Moritz Wullen, Adelheid Rasche, Ringena Hildegard; translation : Christina Thomson
Reference : 60654
, Walther Konig Verlag, 2010 Softcover, 128 pages / seiten ENG / D, NEW / NEU,240 x 190 x 10 mm, illustrations in colour / b/w. ISBN 9783865607980.
The 1960s were a revolutionary new era with numerous social changes that also had a strong impact on fashion. For the first time, London replaced Paris as the trend-setting metropolis, miniskirts and jeans were worn by young people all over the world, trouser suits and oriental-style evening wear even found their way into haute couture. For the first time, Germans traveled to Italy en masse, and beach and bathing attire was more revealing and lascivious than ever before. The international media propagated this change in unprecedented fashion photography and illustrations. This revolution in fashion is shown in a unique way by the Fashion Image Collection - Lipperheidsche Costume Library. In 12 thematic sections, the book shows the most important fashion trends of the decade. The fashion photographs shown include works by Guy Bourdin, Hubs Flöter, F.C. Gundlach, Ursula Knipping, Helmut Newton, Rico Puhlmann, Regi Relang, Jeanloup Sieff and others. Fashion illustrations by Antonio, René Gruau, Lilo Kittel, Trude Rein and Walter E. Voigt complete the multifaceted picture.