Paris, Demonvile, 1775, in-8vo, reliure en d.-cuir, dos richement orné.
I) Second edition. Michel de l'Hospital was a famous and important sixteenth century French stateman. He completed his legal studies in Padua after having been exiled by François I. In Italy he imbibed humanistic ideas, especially the belief in absolute government. As a stateman L'Hospital was an exponent of religious toleration and of a unified absolute monarchy and was one of the first men in France to express the politique idea that the welfare of the absolute monarchy should supersede all other interests. As chancellor of France from 1560 to 1568 he endeavored to save the nation from three outstanding problems threathening the monarchy. He tried to end religious controversy by advocating tolerance, he curtailed the powers of the nobels and, finally, he planned to establish a uniform legal code and an organized systems of tribunals.II) I) Conlon 77:1055. for the first edition of the ‘Eloge’; II) Hoefer 9, 210, donne l'auteur ‘La Guipe’ et (2e, même titre) M. Guibert.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Sans lieu ni nom, 1777, in 8° broché, 127 pages ; à toutes marges ; couverture de parution muette.
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