Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh 1981-1998 Complete work in 6 volumes, 133 + 152 + 284 + 246 + 224 + 318 pp., 24cm., in the series "Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums. Neue Folge. 2.Reihe: Forschungen zu Gregor von Nazianz" volumes 1-5-10-11-12-14, bound in hardcover in green cloth with gilt lettering on spine, original softcovers preserved and bound in, copy from the personal collection of the editor (the Belgian prof. and byzantinist Justin Mossay, specialised in Gregory of Nazianzus), very good condition, weight: 3.2kg., [Content: Volume I: Codices Galliae, II: Codices Americae, Angiliae, Austriae, III: Codices Belgii, Bulgariae, Constantinopolis, Germaniae, Graeciae (pars priori), Heluetiae, Hiberniae, Hollandiae, Poloniae, Russiarum, Scandinauiae, Ucrainae et Codex Uagus, IV: Codices Cypri, Graeciae (pars altera), Hierosolymorum, V: Codices Civitatis Vaticanae, VI: Codices Aegypti, Bohemiae, Hispaniae, Italiae, Serbiae. Addenda et corrigenda], R106050
Paderborn, Ferdinand Schöningh 1998 318pp., 24cm., in the series "Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums. Neue Folge. 2.Reihe: Forschungen zu Gregor von Nazianz" volume 14, softcover, very good condition, R106048