1809 Pleyel & Fils aîné, Paris ca 1809/1820,5 volumes gravés par Richomme.. Tall folio. 19th century marbled boards. Violin i: 2ff. (title, thematic catalogue), [1] (blank), 2-165; Violin II: 2ff. (title, index)k [1] (blank), 2-135; Viola I: 2ff. (title, index), 133; Viola II: 2ff. (title, index), [1] (blank), 2-51; Violoncello: 3ff. (title, thematic catalogue, index), 119 pp. Engraved. Contains K 157, 160, 173, 428, 458, 421, 465, 387, 464, 575, 589, 590, 499, 593, 614, 406, 478, Anh. B to 478, 515, 287, Anh. B to 271h, 174, 375, Anh. B to 375, 516, 407, Anh. B to 386c, 581, Anh. B to 581, 563. Bindings worn and partially detached, spines lacking; Slightly browned and soiled; some offsetting; lacking frontispiece portrait. Scarce. OCLC (1 copy only in U.S. libraries).
5 volumes in-f°(264 x 338mm) dos et plats de papier finement gaufrés et moirés, gardes marbrées. Page de titre gravée pour chaque volume, le 1er contient en outre le catalogue thématique de tous les quatuors, quintetti et trio formant la collection complette de Mozart ,dos manquant, le 2e, la table du second violon et le 3e la table du 2e alto.etc. Dos leg.abimés aux coiffes, mais reliures solides, rares rousseurs,mouillures en marge .Serie complète . KV 157, 160=159a, 173, 428=421b, 458, 421, 465, 387, 464, 575, 589, 590, 499, 593, 614, 406=516b, 478, 515, 287=271H, 174, 375, 516, 407=386c [Bearbeitung für Streichquintett], 563) Collection Complette des Quatuors, Quintetti & TrioKö7 Anh. D 9(d), S. 924; RISM M/MM 7467. - Komplette Folge der Pleyelsche Gesamtausgabe der Kammermusikwerke Mozarts (umfasst 13 Quartette, 10 Quintette und das Trio KV 563), zugleich Titelauflagen früherer Pleyel-Ausgaben ca. 1798ff. - Stimme der Violine I fehlt. Am Ende der Stimme der Violine II angebunden: Alternativstimme des Violoncello II (4 gest. S.) für KV 386c. Einbände lädiert. Stockfleckig und vereinzelt wasserrandig. (KV 157, 160=159a, 173, 428=421b, 458, 421, 465, 387, 464, 575, 589, 590, 499, 593, 614, 406=516b, 478, 515, 287=271H, 174, 375, 516, 407=386c [Bearbeitung für Streichquintett], 563) Collection Complette des Quatuors, Quintetti & Trio. Gravée par Richomme. [9 Hefte zusammengebunden]. Paris, Pleyel (Pl.Nrn. 544, 354, 355, 481, 545, 482, 483, 546, 547, 548) [ca. 1809ff.]. Stimmen (VlII, VlaI, VlaII, Vc): 135, 133, 51, 119 gest. S. Pp.d.Zt. [RARE PRINTED MUSIC]
.: 2. London, Printed by G. Brown [...] . S.d. ( ca. 1820?), format 34 x 24 cm . 2 lleaves with engraved music. The title text in contained in the first page, No plate number . Price 1s/. Disbound, removed from a binding. Inner margin with some damage.
.: 2. London, Printed & Sold by Preston, [...] . S.d. ( ca. 1807?), format 34 x 24 cm . Engraved pictorial title + 4 leaves with engraved music. No plate number . Pagination (87), 88->96. ( Variation N° 12) Price 2s/. Disbound, removed from a binding. Inner margin with some damage, some pencil annotations.
.: 2. Paris, chez Henry Lemoine, s.d. (ca. 1860 ?) , format 34 x 26 cm . Engraved + 25 pp with engraved music. Plate number 3393 H.. Disbound, removed from a binding. Inner margin with some damage, with a faint clear warterstain.