462 books for « newman t r »Edit

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‎Simoni Philippi ; Arnold Newman, Philip Brookman : translation : Sophie Manceau‎

Reference : 60907

‎Arnold Newman ENG / FR / GER‎

‎, Taschen, 2000 Hardcover , 276 pages, ENG / FR / GER , 330 x 275 x 32 mm, dustjacket, book is As New !, full page photographs in colour / b/w , Large Format !. ISBN 9783822871935.‎

‎Piet Mondrian behind his easel, Igor Stravinsky at his piano, Max Ernst sitting smoking on his throne-like chair: Arnold Newman's photographs are classics of portraiture. His subtle arrangements constituted the foundations of "environmental portraiture." His photographs integrate the respective artist's characteristic equipment and surroundings, thus indicating his or her field of activity. The enormous fame of Newman's portraits can be ascribed to their daring compositions and sometimes astounding spatial structures. The photographer's beginnings, on the other hand, were none too promising. During the Great Depression Newman had to abandon his art studies for financial reasons. Between 1938 and 1942 he concentrated on socio-documentary photography in the ghettos of West Palm Beach, Philadelphia, and Baltimore. One might think that being forced to earn his living in a photography studio would have stifled his artistic potential: Newman portrayed up to 70 clients a day. Yet he still succeeded in developing a very personal touch and establishing himself in the New York art scene of the early 1940s. His subjects included Max Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Marc Chagall, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning and Alexander Calder. With his unmistakable style, Newman became the star photographer of artists, writers and musicians.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎A. D. Newman, L. Nijkamp (eds.)‎

Reference : 57152

‎Many Antwerp Hands : Collaborations in Netherlandish Art ‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2021 Hardcover, 242 pages, English, 280 x 220 mm, 80 colour ill., 2 b/w tables. ISBN 9781912554737.‎

‎A fresh look at the phenomenon of artistic collaboration in the early modern Low Countries Artists everywhere and across all time periods have collaborated with one another. Yet in the early modern Low Countries, collaboration was particularly widespread, resulting in a number of distinctive visual forms that have become strongly associated with artistic ? and especially painterly ? practice in this region. While art historians long glossed over this phenomenon, which appeared to discomfitingly counter nineteenth-century notions of authorship and artistic genius that have long shaped the field, the past few decades have seen increased attention to this rich and complicated subject. The essays in this book together constitute a current state of the question, while at once pointing the way forward. In broadening the art historical lens on this subject, they draw upon economic and social history, current interests in immigration and mobility, print studies, and technical analysis, embracing a range of literary and archival sources along the way. Interdisciplinary in their perspectives and methodologically diverse, these essays present both theoretical reflections on artistic collaboration and in-depth studies of particular artist-partnerships and collaboratively made objects. Abigail D. Newman is a part-time professor of Art History in the History Department at the University of Antwerp and Research Adviser at the Rubenianum. Lieneke Nijkamp is Curator of Research Collections at the Rubenianum.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.99 (€99.99 )

‎NEWMAN, Harold;‎

Reference : 22125


‎London, Thames and Hudson, 1987 Bound, blue cloth, illustrated dustjacket, 175 x 260mm., 367pp., profoundly illustrated in colour and b/w. ISBN 0500281963.‎

‎2373 entries relating to British and North American wares, decorative techniques, styles, leading designers and makers, principally from c. 1500 to the present. Book is in good condition.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎NEWMAN, Nanette (gedichten) & HAMILTON, Victoria (miniaturen).‎

Reference : 27375


‎Velp (Nl.)., Van Dobbenburgh, 1981 Gebonden, kartonnen hardcover met zilveropdruk, originele uitgeversomslag met flappen in kleur, 16.8x21.7 cm., pagina's niet genummerd, geillustreerd in kleur. ISBN 9065770054.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR9.00 (€9.00 )

‎B. Newman (ed.);‎

Reference : 40040

‎Thomas of Cantimpre: The Collected Saints' Lives Abbot John of Cantimpre, Christina the Astonishing, Margaret of Ypres, and Lutgard of Aywieres,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2008 Hardback, X+324 p., 160 x 240 mm. ISBN 9782503520780.‎

‎This volume contains tranlations of four lively and eventful lives recorded by the Dominican hagiographer Thomas of Cantimpre (c. 1200-c. 1270). The Dominican Thomas of Cantimpre (c. 1200-c. 1270) was a key figure in the 'evangelical awakening' of the thirteenth century. A prolific hagiographer, he lauded such diverse subjects as the abbot and apostolic preacher John of Cantimpre; the teenage saint Margaret of Ypres, an urban recluse who died at 21; Lutgard of Aywieres, a Cistercian nun and mystic; and the theatrical, mentally troubled Christina 'the Astonishing' of St-Trond. Thomas had few peers in portraying the ritual theatre of penance. He gives us such memorable scenes as a naked moneylender led out of a pit by a rope, a formerly rapacious prince kissing his peasants? feet as he restores their stolen goods, St Christina leaping into fires and boiling cauldrons to save souls in purgatory, and the deceased Pope Innocent III in agony, begging St Lutgard for her prayers. In this volume readers will find all four lively and eventful lives between the same covers for the first time. The Life of Abbot John of Cantimpre has been newly translated by Barbara Newman, who has also supplied a new introduction. The other three Lives are reprinted from Margot H. King's Peregrina Translations Series. Languages : English, Latin.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR87.00 (€87.00 )

‎Leduc-Grimaldi & J.L. Newman (eds)‎

Reference : 49158

‎Adventures of an American Traveller in Turkey by Henry Morton Stanley‎

‎, African musea tervuren, 2015 Softcover, 144 pages, Illustrated. text in English. ISBN 9789074752992.‎

‎This is the first volume of an intended series based on the Henry M. Stanley Archives housed at the Royal Museum for Central Africa. It covers a trip to Turkey that Stanley made with two companions in 1866, and which resulted in their pursuit, capture, and imprisonment. The main item is a transcription of a manuscript he wrote a year later, and which has been withdrawn from public use due to its very fragile condition. Detailed notes and a comprehensive index have been added to aid future researchers interested in both Stanley and Turkey at that period. Also included in the volume are relevant transcriptions from other documents in the archives and various letters pertaining to what happened to the three young men. Reeks: ?Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities?, nr. 177 Dit is het eerste volume van een serie gebaseerd op de Henry M. Stanley Archives, die bewaard worden in het Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika. Het gaat over de reis naar Turkije die Stanley in 1866 maakte met zijn twee reisgezellen, een reis waarbij ze achtervolgd en uiteindelijk gevangengenomen werden. Het werk bestaat grotendeels uit de transcriptie van een manuscript dat hij een jaar later schreef en dat uit handen van het publiek werd gehouden vanwege de zeer broze staat van conservering. Gedetailleerde aantekeningen en een uitgebreide index werden toegevoegd voor de onderzoekers die geinteresseerd zijn in zowel Stanley als het Turkije van die tijd. Het volume bevat eveneens relevante transcripties van andere documenten in de archieven evenals verschillende brieven over wat de drie jonge mannen hebben meegemaakt. De auteurs James L. Newman is professor emeritus in de geografie aan de Maxwell School van Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY). Mathilde Leduc-Grimaldi, Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, is sinds 2006 verantwoordelijk voor de Henry M. Stanley Archives, ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR39.00 (€39.00 )

‎NEWMAN, J.-H. (John-Henry Kardinal 1801-1890):‎

Reference : 134175aaf

‎Lot of ca. 20 small works on & by Newman & the International Centre of Newmann Friends.‎

‎ mainly 20th. c. in-8vo, wrappers.‎

‎A.o. The Times on the death of John Henry Newman / Blehl: Newman 1801-1890 / Sugg: Newman 1986 / Winterton: Newman / Aubert: Newman Cardinal La gloire posthume / 100 Jahre nach dem Tode John H. Newmans einige Dokumente 1990 / TREVOR: Newman Apostle to the Doubtfulé / Newman’s Oxford A guzide etc. ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF50.00 (€53.59 )

‎STONE, Matt - LERNER, Preston - NEWMAN, Paul‎

Reference : 74193

‎Paul Newman pilote automobile‎

‎Antony, éd. E.T.A.I., 2010, EDITION ORIGINALE, in-4, cartonnage toilé noir, jaquette photos coul. éditeur,176 pp., papier glacé, très nb. photos en coul. et en noir, sommaire, palmarès, index, "Pour des millions de fans dans le monde entier, Paul Newman était une icône cinématographique aux yeux bleus et un philanthrope marchand de sauces pour salade et spaghetti. Mais au sein de la communauté du sport automobile, il était "PLN", pilote, patron d'écurie et surtout mordu, dont toute l'ambition était seulement --de faire partie intégrante de cette communauté. Il n'y parvint pas totalement. Même en fuyant les sunlights, il en devint la vedette la plus célébrée - et la plus titrée - qui ait jamais honoré le monde de la course. Acteur passionné par son métier, Newman appliqua ces mêmes qualités à la compétition automobile, apprenant et expérimentant sans relâche, jusqu'à ce que le succès vînt rapidement récompenser son effort. Newman débuta sa carrière à un âge où la plupart des participants songent à se retirer. Mais en dépit de ce départ tardif, il s'éleva du statut d'amateur membre du Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) à celui de vrai professionnel lancé dans la série Trans-Am. Sur sa route, il remporta quatre championnats nationaux, signa des victoires de catégorie en endurance au Mans et à Daytona et reçut son dernier drapeau à damiers un an seulement avant sa disparition, en 2008, à l'âge de 83 ans. Il était aussi copropriétaire de l'écurie Newman/Haas Racing qui remporta huit titres en CART et en Champ Car au cours de vingt-cinq ans d'activité. Dans Paul Newman, pilote automobile, les journalistes automobile Matt Stone et Preston Lerner ont puisé dans l'histoire des épreuves et dans les souvenirs de tous ceux qui ont connu Paul Newman, pilote de voitures de course. Ont contribué à ce portrait Bob Sharp, Dan Gurney, Bobby Rahal, Tommy Kendall, Patrick Dempsey ainsi que d'autres pilotes, propriétaires d'écuries et acteurs. Partant d'authentiques histoires personnelles et de clichés d'archives, Stone et Lerner ont retracé la vie d'un homme célèbre, certes, comme un des meilleurs acteurs du monde, mais connu de beaucoup comme un fantastique pilote". Pas courant Très bon état, comme neuf ‎

Le Festin de Babette - Montmorillon

Phone number : 05 49 91 99 48

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎John Henry NEWMAN‎

Reference : 000074


‎Grammaire de l'Assentiment. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglais par Madame Gaston.‎

‎John Henry NEWMAN Grammaire de l'Assentiment. Ouvrage traduit de l'anglais par Madame Gaston. 1907, Librairie Bloud et Cie, Paris. 1 vol. in-8 broché de 408 pages. Collection Études de Philosophie et de critique Religieuse. Rare exemplaire de l'édition originale de la traduction Française (avec mention de deuxième) de cette oeuvre essentielle du Cardinal Newman. Bon état, petites traces claires en haut de couverture, sans gravité, intérieur propre avec quelques légères annotations au crayon (se gomme). Bon‎

Voyage au bout du quai - Saint quentin

Phone number : 06 09 74 56 42

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎NEWMAN (Jay Hartley), NEWMAN (Lee Scott).‎

Reference : 100589


ISBN : 9780517529669

‎The Mirror Book : using reflective Surfaces in Art, Craft, and Design.‎

‎New York Crown Publishers 1978 1 vol. broché grand in-8, broché, couv. illustrée, 336 pp., nombreuses photos en noir, 19 planches en couleurs. Texte en anglais. Couverture défraîchie, sinon en bon état.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎NEWMAN, John Henry:‎

Reference : 134446aaf

‎Unterwegs zum Licht. Leben, Entwicklung, Gebet. Drei Essays über John Henry Newman.‎

‎IRom, nt. Zentrum der Newman Freunde / Eigentümer, Herausgeber und Verleger: Dr. M.K. Strolz / Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1985, in-8vo, 94 Seiten. (Schreibmaschinenschrift). illustrierte Original-Broschüre. / Softcover.‎

‎Botschaft: Papst Johannes Paul II / L. Govaert / L. Scheffczyk / F. Boyce / J.H. Newman Zitat. ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )

‎Chroniques de l'Art Vivant - Aimé Maeght et Jean Clair - Tal Coat - Laurence Hordoir-Louppe - Barnett Newman - Don Judd, Clément Meadmore, Robert Murray, Saul Steinberg et Alexander Libermann - René Micha sur Jiri Kolar - Christo et Irmeline Lebeer - Alain Clerval et Jean-François Ferriol - Pol Bury - Gédéon Lacouleuvre - Philippe du Vignal - Lise Brunel et Merce Cuningham - Daniel Caux et Xenakis - Martine Cadieu sur Luis de Pablo - Palazuelo‎

Reference : CAV-34


‎Chroniques de l'Art Vivant n° 34 - Novembre 1972 - Tal Coat - Barnett Newman, une peinture debout - Jiri Kolar - Christo, dialecticien de l'éphémère - Jean-François Ferriol autour de Viva Superstar et du milieu underground newyorkais - Pol Bury - Commune par le Performance Group - Merce Cuningham - Xenakis, dominer la technologie de notre époque - Luis de Pablo - Palazuelo‎

‎Maeght Editeur - Chroniques de l'Art Vivant Ferce sur Sarthe, France 1972 Book Condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur, illustrée d'une uvre représentant des femmes dans une structures métallique grand In-4 1 vol. - 32 pages‎

‎très nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc 1ere édition Contents, Chapitres : Jean Clair : Défense d'afficher, défense d'uriner - Tal Coat, entretien avec Jean Clair - Les poèmes de Tal Coat, par Laurence Hordoir-Louppe - Jean Clair : Barnett Newman, une peinture debout - Le sublime est maintenant, commentaires sur l'uvre de Barnett Newman, par Don Judd, Clément Meadmore, Robert Murray, Saul Steinberg et Alexander Libermann - René Micha : Visite à Jiri Kolar - Christo, dialecticien de l'éphémère, suivi d'un entretien avec Irmeline Lebeer - Alain Clerval : Entretien avec Jean-François Ferriol autour de Viva Superstar et du milieu underground newyorkais - Pol Bury, l'art à bicyclette et la révolution à cheval - Gédéon Lacouleuvre : Deux ou trois choses sur le dictateur de Chaplin - Commune par le Performance Group - Philippe du Vignal : Ouverture - Lise Brunel : Entretien avec Merce Cuningham - Daniel Caux, entretien avec Xenakis, dominer la technologie de notre époque, 2 pages - Martine Cadieu : Luis de Pablo - Palazuelo ‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎[H. Casterman] - ‎ ‎NEWMAN, P. [ NEWMAN, John Henry ]‎

Reference : 20341


‎De l’Anglicanisme au Catholicisme ou Histoire de ma vie et de mes croyances religieuses.‎

‎1 vol. in-12 br., coll. Bibliothèque internationale catholique, H. Casterman, Tournai Paris Leipzig, 1865, 398 pp.‎

‎Bon état pour cette édition originale de la traduction française de l’autobiographie du cardinal Newman. Introuvable.‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR85.00 (€85.00 )

‎James L. Newman ; Marcia J. Harrington‎

Reference : 60422

‎Peopling of Africa: A Geographic Interpretation‎

‎, Yale University Press, 1995 Hardcover, 235 pages, ENG, 260 x 185 x 27 mm, dustjacket, in very good condition, illustrations in b/w. ISBN 9780300060034.‎

‎Early human migrations are the earliest migrations and expansions of archaic and modern humans across continents. They are believed to have begun approximately 2 million years ago with the early expansions out of Africa by Homo erectus. This initial migration was followed by other archaic humans including H. heidelbergensis, which lived around 500,000 years ago and was the likely ancestor of Denisovans and Neanderthals as well as modern humans. Early hominids had likely crossed land bridges that have now sunk.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎A. Newman, L. Nijkamp (eds.)‎

Reference : 57153

‎Undressing Rubens : Fashion and Painting in Seventeenth-Century Antwerp‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller 2019, 2019 Hardcover,232 pages ., 3 b/w ill. + 136 colour ill., 220 x 280 mm , English, , . ISBN 9781912554225.‎

‎The essays collected in this volume meet at a point of convergence between costume, art, and history, and focus on the seventeenth-century Southern Netherlands. Undressing Rubens looks at the significance of costume in life and art in the age of Rubens, confirming that, as is increasingly recognised by scholars of many aspects of early modern European culture, this is hardly an insular topic. Cloth and clothing in seventeenth-century Flemish paintings lead the contributing scholars north of the border to the United Provinces, south to courts in Florence, Mantua, Madrid and elsewhere, and east to Cologne and, ultimately, to Japan. Stretching back several centuries to provide critical context and points of origin for many seventeenth-century practices and ideas, the innovative research presented here also points forward in time, dealing with implications in later centuries but also, in many cases, engaging directly with questions of historiography still quite relevant today.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎H. Feiss O.S.B., C. Evans, B. M. Kienzle, C. Muessig, B. Newman, P. Dronke (eds.);‎

Reference : 36419

‎Corpus Christianorum. Hildegardis Bingensis Opera minora,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2007 Hardback, 594 p., 155 x 245 mm. ISBN 9782503052618.‎

‎This volume presents five works by Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) that relate to Benedictine life and liturgy, a unique collection among the known writings of medieval women. The magistra of Rupertsberg expounded the Benedictine Rule, the Athanasian Creed, and the Gospels; in addition, she composed a play: the Ordo virtutum, and numerous liturgical songs, arranged in the Symphonia armonie celestium revelationum. The fifty-eight Expositiones evangeliorum demonstrate remarkably creative readings of twenty-seven pericopes common to monastic lectionaries. Introductions for each of this volume's five works assess the respective texts, discuss the manuscripts with care, and establish the principles of the editions. The extraordinary ensemble of these works demonstrates the remarkable richness and range of Hildegard's oeuvre, as she applied her genius to everyday Benedictine practice at Rupertsberg. The volume will be of great interest to scholars of women's spirituality, monastic studies, liturgy, sermon literature, and medieval Latin literary and religious culture. Languages: Latin, English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR292.00 (€292.00 )

‎NEWMAN Jacob, SIVAN Gabriel‎

Reference : 9782845217599


‎Le judaïsme de A à Z illustré‎

‎1987, S.T.E. éditeur, in-4 broché de 402 pages, Le judaïsme de A à Z illustré, lexique des termes et des notions de la vie juive | Etat : bon état (Ref.: ref91040)‎

‎S.T.E. éditeur‎

Les Kiosques - Toulon

Phone number : 04 94 913 130

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Newman, Barnett. - Davies, Hugh M.:‎

Reference : 28369BB


‎The Prints of Barnett Newman. With an essay by Riva Castleman.‎

‎New York, The Barnett Newman Foundation 1983. 30,5x21,5 cm. 104 S. Mit Abbildungen. Originalbroschur.‎

‎In Europa selten angebotener Katalog der ersten grossen Ausstellung der Grafik Newmans.‎


Phone number : +41 313 123 711

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )

‎NEWMAN (John Henry).‎

Reference : 116019


‎Oeuvres philosophiques de Newman.‎

‎Paris Aubier, Editions Montaigne, coll. "Bibliothèque philosophique" 1945 1 vol. relié fort vol. in-12, demi-chagrin vert, dos à nerfs orné de fleurons dorés, pièce de titre de chagrin rouge, couvertures conservées, 668 pp. Edition originale de la traduction de Samuel Jankélévitch. Préface et notes de Maurice Nédoncelle. Bel exemplaire, bien relié.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎NEWMAN John Henry (& DESSAIN Charles Stephen & GORNALL Thomas S.J., eds.)‎

Reference : R106768


‎The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman, volume XXVIII (28): Fellow of Trinity, January 1876 to December 1878‎

‎Oxford, Clarendon Press 1975 xvii + 478pp., 24cm., publisher's hardcover, dustwrapper (with few small tears), text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, R106768‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎NEWMAN John H. (& SILLEM Edward J., ed.)‎

Reference : F106787


‎The Philosophical Notebook [2 volumes] I: General introduction to the study of Newman's Philosophy, II: The Text‎

‎Louvain, Nauwelaerts 1969-1970 Complete in 2 volumes: + pp., 24cm., uniform publisher's hardcover bindings, ex-libris stamp on title page, text and interior are clean and bright, good condition, weight: 1kg., F106787‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR170.00 (€170.00 )

‎University of Chicago Press, ed. - Newman (H. H.), ed.‎

Reference : 19717


‎The Nature of the World and of Man‎

‎Chicago, UP. Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1926 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover fort In-8 1 vol. - 566 pages‎

‎130 figures in-text 1st edition, second impression Contents, Chapitres : astronomy, by F.R. Moulton - the origin and early stages of the earth, by R.T. Chamberlin - geological processes and the Earth's history, by J.H. Bretz - radiation and atomic structure, by H.B. Lemon - nature of the chemical processes, by J. Stieglitz - nature and origin of life, by H.H. Newman - the bacteria, by E.O. Jordan - evolution of the plant kingdom, by M.C. Coulter - interactions between plants and their environment, by H.C. Cowles - evolution of the invertebrates, by W.C. Allee - of the vertebrates, by A.S. Romer - coming of the man, by F.P. Cole - factors of organic evolution, by H.H. Newman - human inheritance, by E.R. Downing - man, development and structure, by G.W. Bartelmez - dynamics of living processes, by A.J. Carlson - mind in evolution, by C.H. Judd - glossary and index ‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎NEWMAN, John Henry Cardinal:‎

Reference : 134251aaf

‎The Mystery of the Church. Edited by M.K. Strolz and the collaborators of the Centre of Newman Friends.‎

‎Rome, Via Aurelia, Centre of Newman Friends, 1981, in-8vo, Portrait + 195 p., Original paperback. / Softcover.‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF25.00 (€26.80 )

‎NEWMAN (Paul), NEWMAN (Roxana Ma) [Eds.]‎

Reference : 517044


‎Papers in chadic linguistics. Papers from the Leiden Colloquium on the chadic language-family.‎

‎ Leiden, Afrika-Studiecentrum, 1977. In-4 broché, VII-233 pp. ‎

‎ Couv. passée, petit accroc au dos, bonne condition. - Frais de port : -France 6,9 € -U.E. 9 € -Monde (z B : 15 €) (z C : 25 €) ‎


Phone number : +33 (0)3 25 71 67 98

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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