NAGELS-MARDULYN E. - Ets. LETTANIE A. ( Mechelen - Meubelmakerij - Furniture - Design ) :
Reference : 45871
".: Mechelen, E. Nagels-Mardulyn ( stamp on 1 design) ; Ets. Lettanie A. ( printed label on 1 design), period ca. 1950 - 1960. 8 of the drawings are loose . 30 designs are in tryptyque format and mounted on folding boards. Ca. 20 designs represent dining-room furniture, the other designs for bedroom furtniture, chairs etc. Most of the designs are coloured, some of the glass cases of the dining rooms are adorned with vases , plates etc. to give the design a finished outlook. Only two of the designs bear an identification ( as mentioned above). Both companies have an address at the ''Haverkaai'' in Mechelen. Of one design was made a polaroid picture which received the name ''Fabiola''. This indicates a design date of around 1960. The designs can be labelled ''ugly'' . They suffer from ornateness. The dining room furniture ; each with side board or glass case, table and chairs are in ecclectic mock renaissance style , many with silly ornaments like coat of arms, spherical legs, ... The collection nevertheless gives a good impression of the style of furniture in vogue in Mechelen before the onset of modernism and IKEA."