Paris, Galerie Denise René, 1956, plaquette in-8, agrafée, non paginé (16 p.), 4 reproductions et 2 belles sérigraphies originales.
1922-1964 ca. 5000 p., num. figs & pls, paperbound or disbound (= taken from journal, no covers). Published in Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i Kobenhavn. Contains numerous important contributions like: Ditlevsen, Marine freeliving Nematodes / Broch, Studies on Pacific Cirripeds / Mortensen, Echinoderms from New Zealand and the Auckland-Campbell Islands / Michaelsen, Ascidiae Ptychobranchiae / Dyktiobranchiae / Krikobranchiae von Neuseeland und den Chatham-Inseln / Sérène, Goneplacidae et Pinnotheridae / Stock, Pycnogonida from Indo-West-Pacific, Australian, and New-Zealand Waters / Odhner, New Zealand Mollusca / Carlgren, Actiniaria from New Zealand and its Subantarctic Islands / Bronsted, Sponges from New Zealand / Bock, Planarians / Boschma, Madreporaria. I. Fungiidae / Weber-van Bosse, Algues de l'Expédition danoise aux îles Kei / Augener, Polychaeta von Neuseeland and many other contributions. We added a biography and bibliography of Th. Mortensen.
Paris Galerie Denise Renée 1964 Un feuillet plié en deux, 21,4 x 27,8 cm Pas de couverture Edition originale
Carte de voeux pour 1964, illustrée d'une sérigraphie originale en jaune et noir de Mortensen, justifiée et signée . Tirage à 100 exemplaires. L'estampe en très bel état est tirée sur papier vergé, montée sous un double feuillet plié légèrement poussiéreux. Bon exemplaire 0
Tokyo Nigo 2002 Un volume in-folio cartonnage illustré sous jaquette blanche imprimée, 149 pages et table, illustrations en couleurs, texte en anglais et japonais. Bon état, envoi et dessin de l'artiste en page de titre.
Shawn Mortensen (1965-2009), photographia, entre autres, les Beastie Boys, les Sex Pistols, Kate Moss, Keith Haring, Notorious BIG, Sofia Coppola, Gwen Stefani, Snoop Dog, ... La librairie est ouverte du mardi au samedi de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 19h00. Commandes par courriel ou téléphone. Envoi rapide, emballage soigné.
1928, gr. in-8vo, Broschüre.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
1924 87 p., 36 figs, 2 double pls, disbound (partly loose, no covers). Unopened copy. Published in Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i Kobenhavn.
1924 160 p., 70 figs, 3 double pls, disbound (partly loose, no covers). Unopened copy. Published in Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i Kobenhavn.
1932 (1913-1921) ca. 195 p., 69 figs, 22 pls, roy. 4to, hcloth (title written on spine). One gathering weak. Library stamps.Includes: Mortensen, Ctenophora / Brinkmann, Pelagic Nemerteans / Arnesen, Spongia / Grieg, Brachiopoda, Scaphopoda, Gastropoda and Lamellibrachiata / Kramp, Anthomedusae and Leptomedusae / Bonnevie, Heteropoda / Sund, Peneides and Stenopides / Grieg, Echinodermata.
Prentice - Hall International Inc reliure Rigide Décorative London 1960 246 pages en format grand -8 -----TBE
Très Bon État
Partitions sur le Prénom Meridian 1937
Bon état Petit format
Prentice hall inc 1959 in8. 1959. reliure editeur. 246 pages. Bon état
Catalogue d'art Avec une dédicace manuscrite (et un dessin) de l'artiste danois à la poétesse portugaise Merícia de Lemos. Avec d'autres dessins à la plume et interventions de l'artiste sur certaines pages du catalogue. Exemplaire unique.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2013 Hardback, approx. 400 p., 20 b/w ill., 6 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503542362.
The present collection explores a hitherto understudied body of Nordic medieval literature which, although overlooked in traditional, language-based narratives, was in fact crucial in shaping social and religious identities. By drawing on the ?performance turn? in cultural studies, the volume identifies a number of minor and peripheral literary forms and texts that had a vital connection to ritual and ritualized speech. These neglected traditions therefore offer an alternative insight into Nordic literary life and the sets of cultural expression, or storyworlds, underlying Nordic culture. The collected studies explore different aspects of verbal performances as a primary vehicle for the Nordic storyworlds, with a preference for the Christian over the pagan traditions. Emphasis is placed on Latin, Old Norse, and Finnish traditions that were retold and reproduced over time. These ?living? literary forms highlight the importance of non-canonical texts for the interpretation of contact between the peripheries and centres of Nordic culture. Through the focus on the interaction between Latin and the vernacular, between eastern Baltic and western Latin influences, and between ritual and speech in religious practice, this collection demonstrates the importance of ?minor? texts for the re-construction of medieval Nordic culture and history. Languages : English, Latin.
Kbhvn., P.G. Philipsen, 1859. Orig. farvelitograferet papbd. Ryggen mangler. Bindet med brugsspor. (4),546 pp. samt 38 plancher, hvoraf de 28 er håndkoloreret, herpå 262 illustr.
Vejle, 1929. Med orig. bogtrykt foromslag i hshirtbd. med håndskreven titeletiket. (4),256 pp., tekstillustrationer og plancher. Med dedikation på foromslaget.
Reference : 36644
Reference : 36648
Kjøbenhavn, Philipsen, 1859. Samtidigt hldrbd. Kapitæler og false slidte. (6),546 pp., 32 litograferde plancher, hvoraf de 28 er håndkolorerede.
Kjøbenhavn, Philipsens Forlag, 1859. Samtidigt hldrbd. med rygforgyldning. Ryg med brugsspor. Gl. ejernavn på titelbladet. (4),546 pp. samt 32 plancher, hvoraf de 28 er håndkolorerede.
Reference : 52970
Mayence, 1990 VonZabern 154 p., 52 planches hors texte, 4 plans, reliure toile éditeur. 25,5 x 35,5
Cph., 1970. Small4to. 148 pp. Textillustrated with one folding plate. Tear in frontwrapper. Signed.