1937 Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, CVI, 1937 : in-8, broché Tiré-à-part, pp. 133-168, couverture orange imprimée. Très bon état.
1933 69 p., 200 figs, frontispiece, original printed boards.
1940 ix, 248 p., 122 figures, frontispiece (portrait), blue publisher’s cloth. Library stamps.
Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, The MIT Press, 1966. 1 volume in-12, 186 pp., navy cloth hardback with a black dustjacket, flat spine, the back lower edge of dustjacket shows tears, enriched with 2 maps of China hors texte, good condition.
Contents: Introduction: A Discussion of the National Question in the Chinese Revolution and of Actual Nationalities Policy (Draft) - Chapter One: Our Country Is a United, Multinational State - Chapter Two: The Correct Way of Resolving the National Question - Chapter Three: Safeguard the Policy of Regional Autonomy That Permits the National Minorities To Be Masters in Their Own Homes - Chapter Four: Help the National Minorities To Develop Steadily Their Economic and Cultural Affairs - Chapter Five: Respect the Traditional Customs and Religious Beliefs of the National Minorities - Chapter Six: Socialist Reform in the National Minority Areas - Chapter Seven: The United Front of Nationalities in the Chinese Revolution - Chapter Eight: Guard Against Big Nationalism and Local Nationalism, Especially Great Hanism - Appendixes A-D - Bibliographical Guide to the National Minority Policy of the Chinese Community Party - Index.
1926 112 p., 57 photographic pls, folded plan, frontispiece, original green cloth.
1939 xiii, 320 p., 631 figs, 3 pls, frontispiece (portrait), cloth (somewhat chipped dust jacket). Ex libris Rudolf Troelstra.
1939 xiii, 320 p., 631 figs, 3 pls, frontispiece (portrait), cloth (no dust jacket). Small picture of ''Limnophilus lunatus'' pasted on verso half title, else good copy.
1933 69 p., 1 plate as frontispiece, 200 text figures, half cloth over printed paper covered boards, with gilt title on the spine.The plate (frontispiece) depicts Leptonema cinctum Ulmer (two times enlarged). Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum. With a preface by N. D. Riley, keeper of Entomology. In a mint condition.
1953 550 p., 364 text figures. Publisher's green embossed cloth with gilt title on spine. A clean, "as new" copy, except for some paper (and some slight text loss) to the lower corner of the page 235-236 leaf. This is provided in photocopy.Major taxonomic study. Excellent for identifications. The family Helicophidae is introduced here as new, as are new genera in other families, as well as many new species. A clean, "as new" copy, except for some paper (and text loss) to the lower corner of the page 235-236 leaf. This is provided in photocopy.