1850 Stahlstich b. Herrmann J. Meyer, New York, um 1850, 10,6 x 15,8 cm. Auslauf in den Ontario-See. USA. Outlet of the Niagara. Steel engraving published by Herrmann Meyer New York ca. 1850. 10.6 x 15.8 cm. The outfall of the Niagara Falls into the lake Ontario.
Niagara falls, Gazette printing establishment, 1877. In-12, 72 pp., broché.Rare édition ancienne de ce guide sur les chutes du Niagara et leurs alentours, illustré d'une grande carte dépliante (déchirure sans manque), et de nombreuses vues in-texte.Couverture salie, avec petites déchirures et manques au dos.
Niagara Falls, Bridge St, Thomas Tugby, (1885). In-8, percaline brune orné d'un large cadre doré sur le premier plat (Chemise éditeur).Réédition de ce classique : la chemise contient un leporello de 23 vues (11 doubles et une simple) en noir gravées d'après des photographies, et un livret descriptif (40 pp.) composé par Thomas Tugby, résident à Niagara depuis 30 ans et propriétaire du bazar Mammoth.Livret détaché. Frottements au cartonnage.
Chromolithography "from a photograph" of Niagara river below the falls (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithography of Whirlpool near Niagara (Hudson river, between New York and Ontario states) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) - signed by W. Friend (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithograph of Niagara in winter from Canada side (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithograph "from a photograph" of American falls with Brock's Monument(Hudson river - New York State) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) - signed by W.Friend - (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Londres, Edinbourgh, New-York, T. Nelson & Sons, 1866. In-12, percaline brune.Édition illustrée de 12 chromolithographies d'après des photographies et dessins de l'artiste canadien Washington Friend.Ex-libris Château de Rosny-La Solitude, propriété de la famille Lebaudy jusqu'en 1955 à Rosny-sur-Seine, et ex-libris Paul Lebaudy.
New-York, T. Nelson & Sons ; Toronto, James Campbell and son, s.d. (vers 1890). In-12 oblong, percaline verte, vignette contrecollée sur le premier plat.Édition illustrée de 12 lithographies en noir d'après des photographies et dessins de l'artiste canadien Washington Friend.
sans lieu
sans date, in-8 à l'italienne, n.p. 16 feuillets : 1page de texte et 31 planches. Couverture illustrée. :: Brochure souvenir, probablement américaine si on se fit au commentaire noté sur la couverture intérieure : This book would be much more interesting if the mahers had not been so fanatic and narrow-signte and had given more news of the canadian side wich is far better than the american side... :: Agrafé. Bon état.
Paris cahiers libres 1932 In-8 de 55 pp., br., non coupé.
Edition originale, un des 600 ex. sur vélin (exemplaire non justifié).
Chromolithography "from a photograph" of Three Sisters & Goat Island from Canada side (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithography "from a photograph" of Suspension bridges & rapids above the falls (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithograph "from a photograph" of Terrapin tower & Horse shoe fall from Goat Island (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithograph of Glen's falls with three people and a camera on tripod (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,7x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 6,45x4,01 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithograph of Entrance to the Highlands opposite Peekskill with Caldwell's Landing and Anthony's Nose (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,7x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 6,45x4,01 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Chromolithograph "from a photograph" of American falls (Hudson river - New York State) : 4,84x2,8 inches (size of engraving) - 5,74x3,66 inches (size of the card) - undated (circa 1860) and unsigned (maybe printed by Currier & Ives) - without foxing -
Buffalo, NY, USA, Matthews-Northrup Company 1889 In-8 à l’italienne 15 x 22 cm. Reliure demi-percaline bleu-marine, dos muet, titre en rouge sur le premier plat, [8]-[42]-[10] pp., 20 photographies à pleine page hors texte, pages de publicités. Reliure légèrement frottée. Exemplaire en bon état.
Texte en anglais. Bon état d’occasion