Y’s YOHJI YAMAMOTO (né en 1943)SCIANNA FERDINANDO (né en 1943)
Reference : 105034
1994 Paris, 1994, 260x187mm, 48p., agrafé sous couverture souple toilée blanche titrée.Conception graphique Michaël Amzalag & Mathias Augustinyak @ M/M Paris, imprimé Omiascanners à Milan.Illustré de 32 photographies pleine page ou double page de Ferdinando Scianna en noir et blanc.Les légendes des photographies, situées en fin d’ouvrage incluent les noms et qualités des personnes représentées. Petites salissures à la couverture. (105034)
Phone number : +33 1 48 01 02 37
(Belprahon, chez l'artiste). 2007. 34x24 cm. 105 p. n.ch., illustré. Cartonnage.
Tiré à 500 ex. dont 50 avec numéroté et signé avec une gravure. - Exemplaire n.n. avec petit dessin et envoi pour Gian Pedretti.
Turnhout , Brepols, 2010 Paperback, IV+272 p., 217 b/w ill. + 40 colour ill., 1 CD, 210 x 270 mm. ISBN 9782503533438.
Solving Cases: Books and Paper Artefact Restoration is a collection of Italian restoration experiences documented by the author during his thirty years in this field. The author's intention was to take the reader by the hand and accompany him/her step by step as he confronts the complexities of each situation and resolves the case. Anyone interested in or already studying conservation techniques for cultural heritage artefacts will find this book helpful as it is not a standard textbook but a series of cases where the author explains his reasoning and describes how he approached the investigation process that is necessary in any direct conservation procedure. The discussions in this book highlight how even the smallest folds in an artefact can be read to increase our historical and technical knowledge. This book is divided into three sections, each offering a detailed investigation into different types of artefacts: manuscripts on parchment and on paper; books needing minimal treatment on their bindings to books requiring completely new bindings; drawings, prints, miniatures, oil paintings, and finally a globe covered with printed maps. The final part examines a unique case of virtual restoration on one of the oldest surviving images on paper. The book comes complete with a CD full of colour photos so you can visually follow the step by step description of the investigation process. Languages: English.
Verlag: (Belprahon, chez l'artiste). 2007, in-4to, (34x24 cm.), 105 p. n.ch., illustré de sculptures. Tiré à 500 ex- Exemplaire non numm. avec petit dessin et envoi sur titre, lors d’une visite à l’atelier 2009, Cartonnage avec titre imprimé.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Turnhout, Brepols 2018 Complete in 2 volumes: together 989pp. (continuous pagination), with numerous bl/w illustrations, 27cm., originale softcovers, in the series "Bibliologia. Elementa ad librorum studia pertinentia" volume 43, small stamp at verso of title page, unread, very good condition, weight; 3.3kg., G103780