1907-1912 Four volumes (From Zoology and Botany Section): numerous figures & plates, roy. 4to, publisher's half cloth (covers with some discolouring).A good set of this expedition with many important contributions, including: Pteropoda, (Mollusca), Amphipoda, Leptostraca, Ostracoda, Cirripedia, Alcyonaria, Hydroid Zoophytes, Hexactinellida (Porifera), Solenogastres (mollusca), Aptera (Insecta), Schizopoda, Copepoda, Echinoderma, Echinoderm larvae, Myzostomidae, Sipunculoidea, Actiniae, Tetraxonida & Calcarea (Porifera), Seal-Embryos, Tunicata, Isopoda, Nemertinea, Young Holothuroids (Echinoderma), Polychaeta, Marine Algae (Phaeophycieae and Florideae, Corallinaceae) and Freshwater Algae, Musci, Lichenes.The First Natural History volume was on geology, the second mainly on vertebrates, this is the great majority of papers on invertebrates and botany.
1910 ix, 212 p., several figs, 28 pls, roy. 4to, publisher's hcloth (spine with outer ends somewhat worn and with tiny hole). The plates of the Tunicata part with a waterstain in upper margin. This volume includes the following contributions: Marett Tims, Seal Embryos (21 p., 2 pls), Herdman, Tunicata (26 p., 7 pls), Hodgson, Crustacea Isopoda (77 p., 10 pls), Joubin, Nemertinea (15 p., 1 pl.), Browne, Coelenterata Medusae (62 p., 7 pls), Vernon Darbishire, Lichenes (11 p., 1 pl.).
1908 iv, 279 p., 59 (21 col./tinted) pls, roy. 4to, hcloth.Includes the following papers: Nierstrasz, H.F. Mollusca. Solenogastres. 13 p, 2 plts / Carpenter, G.H. Arthropoda. Aptera. 5 p, 1 plt / Tattersall, W.M. Crustacea. Schizopoda. 42 p 8 plts / Wolfenden, R. Norris. Crustacea. Copepoda. 44 p, 7 plts / Bell, F. Jeffrey . Echinoderma. 16 p, 5 plts / MacBride, E.W. and J.C. Simpson. Echinoderm Larvae. 9 p, 1 plt / Ritter, v. Stummer- Traunfels, Dr. Rudolf. Myzostomidae, 26 p, 1 plt / Lanchester, W.F. Sipunculoidea. 6 p / Clubb, J.A. Coelentera, Actiniae. 12 p, 3 plts / Kirkpatrick, R. Porifera, Tetraxonida. 56 p, 19 plts / Jenkin, C.F. Porifera, Calcarea. 50 p, 12 plts.