Edinburgh, Archibald constable and company, 1818, in-8vo, XXIII + 557 p. + 2 maps (1 folded) / VIII + 550 p. + 3 maps (2 folded), some foxing, small legacy stamp on first free flyleaf ‘Guggisberg’, half leather, spine lost, text blocks firm but in first volume seperated from frontcover (sticking with sellotape). Marbled covers. (bindings to be restorated).
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
3 volumes petit in-12, percaline verte éditeur, 296 p., 333 p. et 379 p., qqs rouss. New York, Harper & Brothers, 1839.
Grande carte pliée hors texte et 12 gravures sur bois.
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
MacDiarmid, Hugh (d.i. Grieve, Christopher Murray) and Glen, Duncan:
Reference : 31224AB
Penwortham, Akros Publications. 1970. Gross-8°. 64 n.n. S. Originalbroschur.
Eines von 55 numerierten und von MacDiarmid und Glen signierten Exemplaren. - Titelblatt mit kaum wahrnehmbarem Fleck.
London, The Holland Press, 1962, 2 fort volumes grand in 4 reliés en cartonnage éditeur, 18pp., (3), 817pp., 62pp., nombreuses illustrations
---- EDITION ORIGINALE de ce catalogue tiré à 250 exemplaires seulement ---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE**8173/Q6AR
Edinburgh, Oliver & Boyd, 1830. Uncut in later full cloth. Orig. printed title pasted on spine. Stamps on title-page. Engraved a. printed title-pages. VI,(2),424 pp., 1 folded engraved map., 4 plates and illustrations in the text.
First edition. Arctic Bibliography, 9945. - Sabin, 40201.