabian travel, being the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix. Having the famous map of Yemen (35x55 cm.) in outline colouring and the large folded map of the Arab Gulf (Mare Rubrum seu Sinus Arabicus), which is the first map at all to mention Kuwait.""Niebuhr was one of the best scientific travellers that ever lived... His works have long been classical, and even noW must be consulted by any who desires to have the most trustworthy accounts,.."" (Enc. Brit. 9th ed.).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )


Reference : 56601


‎Beschreibung von Arabien aus eigenen Beobachtungen und im Lande selbst gesammleten Nachrichten abgefasset.‎

‎Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1772. 4to. Later halcalf (around 1850). Gilt spine. Gilt lettering. Engraved titlevignette. XLVII,(1),431,(1) pp., 1 large folded map, handcoloured in outline (Terræ Yemen) and 24 engraved plates (of which 6 are charts, 2 handcoloured, many large folded). Printed on good paper. A few minor marginal brownspots. The folded map with faint dampstain in top of the map.‎

‎First edition of Niebuhr's famous classical account of his Arabian travel, being the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix. Having the famous map of Yemen (35x55 cm.) in outline colouring and the large folded map of the Arab Gulf (Mare Rubrum seu Sinus Arabicus), which is the first map at all to mention Kuwait.""Niebuhr was one of the best scientific travellers that ever lived... His works have long been classical, and even noW must be consulted by any who desires to have the most trustworthy accounts,.."" (Enc. Brit. 9th ed.).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,500.00 (€2,481.26 )


Reference : 56665


‎Description de L'Arabie d'apres les Observations et Recherches faites dans la Pays meme.‎

‎Copenhague, Nicolas Möller, 1778. 4to. Bound in a fine (20th Century) full calf. Raised bands. Gilt lineborders on spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Engraved title-vignette. XLIII,(3),372 pp., folded table, 1 large folded map (Terræ Yemen) and 24 engraved plates (of which 6 are charts, many large folding). The large map with some browning and foxing. Otherwise clean and fine, wide-margined, printed on good paper.‎

‎First French edition of Niebuhr's famous classical account of his Arabian travel, being the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix. With the famous map of Yemen (35x55 cm.) and the large folded map of the Arab Gulf (Mare Rubrum seu Sinus Arabicus), which is the first map at all to mention Kuwait.""Niebuhr was one of the best scientific travellers that ever lived... His works have long been classical, and even now must be consulted by any who desires to have the most trustworthy accounts,.."" (Enc. Brit. 9th ed.).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK20,000.00 (€2,682.44 )


Reference : 56602


‎Reisebeschreibung nach Arabien und andern umliegenden Ländern. Erster Band.‎

‎Kopenhagen, Nicolaus Möller, 1774. 4to. Near contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine. Gilt lettering. Mild cracking along front joint, but holding (inner joints strenghtened). Engraved titlevignette. XVI,504,(1) pp.,1 large folded map, outlinecoloured ""Tabula Iteneraria... Terrae Yemen... 1763."" and 72 engraved maps, plans, plates, several folding. (Plate LXXI is inserted between pp.304 and 305). 5 leaves in the middle with a faint dampstain in right margin. A few marginal brownspots. Internally clean, printed on good paper.‎

‎The first volume of the scarce first edition of Niebuhr's great travel account of Arabia. Like his ""Beschribung von Arabien"", his ""Reisebeschreibung von Arabien"" ""provided a mass of new geographical, regional, and historical information... Among is many exact maps and plans, the map of the Red Sea and of Yemen served as the most reliable information for more than 50 years.""‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK12,500.00 (€1,676.52 )


Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782940478477




Bookit! - Genève
EUR61.79 (€61.79 )

‎[VOYAGES] - NIEBUHR (Carsten), SEETZEN (Ulrich Jasper ) - ‎

Reference : 200618245

‎Reisen in orient. ‎

‎Berlin, Verlag der nation, 1962; in-8, 624 pp., cartonnage d'éditeur sans jaquette. Mit richard Lepsius , Heinrich Brugsch - berichte deutscher forscher aus dem 18 und 19 jahrhundert ausgewahlt und eingeleitet von Herbert Scurla.‎

‎Mit richard Lepsius , Heinrich Brugsch - berichte deutscher forscher aus dem 18 und 19 jahrhundert ausgewahlt und eingeleitet von Herbert Scurla.‎

Phone number : 03 89 24 16 78

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )
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