, Brepols, 2023 Hardback, 412 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:9 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503605524.
Summary One of the most important thinkers of the Middle Ages, the Jewish philosopher Solomon Ibn Gabirol (known in the Latin Middle Ages as 'Avicebron') greatly contributed to the history of metaphysics. His most famous work, the Fons vitae, was the source of sophisticated, radical doctrines (like universal hylomorphism and the plurality of substantial forms) that were rigorously debated in the Latin world for centuries. Breaking a long period of scholarly neglect of his thought, this volume scrutinises Ibn Gabirol's philosophical contributions by disentangling his original theories from the misconceptions originated by his medieval readers and critics, like Thomas Aquinas and Albert the Great. The first part of the volume expands on the Latin translation of Ibn Gabirol's philosophical work, the Fons vitae, from which many of these misconceptions seems to have originated. The second part focuses on the sources used by Ibn Gabirol and reconstructs the philosophical framework of his reflections. The final two parts of the volume are dedicated to the influence on Ibn Gabirol's thought on the Latin and Hebrew traditions, respectively. Authored by some of the most renowned worldwide experts on Hebrew and Latin philosophy, the cutting-edge contributions included in the volume give a lively picture of a complex yet fascinating medieval philosopher and his unique interpretation of the universe. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Part I: Translations and Versions of the Fons vitae 1. Federico Dal Bo, The Sephardic Task of the Translator: Ibn Falaquera's Paraphrastic Hebrew Translation of Ibn Gabirol's Fons vitae 2. Nicola Polloni, Misinterpreting Ibn Gabirol? Questions, Doubts, and Remarks on a Problematic Latin Translation 3. M ria Mi?aninov , Some Insights into the Manuscript Tradition of Fons vitae Part II: Sources and Parallels 4. Alisa Kunitz-Dick, The Role of Place in the Metaphysics of the Fons vitae 5. Sarah Pessin, Chains, Trees, and the Spirit-to-Body Boundary: Substance, Spiritual Matter and the Principle of Matter as Higher Cause 6. Mauro Zonta, A Note on Galen's Philosophical Writings as a Source for Ibn Gabirol Part III: The Latin Tradition 7. Mar a Jes s Soto-Bruna, Rational Discourse Surrounding Creation: Ibn Gabirol and Dominicus Gundissalinus 8. John A. Laumakis, Solomon Ibn Gabirol and William of Auvergne 9. Evelina Miteva, The Reception of Ibn Gabirol's Fons vitae in Albertus Magnus 10. Fabrizio Amerini, Thomas Aquinas and Avicebron 11. Marienza Benedetto, Avicebron According to Giles of Rome: A 'Mortal' Author 12. Caleb G. Colley, John Pecham, Interpreter of Ibn Gabirol 13. Ze'ev Strauss, 'Lord, show us the One, and it is enough for us': Meister Eckhart's Reception of Ibn Gabirol's Metaphysics of the One Part IV: The Hebrew Tradition 14. Cecilia Cavaleiro de Macedo, Ibn Gabirol: A Metaphysics of the Flux? 15. Warren Z. Harvey, Philosophy and Poetry in Ibn Gabirol 16. Federico Dal Bo, Ibn Gabirol between Philosophy and Kabbalah: A Comprehensive Insight into the Jewish Reception of Ibn Gabirol 17. Roberto Gatti, Models of Emanation in Medieval Jewish Philosophy: Ibn Gabirol, Maimonides, and Gersonides Index
, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, xiii + 318 pages, Size:152 x 229 mm, Language: English. ISBN 9780888448651.
Summary Medieval metaphysics is usually bound up with Scholasticism and its influential exemplars, such as Aquinas and Duns Scotus. However, the foundations of the new discipline, which would reshape the entire edifice of Western philosophy, were established well before the rise of Scholasticism through an encounter with the Arabic philosophical tradition. The Twelfth-Century Renewal of Latin Metaphysics uncovers what rightly should be considered the first attempt to construct a metaphysical system in the Latin Middle Ages in the work of Dominicus Gundissalinus. A philosopher and translator who worked in Toledo in the second half of the twelfth century, Gundissalinus elaborated a fascinating metaphysics grounded on a substantive revision of the Latin tradition through the work of Avicenna, Ibn Gabirol, and al-Farabi. Based on a series of structural dualities of being that express the ontological difference between the caused universe and the uncaused creator who lies beyond any duality, it was to prove original and far-reaching.?With Gundissalinus we witness the first Latin appropriation of crucial doctrines, like the modal distinction between necessary and possible existence, formal pluralism, and universal hylomorphism. This study thoroughly analyses Gundissalinus's revisionary interpretation of his Latin and Arabic sources, paying particular attention to the "unlikely blending" of Ibn Gabirol's universal hylomorphism and Avicenna's modal ontology which became the cornerstone of his metaphysics.
Sismel Firenze, Edizioni del Galluzzo 2018, 210x143mm, IX- 430pagine, in brossura. Nuovo.
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