P., Nyon, 1791, 2 VOLUMES in 8 reliés en pleine basane, dos ornés de fers et filets dorés, frises dorés sur les plats, tranches jaspées (reliures de l'époque), (1 mors légèrement fendu), T.1 : (1), 46pp., (1), 496pp., T.2 : (2), 586pp., (1)
---- BEL EXEMPLAIRE ---- EDITION EN PARTIE ORIGINALE ---- "J.G. MODEL, 1711/1775, professor of pharmacy and political economy in St. Petersburg, published memoirs on borax, common salt, persian salt (native soda), salt ammoniac, turf, coal, mineral resin, rhubarb, camphor, ergot, brandy, Dippel's oil, etc. (récréations physiques, économiques et chimiques). The dissertations on borax and salt ammoniac (récréations physiques, économiques et chimiques) are not without interest". (Partington III p. 575) ---- "The author collected, corrected, added remarks to and published various of his papers in his Chymische Nebenstunden (1762) and the Fortsetzung (1768) and Kleine Schriften (1773). The 32 dissertations and letters were TRANSLATDE with a few changes by PARMENTIER WHO ADDED A LONG INTRODUCTION AND SUPPLEMENTED EACH DISSERTATIONS WITH HIS OWN EXTENSIVE OBSERVATIONS ADDITIONS. The added material frequently occupies more space than the original article". PARMENTIER's ADDITIONS PRESENT NEW AND USEFUL IDEAS". (Cole N° 946)**37180/3718/P2