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‎MÜLLER, Johannes von. MÜLLER, Johann Georg.‎

Reference : 57388

‎Briefwechsel und Familienbriefe 1766-1789. 6 Bände im Schuber.Band I : Briefe 1766-1779. Band II : Briefe 1779-1783. Band III : Briefe 1783-1789. Band IV: Erläuterungen Briefe 1-309. Band V: Erläuterungen Briefe 310-643. Band VI:Nachwort. Editorischer Bericht. Verzeichnisse Register.Herausgegeben von André Weibel.‎

‎ Göttingen, Wallstein 2009-2011, 235x140mm, Verlegereinband mit Umschlag. Exemplar wie neu.‎

‎ s/w Figuren im Text, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF250.00 (€267.97 )


Reference : 50662


‎Über den glatten Hai des Aristoteles, und über die Verschiedenheiten unter den Haifischen un Rochen in der Entwickelung des Eies. [In: Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus dem Jahr 1840]. - [ESTABLISHING ARISTOTLE AS THE FOUNDER OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE]‎

‎Berlin, 1842. 4to. Entire volume of ""Abhandlungen""... and ""Mathamatische Abhandlungen""... 1840 present. Contemporary yellow boards with a vellum-like spine. Handwritten title to spine. A bit of wear and soiling to extremities, and corners bent. Internally fine and clean. Stamp to title-page (Dom-Gymnasium Magdeburg, also stamped out). Pp. (187)- 257 + 6 plates, two of which are folded. Text very nice, bright, and clean, plates with a bit of brownspotting. [Entire volume: (6), XVII, (5), 400 pp. + 10 plates, 4 of which are coloured + (4), 137 pp.].‎

‎First printing of this foundational work, which established the acceptance, by the modern world, of Aristotle as the founder of biological science. It is due to the present work that modern encyclopaedias will now conclude that ""Aristotle is properly recognized as the originator of the scientific study of life."" (SEP). Apart from its importance to the modern view of Aristotle, the present paper was also central to Müller's construction of a natural system of the fishes. For centuries, the authority of Aristotle in matters of science and biology was unrivalled, but with modern science, the advancement of exact knowledge, and modern man's ability to investigate the smallest of details, Aristotle's scientific and zoological works increasingly came to be viewed as not properly belonging to the exact sciences. Many biologists would claim that his observations were fanciful and incorrect, not constituting any real scientific value. This view completely changed with the publication of the present paper, by the renowned zoologist Müller.In his ""Historia Animalium"", Aristotle had described a phenomenon in a shark, which no modern zoologist believed to be true. Had it been true, our classification among sharks and fish would need to be different, as this fanciful observation would completely alter our view of the shark as such. Müller, in the present treatise, was the first to actually prove Aristotle's observation to be true, thereby altering the modern conception of Aristotle, earning him the respect that he truly deserved as the first scientific biologist and as the originator of the scientific study of life. ""Müller placed the Cyclostomata among the fishes. He was thus led to study the sharks... A further product of this investigation was ""Über den glatten Hai des Aristoteles"" (1842). In ""Historia animalium"", Aristotle had reported that the embryos of the ""so-called smooth shark"" are attached to the uterus of the mother by a placenta, as is the case among mammals. Rondelet had described such a shark in 1555 and Steno had observed one in 1673 off the coast of Tuscany, but it had not been referred to in more recent times. Müller was the first who was able to corroborate the earlier testimony.In conjunction with the study of the shark, Müller constructed a natural system of the fishes based on work as painstaking as it was perceptive."" (DSB).Johannes Peter Müller (1801-58) was one of the most important physiologists and zoologists of the 19th century. He made a vast number of important discoveries, and his unusual and empirical approach to his subjects made him one of the most influential scientists of the century. ""Müller introduced a new era of biological research in Germany and pioneered the use of experimental methods in medicine. He overcame the inclination to natural-philosophical speculation widespread in German universities during his youth, and inculcated respect for careful observation and physiological experimentation. He required of empirical research that it be carried out ""with seriousness of purpose and thoughtfulness, with incorruptible love of truth and perseverance."" Anatomy and physiology, pathological anatomy and histology, embryology and zoology-in all these fields he made numerous fundamental discoveries. Almost all German scientists who achieved fame after the middle of the nineteenth century considered themselves his students or adopted his methods or views. Their remarks reveal his preeminent position in medical and biological research. Helmholtz, one of his most brilliant students, termed Müller a ""man of the first rank"" and stated that his acquaintance with him had ""definitively altered his intellectual standards""."" (DSB).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK18,000.00 (€2,414.20 )


Reference : 60921


‎Flora Fridrichsdalina sive Methodica descriptio Plantarum in Agro Fridrichsdalensi simulque per Regnum Daniae crescentium cum Characteribus genericis & specificis...ac Speciebus pluribus in Dania nuper detectis. - [ALL DANISH PLANTS]‎

‎Argentorati (Strassburg), J.G. Bauer, 1767. 8vo. Nice contemporary half calf with five raised bands and gilt lines to spine. Wear to spine and capitaks and slightly split at hinges, but still tight. A bit of brownspotting throughout. Smukt velbevaret samt. hldrbd. med ophøjede bind, rig rygforgyldning og skindtitel. XVIII, 238, (22) pp. + two folded engraved plates (one being the folded map of Furesøen, Lyngby-og Bagsværd Sø). ‎

‎The very rare first edition of Müller’s floral magnum opus, which according to his own statements contains a description of all known plants in Denmark, of which Müller prides himself with having discovered and described no less than 300. Müller participated in the production of the monumental “flora Danica” with its magnificent plates of all Danish plants, but the present work is the only work of botany that he himself published, namely of the flora of the Schulin Estate. “Otto Friedrich Muller (1730-1784) was born in Copenhagen, the son of the court trumpeter, a German man who had moved to Denmark. With a ready and lively intelligence, he received an excellent education admitted to the University of his hometown at the age of 18, according to the custom of the time he initially studied theology (the Danish university had only three courses of study: theology, law, medicine), then moved to law he had excellent skills in various fields, including music. However, he did not graduate, because for economic reasons in 1753 he abandoned his studies to enter the service of the Schulin family as a tutor to the heir of the house, who was orphaned at an early age. He lived with the Schulin for about twenty years, mostly on their Friedrichsdalin estate, near Copenhagen. Beginning in 1758, using Linnaeus' books, he began to study natural sciences as a self-taught student, both out of passion and to teach his pupil. Starting in 1761, he procured a microscope. His first scientific publication was a catalogue of insects from the Schulin estate, Fauna insectorum Fridrichsdalina (1764). Between 1765 and 1767, during a trip to Europe with his pupil, he visited many countries in central and southern Europe and was able to attend scientific circles, making contacts and lasting friendships. A man of the world, well accustomed to courtiers since childhood, through a strategy of targeted promotion (knowledge of eminent scientists, publication of previous works in support of his candidacy) he managed to be admitted into many European scientific societies. A Strasbourg published his only work of botany, a catalogue of the flora of the Schulin estate, Flora Fridrichsdalina (1767). During the journey, thanks to the various meetings, his interests finally shifted from botany to zoology, in particular to the study of invertebrates, of which he became perhaps the greatest expert of his time. In 1771 - his pupil was then 24 years old - he left the Schulin and thanks to Oeder's recommendation he was hired at the State Archives the office was renovated in 1772 after the fall of Struensee and Müller and, although he retained a small pension, he lost his place. His marriage to the wealthy Norwegian widow Anna Catharina Paludan resolved his economic problems once and for all from that moment on, he was able to devote himself full-time to scientific work. An important piece of his research was the Estate of Drobak, on the Gulf of Oslo, owned by his wife, where the scientist spent the summers from 1774 to 1778, focusing in particular on the study of marine micro-fauna. He was assisted by a team that included draughtsmen and engravers (one of the best painters was his younger brother, Christian Friedrich, who, in addition to illustrating some of his brother's works, years later collaborated with Vahl on the third tranche of Flora Danica) and a number of students, recruited in an ingenious way. Every year, Müller made an advertisement in the newspapers to recruit them and paid them for the journey from Copenhagen to Oslo. Beginning in 1771, publications also multiplied, mainly dedicated to different classes of invertebrates, before then little known. In the meantime, Müller had presented to the court the project of a Fauna Danica, to pair with Flora Danica, of which he was appointed curator after Oeder's departure. The countryside in Norway and, later, when arthritis forced him to give it up, the coasts of Denmark, including the islands, allowed him to collect specimens for both works. In 1776 he anticipated the content of his great zoological work with Zoologiæ Danicae Prodromus, which listed, classified and briefly described all the animal species of the kingdom of Denmark-Norway, a work of epochal importance for the innovative classification of invertebrates. Two folio volumes of Fauna Danica followed in 1777 and 1786, with 40 plates (the other two volumes would be completed and published by various curators many years after his death). Between 1776 and 1784 five files of Flora Danica were also released. However, an important work on infusers (small single-celled organisms that develop in plant infusions, belonging to various classes, especially protozoa) remained unfinished (and was completed by O. Fabricius). In 1784, after a decade of intense work, Müller died at the age of fifty.” (D. D. Damkaer, The Copepodologist's Cabinet, A Biographical and Bibliographical History).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK10,000.00 (€1,341.22 )

‎Vekeman, Herman/ Muller Hofstede, Justus;‎

Reference : 14226

‎Wort und Bild in der Niederlandischen Kunst und literatur des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts,‎

‎, Erftstadt, Lukassen Verlag, 1984, Gebunden, Deckeltitelvergoldung, Ruckentitelvergoldung, Original-Schutzumschlag illustriert koloriert, 31x22cm, 314pp, illustriert s/w. ISBN 3923769040.‎

‎Contents: J. MULLER HOFSTEDE, "Wort un Bild": Fragen zur Signifikanz und Realitat in der hollandischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. K. PORTEMAN, Nederlandse embleemtheorie van Marcus Antonius Gillis(1566) tot Jacob Cats (1618). H. MIEDEMA, Tekst en afbeelding als bronnen bij historisch onderzoek. J. BECKER, "De Duystere Sin van de Geschilderde Figueren": zum Doppelsin in Ratsel, Emblem und Genrestuck. B. SCHNACKENBURG, Das Bild des bauerlichen Lebens bei Adriaen van Ostade. Th. VIGNEAU-WILBERG, Hofische Minne und Burgermoral in der Graphik um 1500. P.W.M. VAN DER SLUYS, Invloed van emblematiek, hieroglyfiek en deviezenkunst in het werk van Jonker Jan van der Noot. E. McGRATH, Rubens"s "Susanna and the Elders" and moralizing inscriptions on prints. E. DUVERGER, Voruntersuchungen zur Literatur las Inspirationsquelle fur die flamische Bildteppichkunst des 17.Jahrhunderts. Chr. BROWN, Allegory and symbol in the work of Anthony van Dyck. J. MUYLLE, "Pier den Drol". K. van Mander en P. Breughel. Bijdrage tot de literaire receptie van P. Breughels werk ca. 1600. A.J. GELDERBLOM, Een ereplaats voor een versleten jurk: de interpretatie van de titelgravure in Coornherts "Wercken" van 1630. K. RENGER, Verhaltnis von Text und Bild in der Graphik. (Beobachtungen zu Missverhaltnissen). H. VEKEMAN, Taufe in Feuer und Wasser. Jan Luyken und Jacob Bohme. Chr. TUMPEL, Die Rezeption der judischen Altertumer des Flavius Josephus in den hollandischen Historiendarstellungen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts. A. SMITMANS, Probleme des Bildsinns bei Rembrandt. H.J. RAUPP, "Trucidata Innocentia". Die Verurteilung des Oldenbarnevelt bei Joost van den Vondel und Cornelis Saftleven. A. KEERSMAEKERS, Rederijkers-Rebusblazoenen in de 16- en 17e eeuw. G. UNVERFEHRT, Christliches Exempel und profane Allegorie. Zum Verhaltnis von Wort und Bild in der Graphik der Boschnachfolge. J. MULLER HOFSTEDE, Non Saturatur Oculus Visu. Zur Allegorie des Gesichts" von Peter Paul Rubens und Jan Brueghel D.A. REGISTER. Guter Zustand.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎MULLER Klaus E. / RITZ-MULLER Ute ...//... Klaus E. Müller / Ute Ritz-Müller.‎

Reference : 804


‎Afrique - La magie dans l'âme. Rites, charmes et sorcellerie.‎

‎Köln (Cologne), Könemann, 2000, 1 volume, in-4, reliure éditeur, 503 p. Très nombreuses illustrations en noir (documents anciens) et en couleur (photographies de Henning Christoph), glossaire, bibliographie et index en fin de volume. Reliure éditeur, pleine toile beige sous jaquette illustrée en couleur.‎

‎ Très bel exemplaire. ************* Remise 20 % pour toute commande supérieure à 100 €, envoi gratuit en courrier suivi et assurance à partir de 30 € d'achat (France seulement).‎

Yves Oziol - Clermont-Ferrand

Phone number : 04 73 91 84 71

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎BLATTER, Bernard. - LAYAZ, Michel. - MULLER, Grégoire. - PROD’HOM, Chantal.‎

Reference : 112330

‎Manuel Müller. Sculptures, dessins et gravures.‎

‎ Vevey, Musée Jenisch 2001, 280x240mm, 71pages, broché. Bel exemplaire.‎

‎ planches en couleurs, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )


Reference : 110591

‎Das Nürnberger Wörterbuch des Johann Heinrich Häßlein (1737-1796) und seine Benutzung durch Johann Andreas Schmeller. Herausgeben und mit einer Einleitung versehen von Gabi Oswald-Müller. Jahrbuch der Johann-Andreas-Schmeller-Gesellschaft, 1991.‎

‎ Grafenau, Morsak Verlag 1993, 230x160mm, 160Seiten, broschiert. Exemplar wie neu.‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )


Reference : 106349

‎M. Tullii Ciceronis Tusculanarum Disputationum. Libir quinque. Recognuit C. F. W. Müller.‎

‎ Lispsiae, In Aedibus B. G. Teubneri 1882, 180x115mm, reliure demi-toiles avec plats papier marbré. Bon état. ‎

‎ pages 277 à 466, texte en latin, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF25.00 (€26.80 )

‎MULLER, Otfried.‎

Reference : 94485

‎Histoire de la littérature grecque jusqu’a Alexandre Le Grand. Traduite, annotée et précédée d’une étude sur Otfried Müller et sur l’Ecole Historique de la Philologie Allemande par K. Hillebrand. Tome premier et tome second.‎

‎ Paris, Auguste Durand 1866, 220x145mm, CCCLXXX - 452 + 738pages, demi-percaline verte, pièce de titre en cuir brun, fleurons doré, plats papier marbré, couverture conservée. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF75.00 (€80.39 )

‎MULLER, Johannes von. - BONJOUR, Edgar.‎

Reference : 104227

‎Schriften in Auswahl. Briefe in Auswah. Zweite, druchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage.Studien zu Johannes von Müller von Edgar Bonjour. Briefwechsel mit Johann Gottfried Herder und Caroline v. Herder geb. Flachsland 1782-1808. Hrsg. von K. E. Hoffmann. 4 Bände.‎

‎ Basel - Schaffhausen, Benno Schwabe- Meier 1955, 225x155mm, 210x130mm, Verlegereinband mit Umschlag. Sehr schönes Exemplar.‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF100.00 (€107.19 )

‎Muller, Karl Otfried.‎

Reference : 94496

‎Karl Otfried Müllers Geschichte der Griechischen Litteratur bis auf das Zeitalter Alexanders, nach der Handschrift des Verfassers herausgegeben von Dr. Eduard Müller. Vierte Auglage, mit Anmerkungen und Zasätzen Bearbeitet von Emil Heitz. 2 Bände. (Band II, Erste und zweite Hälfte).‎

‎ Stuttgart, Albert Heitz 1882, 225x145mm, XVI- 636 + 212 + 462Seiten, Halbperkalin. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF75.00 (€80.39 )


Reference : 94087

‎Die Historien des P. Cornelius Tacitus, herausgegeben von Johann Müller. Für den Schulgebrauch bearbeitet von A. Ch. Christ. Mit 3 Karten und 15 Abbildungen.‎

‎ Wien, Verlag von F. Tempsty 1903, 190x135mm, XI - 302Seiten, Verlegereinband. In gutem Zustand. ‎

‎ vermisse die Karte, Texte in Latein und Deutsch, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎SCHLEGEL, Friederich. - MULLER, Günther.‎

Reference : 27944

‎Von der Seele. Mit einer Einführung von Günther Müller. “Schriften zur Deutschen Literatur für die Görresgesellschaft.”‎

‎ Augsburg - Köln, Benno Filser 1927, 250x165mm, LXVIII - 59Seiten, broschiert. Rücken ohne Name. Besitzername. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎MULLER, Johann von . - GLUTZ-BLOTZHEIM, Robert.‎

Reference : 28802

‎Sach- und Personen-Register zu den Geschichten Schweizerischer eidgenossenschaf von Johann von Müller und Robert Glutz-Blotzheim.‎

‎ Bern, Chr. Albr. Jenni 1832, 220x140mm, 363Seiten, broschiert. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF75.00 (€80.39 )

‎MÜLLER, Johann Georg.‎

Reference : 35917

‎Sämmtliche Werke. Hrsg. von Johann Georg Müller. 40 Theilen in 14 Bände.‎

‎ Stuttgart - Tübingen, J. G. Cotta 1831-1835, 140x190mm, Halbperkalin. Titre au dos doré. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF280.00 (€300.12 )

‎MÜLLER, Johannes von.‎

Reference : 37149

‎Johannes von Müller. Aus den Geschichten Schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft. Mit einem Geleitwort von Dr. Rolf Henne.‎

‎ Zürich, Verlag Volk und Schriftum 1940, 210x135mm, 95Seiten, broschiert. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎MÜLLER, Hans.‎

Reference : 42286

‎Wie der schweizerische Arbeitersekretär sich rechtfertigt. Ein zweiter Beitrag zur kenntnis seiner Leistungen.‎

‎ Basel, H. Müller 1894, 205x140mm, 56Seiten, broschiert. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎Kaufmann, J.-C. - Müller, F.‎

Reference : 45748

‎Le Bétail suisse de Race brune et de Race tachetée. Types peints d’après nature par J.-C. Kaufmann. Texte par F. Müller.‎

‎ Berne - Paris - Milan, K.-J. Wyss - Librairie Agricole de la Maison Rustique - U. Hoepli 1896, 315x230mm, 44pages, cartonnage de l’éditeur, quelques rousseurs autrement bon état. ‎

‎ 4 chromolitographies couleurs, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF150.00 (€160.78 )

‎MÜLLER, Johannes.‎

Reference : 52293

‎Sämmtliche Werke. Herausgegeben nach des Verfassers Tode durch dessen Bruder Johann Georg Müller. 18 Bände, (1 - 18).‎

‎ Tübingen, J.C. Cotta’schen Buchhandlung 1810-1814, 215x130mm, Pappband. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF150.00 (€160.78 )

‎Eggenberger, Christian. - Müller, Lars.‎

Reference : 56912

‎Science suisse.‎

‎ Baden, Lars Müller Publishers 2008, 245x170mm, 470Seiten, Verlegereinband. Exemplar wie neu.‎

‎ 2 DVD, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal‎

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF40.00 (€42.87 )

‎Müller, H.F. - Pöch, R. - Nothnagel, Hermann.‎

Reference : 58529

‎Die Pest. Von Dr. H.F. Müller und Dr. R. Pöch. Mit 4 Tafeln.Specielle Pathologie und Therapie. Hrsg. Hermann Nothnagel. V. Band, IV. Theil. ‎

‎ Wien, Alfred Hölder 1900, 250x175mm, X- 353Seiten, broschiert. ‎

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Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF50.00 (€53.59 )

‎Weidmann, M. - Tschumi, P. - Pedroli, R. Müller, I. - Studemann, D.‎

Reference : 59316

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎Maggetti, M. - Müller, I. - Weidmann, M. Lampel, G.‎

Reference : 59322

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )

‎Bosset, E. - Müller, I. - Stampfli, H.-R. - Keller, L.‎

Reference : 59328

Phone number : 41 26 323 23 43

CHF20.00 (€21.44 )


Reference : 3822

‎Physiologie du système nerveux ou recherches et expériences sur les diverses classes d'appareils nerveux, les mouvemens, la voix, la parole, les sens et les facultés intellectuelles. Traduite de l'allemand, sur la troisième édition, par A.J.L. Jourdan -- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE‎

‎P., Baillière, 1840, 2 volumes in 8 reliés en demi-chagrin vert, dos ornés de filets dorés (reliures de l'époque), (accroc à une coiffe, petites auréoles sans gravité dans les marges supérieures des derniers feuillets du tome 2 et dans les marges supérieures des planches, accroc à une coiffe), T.1 : 6pp., 640pp., T.2 (2), 644pp., 4 PLANCHES dépliantes, 80 figures dans le texte‎

‎---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- Traduction par JOURDAN de la partie consacrée à la physiologie du système nerveux du Traité de physiologie de J. Muller A LAQUELLE IL A AJOUTE ET TRADUIT UN OPUSCULE DE J. MULLER sur la compensation des forces physiques dans l'organe vocal de l'homme (Ueber die compensation der physischen kroeste am menchlichen stimmorgen, Berlin, 1839) ---- "A classical and a standard Work in Neurology". (MacHenry french ed.) ---- "Muller was responsable for a remarkable advance in neurophysiology : confirmation of the Bell-Magendie law by means of a simple experiment performed on the frog. He established experimentally that the first and second branches of the trigeminal nerve are sensory and that the third branch contains, in addition to sensory fibers, motor fibers for the jaw muscles. He also asserted, again on the basis of his own research, that the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are of the mixed type. This research led to the first comprehensive scientific conception of the nervous system as a unit. In 1833 Muller studied the phenomena of reflection, by which he meant the involuntary transition - occurring in the spinal cord or brain - of excitation from the centripetally conducting nerves to the centrifugally conducting ones. He also describes coughing, sneezing, hiccuping, vomiting and ejaculation as reflex arcs located along the spinal cord and medulla oblongata, thereby contributing a fundamental new insight into the study of such phenomena. With his reflex theory Muller was able to explain many processes in the human organism and was also able to demonstrate his ideas on animals - an achievement that his era, so fond of experimentation, considered of no less importance.". (DSB IX pp. 570/571) ---- Haymaker pp. 243/247**3822/H3-3824/CART8‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR190.00 (€190.00 )
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