209 books for « mikhailov a d »Edit

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‎Boris Mikhailov‎

Reference : 66364

‎Boris Mikhailov Case History.‎

‎, Scalo Verlag Ac, 1999 Hardcover with dusjacket, 478 pages, color photos throughout. introductory essay by and interview with the author/photographer English text, fine condition. ISBN 9783908247098.‎

‎Boris Mikhailov, whose "Unfinished Dissertation" was published in 1998, focuses in "Les Miserables" on what he believes is the result of the breakup of the former Soviet Union. Though Mikhailov considers the conditions of his particular place of residence for over 50 years crucial to his work, he is not providing a recollection of the specific history of Kharkov, Ukraine. Rather, he brings out the "condition humaine" in this city characterized by industry and factories, by newly installed Coca Cola billboards as well as socialist architecture. Kharkov provides the backdrop for Mikhailov's moving portraits describing the decay of both social structures and individual lives. We witness street kids taking drugs, adults in search of food, trying to re-install their social self by cleaning their bodies in the artist's own apartment. Despite devastating poverty, the women and men in Mikhailov's images look back at us with great dignity. Their eyes express an unbroken will to survive in a social system that has broken down completely. Mikhailov depicts the harshness of everyday life in a society not as far away from ours as we might think.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR195.00 (€195.00 )

‎Mikhailov Mikhail Larionovich‎

Reference : alb9f03f09d4785e673

‎Mikhailov M.I Works by M.I.Mikhailov In Volume 3 Volume 3 In Russian (ask us if‎

‎Mikhailov M.I Works by M.I.Mikhailov In Volume 3 Volume 3 In Russian (ask us if. Appendix to the magazine Awakening Petrograd Comrade Painter. Print 1915 364 p. SKUalb9f03f09d4785e673.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov Mikhail Larionovich‎

Reference : albc30fa770a6b22726

‎Mikhailov M.L. Complete collection of works by Mikhailov. Volume 1. In Russian (‎

‎Mikhailov M.L. Complete collection of works by Mikhailov. Volume 1. In Russian (. Under the editorship of P.V. Bykov. St. Petersburg Marx Publishing House 1913. The previous edition of Mikhailovs poems St. Petersburg 1866 was destroyed by censorship. SKUalbc30fa770a6b22726.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov, Mikhail Larionovich ‎

Reference : 3537002

‎Polnoe sobranie sochineniy M.L. Mikhaylova. In Russian /The Complete Collecti...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Mikhailov, Mikhail Larionovich. The Complete Collection of Works by M.L. Mikhailov. St. Petersburg: A-F Marx, 1913-1914. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy M.L. Mikhaylova. In Russian /The Complete Collection of Works by M.L. Mikhailov. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU3537002‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD499.00 (€430.84 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : alb7a99abc19d2bb7da

‎Mikhailov A.V. Reverse Translation. Russian and Western European Culture: Proble‎

‎Mikhailov A.V. Reverse Translation. Russian and Western European Culture: Problems of Interconnection. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mikhaylov A.V. Obratnyy perevod. Russkaya i zapadno-evropeyskaya kultura: problemy vzaimosvyazey. Languages of Semiotic.Culture of Moscow: Languages of Russian Culture 2000. 856 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb7a99abc19d2bb7da‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR499.00 (€499.00 )

‎Mikhailov Vladimir‎

Reference : alb116d59f742920b61

‎"Bendt Fr.; Gross P.I.; Gdansky L.; Mikhailov V.M.; Aleksandrov P.; Kravtsov M.S."‎

‎"Bendt Fr.; Gross P.I.; Gdansky L.; Mikhailov V.M.; Aleksandrov P.; Kravtsov M.S.; Mauritius P. Convolutee of books on electrical engineering. 1. Three-phase current. 2. How to build a new battery yourself. 3. How to make a home phone yourself. 4. Guide to self-production by amateurs of the device for nickel plating and nickeling of objects. 5. Dry In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bendt Fr.; Gross P.I.; Gdanskiy L.; Mikhaylov V.M.; Aleksandrov P.; Kravtsov M.S.; Mavrikiev P. Konvolyut knig po elektrotekhnike. 1. Trekhfaznyy tok. 2. Kak samomu postroit novyy akkumulyator. 3. Kak samomu provesti domashniy telefon. 4. Rukovodstvo k sobstvennomu izgotovleniyu lyubitelyami pribora dlya nikelirovaniya i nikelirovanie im predmetov. 5. Sukhie Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).1909-1912. An interesting revolution in electrical engineering reflecting the development of this science and its practical application in Russia at the beginning of the last century. All the books that compiled this collection were published by A.F. Sukhovas publishing house which specialized in the production of technical and agricultural literature We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb116d59f742920b61"‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR2,199.00 (€2,199.00 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : albda5546ad28d61f5e

‎Mikhailov A.B. Ryzhova N.I. Shvetsky M.V. Lectures on the basics of mathemat‎

‎Mikhailov A.B. Ryzhova N.I. Shvetsky M.V. Lectures on the basics of mathemat. Textbook of St. Petersburg State University named after Herzen in 1997. 192 p. SKUalbda5546ad28d61f5e.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Mikhailov Vladimir‎

Reference : albc1b0d1cd22cd2d66

‎Mikhailov V. Photography and aerial photography. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)‎

‎Mikhailov V. Photography and aerial photography. In Russian (ask us if in doubt). 1952. 372 p. SKUalbc1b0d1cd22cd2d66.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Mikhailov Nikolay Nikolaevich‎

Reference : albd52803bd32dd1eb2

‎Elkin A.E. (architect) Mikhailov N.G. (manager). Nikolaev's estate of the IPPO‎

‎Elkin A.E. (architect) Mikhailov N.G. (manager). Nikolaev's estate of the IPPO in Jerusalem. A handwritten construction diary. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Elkin A.E. (arkhitektor) Mikhaylov N.G. (upravlyayushchiy). Nikolaevskoe podvor'e IPPO v Ierusalime. Rukopisnyy dnevnik stroitel'stva. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).1902-1905 enlarged format. About 500 pages of handwritten text in hazelnut ink a notebook of thin paper. Descriptions of buildings contracts with contractors correspondence with IPPO invoices progress of construction etc We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbd52803bd32dd1eb2‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR4,099.00 (€4,099.00 )

‎Mikhailov Nikolay Nikolaevich‎

Reference : albc14e7cd8cd2745e8

‎Mikhailov N. The face of the country is changing. The new geography of the USSR‎

‎Mikhailov N. The face of the country is changing. The new geography of the USSR In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mikhaylov N. Litso strany menyaetsya. Novaya geografiya SSSR Moscow Detguz 1937. 109s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbc14e7cd8cd2745e8‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov Vladimir‎

Reference : albba889f260ce8b541

‎Mikhailov V. Morozov D. Matsko A. The Russian Air Force. Unknown documents.‎

‎Mikhailov V. Morozov D. Matsko A. The Russian Air Force. Unknown documents. . 1931-1942. M. Vestnik of the Air Fleet. 2005. 342c. SKUalbba889f260ce8b541.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : alb5d2e49833b9a3f55

‎Mikhailov A.I. Architect D.V.Ukhtomsky and his school. In Russian (ask us if in‎

‎Mikhailov A.I. Architect D.V.Ukhtomsky and his school. In Russian (ask us if in . Series: Masters of Russian Architecture. Moscow Institute of Literature on Construction and Architecture. 1954. 372s. SKUalb5d2e49833b9a3f55.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Mikhailov Vladimir‎

Reference : alb248c0b266f316288

‎Mikhailov V.I. doctor of Hypnotism. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mikhaylov‎

‎Mikhailov V.I. doctor of Hypnotism. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mikhaylov V.I. vrach Gipnotizm. Compared to vital-magnetic phenomena in the exclusive application of the latter to the treatment of patients M. Mamontov and Co. 2 II 138 4 p. 25 5x16.5 sm. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb248c0b266f316288‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : alb1a2156512998d411

‎Mikhailov a. V. Experience of studying the text of Genesis of the Prophet Moses‎

‎Mikhailov a. V. Experience of studying the text of Genesis of the Prophet Moses in the ancient Slavic translation. Part I. A barbers text. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mikhaylov a. V. Opyt izucheniya teksta knigi Bytiya proroka Moiseya v drevne-slavyanskom perevode. Chast I. Parimeynyy tekst. Warsaw Typography of the Warsaw Educational District 1912. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1a2156512998d411‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : alb17f3317ac08ce854

‎Scheller-Mikhailov A.K. Complete collection of essays. In Russian (ask us if in‎

‎Scheller-Mikhailov A.K. Complete collection of essays. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sheller-Mikhaylov A.K. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy.. Vol. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. St. Petersburg Edition by A.F. Marx 1904-1905. With a portrait of the author and a critical-biographical essay by A.M. Skabichevsky. Vol. Rotten swamps Lovely idlers Stories by T.2.Messrs. Obnoskovs Stories by T.3. The life of Shupov his relatives and acquaintances Over the cliff Stories by T.4. Muddy roads In the dispersion of T.5. Our neighbors The fall of T.6. Forests chop-chips fly Tina T.7. SKUalb17f3317ac08ce854.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : alb5156011f12ef9a2a

‎Mikhailov A. V. Experience of studying the text of Genesis of the Prophet Moses‎

‎Mikhailov A. V. Experience of studying the text of Genesis of the Prophet Moses . Warsaw Typography of the Warsaw Educational District 1912. SKUalb5156011f12ef9a2a.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov Mikhail Larionovich‎

Reference : alb9d8a7bb02a6b2a30

‎Mikhailov M.L. According to the publishers of S.A.S.S. In Russian (ask us if in‎

‎Mikhailov M.L. According to the publishers of S.A.S.S. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Mikhaylov M.L. Po izdatelstvam S.A.S.Sh. Essays. M. Technique of Control. 1930. 180 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb9d8a7bb02a6b2a30‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Sheller-Mikhailov, Alexander Konstantinovich‎

Reference : 3525657

‎Polnoe sobranie sochineniy A.KShellera-Mikhaylova. In Russian /Complete colle...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Sheller-Mikhailov, Alexander Konstantinovich. Complete collection of works by A.KScheller-Mikhailov. St. Petersburg: A.F. Marx, 1904-1905. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU3525657‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD3,099.00 (€2,675.70 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : albe64b52b6ff751bc3

‎Scheller-Mikhailov A.K. Complete collection of works by A.K. In 16 volumes. In R‎

‎Scheller-Mikhailov A.K. Complete collection of works by A.K. In 16 volumes. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Sheller-Mikhaylov A.K. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy A.K. V 16-ti tomakh. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).He is the author of topical and popular novels in the 1860-80 s. A direct critique of the parasitic nobility the worthless living youth sincere sympathy for the miscellaneous labourer and the pathos of public service characterize all his works. He touches on a number of pressing problems of the era: the search for ways to change social conditions the position of women in society family relations the system of education etc. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbe64b52b6ff751bc3‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,899.00 (€1,899.00 )

‎Mikhailov Mikhail Larionovich‎

Reference : alb88031c10c671ee52

‎Mikrin E.A. Mikhailov M.V. kn.1. Orientation launch rendezvous and descent o‎

‎Mikrin E.A. Mikhailov M.V. kn.1. Orientation launch rendezvous and descent o. 2 books. Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman 2018. 345s. SKUalb88031c10c671ee52.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Mikhailov Vladimir‎

Reference : alb6ad06e4462cea84d

‎Kozhinov Vadim Skatov Nikolai Mikhailov Valery. Poetic Russia. Pushkin. Lermon‎

‎Kozhinov Vadim Skatov Nikolai Mikhailov Valery. Poetic Russia. Pushkin. Lermontov. Tyutchev. Set in 3 books. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kozhinov Vadim Skatov Nikolay Mikhaylov Valeriy. Poeticheskaya Rossiya. Pushkin. Lermontov. Tyutchev. Komplekt v 3-kh knigakh. Series: Poetic Russia. M. Young Guard 2014. 575 and 543 and 462 p. SKUalb6ad06e4462cea84d.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Mikhailov Vladimir‎

Reference : alba629d7ba80984f7f

‎Andreushin I.A. Ilkaev R.I. Mikhailov V.N. and others USSR nuclear tests. Volu‎

‎Andreushin I.A. Ilkaev R.I. Mikhailov V.N. and others USSR nuclear tests. Volumes 1 2 3 4. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Andryushin I.A. Ilkaev R.I. Mikhaylov V.N. i dr. Yadernye ispytaniya SSSR. Toma 1 2 3 4. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation. Institute of Strategic Stability. RFNC-VNII of Experimental Physics. Sarov. FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. 1997-2000. 288s. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalba629d7ba80984f7f‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR1,599.00 (€1,599.00 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : alb0755c3e50fcbef0b

‎Mikhailov A.V. Experience of introduction to the study of the Russian literary l‎

‎Mikhailov A.V. Experience of introduction to the study of the Russian literary l. Warsaw Typography of the Warsaw Educational District 1911. 366 p. SKUalb0755c3e50fcbef0b.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎Mikhailov A.D.‎

Reference : alb1b9d2d4ea6da0442

‎Mikhailov A.S. Vakhmistrov S.A. et al. Lyudmila Valentinovna Fomicheva. Man-ep‎

‎Mikhailov A.S. Vakhmistrov S.A. et al. Lyudmila Valentinovna Fomicheva. Man-ep. Sarov. FSUE RFNC-VNIIEF. 2020. 188 p. SKUalb1b9d2d4ea6da0442.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Mikhailov Vladimir‎

Reference : alb975f73c90bfcd5fc

‎Mikhailov V. Ya-Hawk. (Memories publications interviews 1988-2008). In Russian‎

‎Mikhailov V. Ya-Hawk. (Memories publications interviews 1988-2008). In Russian. Edition 4 extended and supplemented. M. FSUE ISS. 2008. 480 p. SKUalb975f73c90bfcd5fc.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )
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