, Brepols, 2024 Paperback, 406 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:1 b/w, 1 col., 3 tables b/w., 1 tables col., Language(s):English, French, Italian. ISBN 9782503608556.
Summary The Johannine Tradition in Late Antique and Medieval Poetry proposes to examine the impact of the Gospel of John, which is fundamental from the point of view of the history of Christian doctrines, on ancient poetic production, with some forays into the Middle Ages. The critical literature on these aspects is particularly abundant, but hitherto an overall view of the presence and importance of the Johannine tradition in the evolution of Christian poetry was lacking. Based on the Strasbourg colloquium that took place on 16-17 September 2021, the present volume aims to fill this gap, with contributions highlighting not an episodic presence of Johannine texts in poetic compositions, but a structuring function in the definition of the poetic choices of the various authors. The focus of attention could therefore only be on the genre of biblical rewritings, which derive their particular significance from their organic attempt to ?remake? the biblical text in accordance with very precise cultural objectives and the expectations of a select audience. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction (Michele Cutino) I. Nonniana Pourquoi Jean ? Encore sur la Paraphrase de Nonnos (Gianfranco Agosti) Le po me de la ?????? : l' vangile de Jean dans la Paraphrase de Nonnos de Panopolis (Arianna Rotondo) ?Consuming the Living God': Johannine and Mythological Echoes in Ps.-Apollinaris' Metaphrasis Psalmorum 41. 3 (Filip Doroszewski & Maria Ypsilanti) L'annonce de la R surrection dans la tradition johannique, d'apr s la Paraphrase de Nonnos de Panopolis et l' vangile de Pierre (Salvatore Costanza) Il discorso sull'opera del Figlio (Ioh. 5. 19-47) nelle parafrasi di Giovenco (ELQ 2. 637-691) e Nonno (Par. 5. 71-182) (Domenico Accorinti) II. The Role of John in Christian Latin Poetry from Commodian to Arator Der Beitrag von johanneischer, synoptischer und au erkanonischer Apokalyptik zu Commodians Eschatologie (Christoph Schubert) La fonction structurante de l' vangile de Jean dans le Carmen Paschale de Sedulius. Une r criture biblique th ologiquement orient e (Michele Cutino) Sedulius on John: Selection Criteria (Stefania Filosini) Christus adest panis, sanctusque Spiritus ignis. L'apparizione del Risorto sul lago di Tiberiade e la triplice confessione di Pietro nel Carmen Paschale di Sedulio (v. 392-415) (Donato De Gianni) The Epilogue of Saint John, a Structural Model for Sedulius' Paschale Carmen (Maria Dolores Hern ndez Mayor) La tradition johannique dans les Carmina d'Avit de Vienne (Luciana Furbetta) Zwischen Lydda und Bethesda - Die Rezeption des Johannes-Evangeliums bei Arator (Katharina Pohl) III. Medieval Examples Two Portrayals of John the Evangelist in Aldhelm's Poetry (Franca Ela Consolino) Light, Life, and the Baptism of Blood: Johannine Elements in Poems on the Holy Innocents (Daniel Nodes) Indices The Authors