Fayard, 1979, 198 p., broché, bon état.
Merci de nous contacter à l'avance si vous souhaitez consulter une référence au sein de notre librairie.
Nabokov Vladimir. Lolita. In English. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir (Nabokov Vladimir). Lolita. Na angl. yaz. London Corgi Books Transworld Publishers 1966. 348 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb9672c2eff78510d5
Nabokov Vladimir. Lolita. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir. Lolita. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Series: Manuscripts St. Petersburg Vita Nova 2004 576 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb8f8bce5b3f6fbd80
Vladimir Nabokov. Other Banks. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir.. Michigan Ann Arbor. Ardis. 1978. 270 p. SKUalb1bf9ae74c13d1b1d.
Nabokov Vladimir. Poems (1929-1951). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir. Stikhotvoreniya (1929-1951). Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Paris. Publishing House of Rhythm. 1952. 45s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb0583b105d443d192
Vladimir Nabokov. Defending Luzhin. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir. Zashchita Luzhina. Novel second life edition. Paris: Editions de la Seine 1967 268 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbea6bf161385ad4e4
Vladimir Nabokov: The Return of Chorb. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov V. A collection of short stories and short stories. Volume 1. Ann Arbor Ardis 1976. The Return of Chorb. A collection of short stories and poems by V. Sirin (V.V. Nabokov) published in 1929 in Berlin by Word Publishing and named after a short story of the same name. The original text of the collection includes 15 short stories and 24 poems. SKUalb5990501f66e7f60e.
Vladimir Nabokov. Comments on Alexander Pushkins Evgeny Onegin. In Russian (ask . This is the first publication of the Russian translation of V.V. Nabokovs famous commentary on the Pushkin novel. The English edition was published back in 1964 and has been repeatedly republished since then. Nabokov appears here as a philologist and literary scholar a man of great erudition a splendid connoisseur of the Pushkin epoch. Nabokov the commentator is full of surprises: he is sometimes sarcastic-mocking sometimes enthusiastic-emotional sometimes judicious and extremely precise. SKUalb45fe1ede91f29ab5.
Vladimir Nabokov. Strange things. Look at the Harlequins. Speak your memory. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir. Przrachnye veshchi. Smotri na Arlekinov. Pamyat govori. Collection of Works in 5 Volumes. American Period. Vol.5 St. Petersburg Symposium. 1999 704s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb92b5ea50698ba717
Nabokov Vladimir. Anya in Wonderland. Russian translation of Lewis Carrolls fair. Authorized translation from English by Vladimir Nabokov. Artist L. Chernyshev. Moscow. Soviet composer. 1991. 80 p. SKUalb5541aa673395d1fa.
Nabokov Vladimir. The Real Life of Sebastian Knight. Under the Sign of Illegitimate Births. Nikolai Gogol. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir. Podlinnaya zhizn Sebastyana Nayta. Pod znakom nezakonnorozhdennykh. Nikolay Gogol. Collection of Works in 5 Volumes. American Period. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg Symposium. 1999 608s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb384af23d30f58d9e
Vladimir Nabokov. An invitation to the execution. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabokov Vladimir. Priglashenie na kazn. Ardis-ARDIS ANN ABBOR 1979 218 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb5399cc547adac13c
V.V. Nabokov: Pro et Contra. Anthology in 2 volumes In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/V.V. Nabokov: Pro et Contra. Antologiya v 2-kh tt.. T.1: The Personality and Creativity of Vladimir Nabokov in the Ochenok of Russian and Foreign Thinkers and Researchers. V.2: Materials and Research on the Life and Work of V.V. Nabokov. Series: The Russian Way. SKUalbde1fc4bca7a6b679.
Vladimir Nabokov. Comments on A.S. Pushkins novel Evgeny Onegin In Russian (ask . Translated from English under the editorship of N. M. Zhutovskaya. Scientific Editorial and Automatic Introductory Stat. V.P. Stark. To the 200th Anniversary of A.S. Pushkin. To the 100th Anniversary of V.V. Nabokov. St. Petersburg. Art-St. Petersburg. Nabokovsky Foundation. 1998. 928 p. SKUalb6fec89c612ac6745.
Portrait original de Nabokov saisi de trois quarts. Tirage argentique d’époque (circa 1955) aux dimensions 18 x 24 cm, non crédité. Le cliché aurait été pris par le photographe Clayton-Smith, sans doute pour la sortie de Lolita.
S.n., s.l. s.d. (circa 1955), 5x8cm, une photographie.
Photographie originale en noir et blanc représentant Vladimir Nabokov. Tirage argentique d'époque. Mention manuscrite postérieure au stylo bille au dos du cliché : "photo Clayton-Smith mention obligatoire". La photographie servit d'illustration au catalogue de l'année 1959 d'Olympia Press, éditeur de Nabokov, dans le cadre de la réédition deLolita. Beau portrait de profil de l'un des écrivains les plus sulfureux du XXème siècle. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com -
Phone number : 01 56 08 08 85
Gallimard Abbeville impr. F. Paillart Broché D'occasion état correct 01/01/1959 239 pages
Nabokov Vladimir. A collection of works from the American period in five volumes. The Centennial of Birth 1899-1999 St. Petersburg Symposium 1997 672 p. SKUalb134b9c32dc9babf3.
Nabokov Vladimir (V.Sirin) A collection of works from the Russian period in 5 vo. St. Petersburg Symposium. 2000. 848 p. SKUalb44eb051a17ce2815.
Nabokov Vladimir (Sirin V.) The feat. Roman In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Nabo. Anne Arbor New York Toronto Ardis McGraw-Hill 1974 235 p. SKUalb21934382a8ed86ae.
Tajan & Alain Nicolas. 2004. In-4°, reliure cartonnage sous étui cartonné. 101 pages. 104 livres et manuscrits de Nabokov. Nombreuses reproductions.
Très bon état.
Dans la " Nouvelle Revue Française ", n° 282, mars 1937 (pp. 362-378). Exemplaire du rare tirage de luxe numéroté sur vélin pur fil.
Très bon état.
Nabokov, Vladimir (Introd. de D. Nabokov, choix de lettres et notes de D. Nabokov et M. J. Bruccoli)
Reference : 28788
Gallimard Couverture souple Paris 1992
Très bon Fort in-8. 686 pages. Coll. "Du monde entier". Bel exemplaire.
S.l., Robert Laffont / Coll. ''Pavillons'', (1999). Un fort vol. au format in-8 (248 x 158 mm) de 778 pp. Reliure d'édition de plein cartonnage illustré.
''L'ouvrage regroupe une soixantaine de nouvelles. Leur publication en un seul volume donnant ainsi l'occasion de découvrir toutes les facettes d'un génie incroyablement divers. Ces histoires reflètent l'éventail de l'inventivité technique et stylistique de Nabokov : contes de fées pleins de fantaisies, puzzles ingénieux, délicieux portraits et récits obsédants, mélancoliques, nourris d'étranges ambiguïtés''. Angles légèrement élimées. Rousseurs sur la tranche supérieure. Du reste, belle condition.
Julliard, 1980. In-8 br. traduit par G.-H. Durand. 13 récits composés par Nabokov entre 1924 et 1940. E.O.