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Reference : 56918


‎Fragen an eine Gesellschaft Gelehrter Männer, die auf Befehl Ihro Majestät des Königes von Dännemark nach Arabien reisen. - [THE HANDBOOK OF NIEBUHR'S ARABIA-EXPEDITION]‎

‎Frankfurt am Mayn, Garbe, 1762. 8vo. Very nice contemporary full mottled calf with five raised bands to richly gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A bit of wear to spine, causing slight loss of leather and a neat restoration to lower compartment. A paperlabel pasted on top of spine. Small loss of leather to back board. A stamp on title-page (Holstein=Holsteinborg). (70), 397 pp., 4 folded tables, paginated 391-97. Internally clean, some quires printed on thick paper.‎

‎The rare first edition of the founding work of Niebuhr's Arabia-expedition, which would gain world-wide fame and establish the scientific description of the Arabian peninsula. The present work consists in 100 questions, the answers to which constitute the purpose of the Royal Danish Arabia Expedition. In fact, the present work is the handbook of Niebuhr's travel to Arabia Felix, as its author is the spiritual father of it. The work is extraordinary in many ways, and it not only served as the basis for the Arabia-expedition, it also constitutes a forerunner of modern bible science that would begin to emerge a few decades later. Johann Davis Michaelis (1717-19) was a theologian and orientalist, whose fame today rests upon the present work and upon the fact that he was responsible for the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix, namely that of Niebuhr. In 1753, he had come up with the idea for the the Royal Danish Arabia Expedition (1761-1767) and had gotten the Danish minister Bernstoff to agree to it. In 1760, when the expedition was becoming a reality, Michaelis recommended Niebuhr as a participant, and he outlined the entire purpose of the trip - namaly the list of 100 questions that he prepared and published for the members of the expedition, in order for them to answer in the course of the voyage. For all intents and purposes, Michaelis was the spiritual father of the Arabia-expedition. As a theologian and an orientalist, many of Michaelis' questions have root in the Bible. But unlike many other theolgians of the time, Michaelis sought to shed light over biblical themes through sources outside of the Bible - especially from the Middle East, not least Arabia. In this regard, his 100 Questions also came to be a precursor to the emergence of modern bible science.Although the expedition would have never taken place had it not been for Michaelis and his 100 questions - many of which are also purely naturalistic - he could not quite have foreseen the scientific outcome of the expedition. He had not foreseen that Niebuhr would become the founder of the scientific description of the Arabian peninsula and that Niebuhr's notes would become the basis for the first decipherment of Mesopotamian and Persian cuneiform. On the contrary, he was probably quite disappointed that his questions were not all answered as thoroughly as the had anticipated. Adding to that, Niebuhr's answer to the questions ""only"" takes up six pages in the preface to ""Description of Arabia"", although the text itself contains many detailed explanations and answers to Michaelis' questions.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK28,000.00 (€3,755.42 )


Reference : 60819


‎Erleichterte hebräische Grammatica oder, Richtige Anführung zur hebräischen Sprache: auf Begehren und um mehrern Nutzens willen bey der Jugend. Zum funftenmahl vermehret. (+) Erleichterte Chaldaische Grammatica. Editio Qvinta.‎

‎Halle, Friedrich Zeidlers Erben, 1723. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Light wear to extremities. Crossed out names and doodles in contemporary hand to pasted down front end-paper. Small hole to title-page, but generally a good copy. (16), 335, (122), 121, (15) pp. + 3 folded tables. ‎

‎Later editions of Michaelis highly popular grammars on Hebrew and Aramaic. Johann Davis Michaelis (1717-19) was a theologian and orientalist, whose fame today rests upon the fact that he was responsible for the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix, namely that of Niebuhr. In 1753, he had come up with the idea for the the Royal Danish Arabia Expedition (1761-1767) and had gotten the Danish minister Bernstoff to agree to it. In 1760, when the expedition was becoming a reality, Michaelis recommended Niebuhr as a participant, and he outlined the entire purpose of the trip - namaly the list of 100 questions that he prepared and published for the members of the expedition, in order for them to answer in the course of the voyage. For all intents and purposes, Michaelis was the spiritual father of the Arabia-expedition. As a theologian and an orientalist, many of Michaelis' questions have root in the Bible. But unlike many other theolgians of the time, Michaelis sought to shed light over biblical themes through sources outside of the Bible - especially from the Middle East, not least Arabia. In this regard, his 100 Questions also came to be a precursor to the emergence of modern bible science.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,000.00 (€402.37 )


Reference : 3679

‎Opera medico-chirurgica quotquot innotuerunt omnia. Ejusnempe I. Praxis clinica generalis ad Jonstoni. II. Praxis clinica specialis casibus XXVI. III. Apparatus formularum, seu annotaiones in Morellum de Praescriptione Formularum. IV. Ordo visitandi officinas, libellus oppidoratus, cum annexis Regulis Pharmaceutico-Chymicis. Accedit in fine V. Clavis ad Authoris Polychresta, H.E. Description Medicamentorum B.DN. D. Michaelis quondam in Secretis habitorum -- EDITION ORIGINALE -- EX-LIBRIS J.C.A. RECAMIER‎

‎Norimbergae, Hofmanni, 1688, un volume in 4 relié en plein veau, dos orné de fers dorés, tranches rouges (reliure de l'époque, (rousseurs et quelques cahiers uniformément jaunis, déchirure sans manque de papier dans la marge extérieure de la page 175), 1 frontispice, 7 feuillets non chiffrés soit 14 pages (titre, préface, table des chapitres), 647 pages numérotées, 26 pages non numérotées (index alphabétique)‎

‎---- EDITION ORIGINALE ---- EXEMPLAIRE DU CELEBRE MEDECIN J.C.A. RECAMIER AVEC SON EX-LIBRIS contrecollé au verso du premier plat de couverture ---- "J. Michaelis, 1606/1667, grand partisan de la spagyrie, s'attacha moins à l'étude des maladies qu'à la préparation des remèdes chimiques dont plusieurs portèrent pendant longemps son nom. On a de lui divers opuscules réunis sous le titre de Opera medica omnia...". (Jourdan VI p. 272) ---- "Michaelis studied medicine at Wittenberg under Sennertus, but, as was the custom, he visited other universities in Germany and Holland, and finally graduated at Leipzig (Mag. Phil. 1630 ; Dr. med 1631). He became professor of medicine there and introduced the use of chemical remedies and invented several specifics. He was a very successful practitioner and was physician to the Courts of Saxony and Altenburg. He filled various academical positions... His works Opera Omnia were collected and published at N¥rnberg in 1688 . (Ferguson II p. 94) ---- "The Magisterii Antepileptici Michaëlis, due to Johann Michaelis, (1606/1667), which was precipitated calcium sulphate, is mentionned in Rothe's Chymiae Brevis Sciagraphia...". (Partingon II p. 688)**3679/E4‎

Phone number : 01 43 25 51 73

EUR480.00 (€480.00 )

‎Karin Michaëlis‎

Reference : 100123600



‎Gerard delforge 1944 in8. 1944. Broché.‎

‎couverture ternie tachée coin inférieur rogné sur le premier plat intérieur jauni propre‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR5.00 (€5.00 )


Reference : 100118965

‎P'tite mere‎

‎Non Renseigné in12. Sans date. Relié.‎

‎page titre manquante intérieur propre ex-libris bords frottés circa 1920‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Michaëlis K‎

Reference : 100112254


‎La jeune madame Jonna - préface de Khabaloff‎

‎Non Renseigné 1913 in12. 1913. Relié.‎

‎bords frottés couverture défraîchie rousseurs à l'intérieur page titre manquante note sur la garde‎

Un Autre Monde - Val Couoesnon

Phone number :

EUR37.00 (€37.00 )


Reference : 61048


‎Observationes philologicae et criticae in Jeremiae vaticinia et Threnos.‎

‎Goettingae, Vandenhoeck et Ruprecht, 1793. 4to. In contemporary half calf with five raised bands. Wear to extremities, soiling and stains to boards. Missing leather on upper compartment on spine, front board partly detached. Previous owner's name to title-page in contemporary hand. Light marginal browning throughout. (6), 442 pp.‎

‎First edition of Michaelis’ work on Jeremiah and lamentation with commentaries on each chapter of the books with Latin, Greek, and Hebrew texts. Johann David Michaelis (1717-19) was a theologian and orientalist, whose fame today rests upon the fact that he was responsible for the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix, namely that of Niebuhr. In 1753, he had come up with the idea for the the Royal Danish Arabia Expedition (1761-1767) and had gotten the Danish minister Bernstoff to agree to it. In 1760, when the expedition was becoming a reality, Michaelis recommended Niebuhr as a participant, and he outlined the entire purpose of the trip - namaly the list of 100 questions that he prepared and published for the members of the expedition, in order for them to answer in the course of the voyage. For all intents and purposes, Michaelis was the spiritual father of the Arabia-expedition.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK3,000.00 (€402.37 )


Reference : 60189


‎Abhandlung von der syrischen Sprache und ihrem Gebrauch. nebst dem ersten Theil.‎

‎Göttingen, Johann Albrecht Barmeier, 1768. 8vo. 2 volumes bound in one modest marbled paper covered cardboard binding. Wear to extremities, internally fine and clean. 112 118 pp.‎

‎First edition of Michaelis work on the Syriac language. Johann Davis Michaelis (1717-19) was a theologian and orientalist, whose fame today rests upon the present work and upon the fact that he was responsible for the first scientific expedition to Arabia Felix, namely that of Niebuhr. As a theologian and an orientalist, many of Michaelis' questions have root in the Bible. But unlike many other theolgians of the time, Michaelis sought to shed light over biblical themes through sources outside of the Bible - especially from the Middle East, not least Arabia.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK950.00 (€127.42 )

‎[Bible hébraïque] Michaelis (Johann Heinrich ; éd.) ‎

Reference : 136287


‎Biblia hebraica, ex aliquot manuscriptis et compluribus impressis codicibus. Cura ac studio Jo.Heinr. Michaelis. Esrim Ve-Arba'a Sifrei Ha-Kodesh [Hebrew] sive Biblia Hebraica, ex aliquot manuscriptis et compluribus impressis codicibus, item Masora.‎

‎Typis & sumtibus Orphanotrophei, Halae Magdeburgicae 1720 2 tomes en un fort volume in-4, pleine basane brune, dos à nerfs, fleurons et roulettes dorés, 6- 32- 16 pp. & 848 ff. n.ch. Frontispice, titre gravé imp. en noir et rouge. Quelques rousseurs éparses. Reliure ternie mais solide, tache d’hum. sans conséq. int., coiffes usées.‎

‎Edition critique par Johann Heinrich Michaelis (1668-1738), professeur à la faculté de Halle, établie sur le texte de l’édition de Berlin, 1699. Importante préface, références, sujets latin et notes en marge. Bon état d’occasion Livres anciens‎

Librairie de l'Avenue - Saint-Ouen

Phone number : 01 40 11 95 85

EUR262.00 (€262.00 )

‎Michaëlis Karin Maury Lucien Laurent Léon‎

Reference : COE4RT


‎Karin Michaëlis. Femmes les Sept soeurs roman traduit du danois par Léon Laurent. Préface de Lucien Maury‎

‎Stock Delamain et Boutelleau Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1926 240 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : 94177

‎Touche à tout (utile à tous). 1934-1935. - Le triomphe de la vie familiale. Roman populaire, national et social. 1938-1941.‎

‎ Chez l'auteur 1935-1941 2 vol. Brochés 2 vol. in-4, brochés, sous couvertures artisanales de papier kraft avec titre manuscrit, 87 + (I) et (II) + 83 feuillets. Ces deux tapuscrits inédits, enrichis de nombreux ajouts autographes, sont signés "E. Michaëlis", probable pseudonyme à propos duquel nous n'avons trouvé aucun renseignement. Proche des ligues d'extrême droite qui participèrent au 6 février 1934, l'auteur appartient à la bourgeoisie catholique française et semble avoir été membre du Parti populaire français de Doriot dont il démissionna après le congrès de Clichy en mai 1937. La mise en perspective de ces deux tapuscrits témoigne de sa radicalisation, du nationalisme antiparlementaire à la collaboration antisémite.Elaboré en 1934 et 1935, le premier tapuscrit propose un ensemble de réformes sociétales inspirées, selon la préface, par un "Vrai et Pur Socialisme National". Ce programme, sous-titré "Patrie, moralité, travail, épargne, famille", vise d'abord et avant tout à chasser les francs-maçons du pouvoir. Il milite aussi, de manière insistante, en faveur du mariage des prêtres et du "droit de vote familial". Le texte est augmenté d'une seconde conclusion manuscrite, rédigée au lendemain des élections de 1936 pour constater la victoire de la "dictature rouge du Front Populaire" à laquelle l'auteur semble laisser sa chance avant de noter, quelques années plus tard : "à cette époque l'auteur ne connaissait pas encore le plan de domination du monde par les Juifs".De fait, le second tapuscrit, rédigé en 1938, prend la forme d'un roman familial qui développe les mêmes thèses, mais en assignant aux Juifs la responsabilité de leur échec : une saga de la bourgeoisie provinciale mâtinée de théorie du complot juif puisque l'auteur reproduit intégralement le prétendu discours du rabbin Reichhorn (ff. 29-32) ! Il explique aussi dans son épilogue de 1941 pourquoi l'ouvrage n'a pu être édité avant-guerre, le gouvernement de l'époque "composé en majeure partie de Juifs ou enjuivés et Francs-Maçons notoires interdisait toute publication qui pouvait déplaire à la race qui se prétend supérieure, 'le Juif' ". Et il dédie finalement son oeuvre au maréchal Pétain, promoteur d'une "collaboration franche et loyale pour la constitution d'une Europe nouvelle assurant la paix universelle". Documents uniques.‎

Vignes Online - Eymoutiers

Phone number : 05 55 14 44 53

EUR350.00 (€350.00 )

‎MICHAELIS Christian Benedikt‎

Reference : 24709


‎Grammatica Syriaca ‎

‎Rome Imprimerie de la Propagande 1829 In-8 demi-vélin à coins, dos lisse orné de filets, grecques et fleurons dorés, pièce de titre fauve, croix dorée au centre du plat supérieur, tranches mouchetées [Rel. de l'époque], coins émoussés ‎

‎VII-254 pp., 1 f.n.ch.Seconde édition : l'ouvrage était en effet déjà paru en 1741 à l'adresse de Halle sous le titre plus compact de Syriasmus. Le théologien luthérien Christian Benedikt Michaelis (1680-1764) s'était spécialisé dans les langues orientales (arabe, guèze, syriaque, etc.), comme nombre de ses confrères au cours des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Membre du Collegium Orientale fondé par Francke en 1702, il eut un fils, Johann David Michaelis (1717-1791), qui suivit ses traces, le surpassa même largement par l'ampleur de ses conceptions, et composa d'ailleurs aussi une grammaire syriaque qu'il ne faut pas confondre avec notre titre ‎


Phone number : 01 47 70 84 87

EUR750.00 (€750.00 )

‎Michaelis Felicis‎

Reference : 24917


Livres Anciens Komar - Meounes les Montrieux

Phone number : 33 04 94 63 34 56

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎Michaelis, Karin.‎

Reference : LCI-751



‎ 1930 1930 Paris Stock 1930 1 in 12 carré Cartonnage Editeur avec couverture Illustrée 198[pp] ‎

‎ Bel Ouvrage Très Bon Etat malgré un papier jauni. Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en boutique, prix valable frais de port inclus pour commande > 90 € et poids < 1 Kg‎

Phone number : 07 86 26 13 25

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎Michaelis, Adolf‎

Reference : 006616


‎Ancient Marbles in Great Britain‎

‎Michaelis, Adolf: Ancient Marbles in Great Britain. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1882. xxvi, 834pp., plus 10 monochrome plates and woodcuts. Quarter leather, t.e.g. 27.5 x 20cms. Well-known reference work, which, despite its date, is still very useful in matters of provenance. Translated from the German by C.A.M. Fennell.‎

‎Well-known reference work, which, despite its date, is still very useful in matters of provenance. Translated from the German by C.A.M. Fennell. Text in English‎


Phone number : +44(0)20 7930 9223

GBP200.00 (€221.42 )

‎MICHAËLIS ( Karin ) ‎

Reference : 57616


‎Femmes (les sept soeurs)‎

‎ 1926 Paris, Librairie Stock, 1926, In -18 grand-jésus, x-240 pp, broché, en très bon état, ‎

‎1/2700 ex tiré sur Alfa satiné. Traduit par Léon Laurent Coll. 'Le Cabinet cosmopolite", n°,préface de L.Maury. ‎


Phone number : 01 42 96 06 24

EUR24.00 (€24.00 )

‎BRUTUS Io. Michaelis (BRUTO Gio. Michele)‎

Reference : 125755



‎Editio novissima, mendis omnibus expurgata cum Indice locupletissimo. Venetiis, 1764. In-8 gr. (mm. 246x166), p. pergamena coeva, fregi e tit. oro su tassello al dorso, tagli a spruzzo rossi, pp. (4),VII,448, compresi la bella antiporta allegorica e il frontespizio (con vedutina di Firenze), incisi in rame. Cfr. Lozzi,I, p. 305 - Moreni,I, pp. 180-181 (in nota all'edizione del 1562, pubblicata a Lione dagli eredi di G. Giunti): L'Autore di questa Istoria, che principia dal 1380, in circa al 1492, nella lunga prefazione al Capponi confuta le maldicenze del Giovio contro i Fiorentini tacciandolo di laida venalità, e di menzogna, non che di parzialità. Ma questo spirito di partito traspare più che non converrebbe a saggio, ed accorto Scrittore, nel Bruto medesimo, il quale in questa sua per altro pregevole Istoria fra quante se ne contano dopo ristorati gli studj, ad ogni modo vi morde acremente la Casa de' Medici con maniere troppo forti..; questi a tale oggetto fecero perire tutti quegli esemplari, che di tal Istoria loro giunsero alle mani; perciò divenuta rarissima, dopo le molte potette con eleganza tipografica ristamparsi più corretta a Venezia nel 1764" - Platneriana,136.Gian Michele Bruto (1517-1592), umanista e storico veneziano. Prima sacerdote, poi dispensato dagli ordini, infine, forse, domenicano. Viaggiò quasi tutta l'Europa. In Transilvania il principe Stefano Báthory gli dette l'incarico di scrivere la storia d'Ungheria; eletto il Báthory re di Polonia, il B. lo seguì; alla morte di lui passò a Praga e fu nominato dall'imperatore Rodolfo II storico ufficiale. Oltre alla Historia hungarica (dal 1490 al 1552; pubbl. solo nel 1863-76), ricordiamo Florentinae historiae libri octo' (1562), di tendenza antimedicea, così Diz. Treccani,II, p. 522. Esemplare ben conservato.‎


Phone number : +39 02 804607

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎CORTIADA (Michaelis de) [CORTIADA (Miquel)]‎

Reference : 52287

‎DON MICHAELIS DE CORTIADA REGIAM CANCELLARIAM Regentis in Regia Audientia Cathaloniæ, DECISIONES CANCELLARII & SACRI REGII SENATUS CATHALONIÆ, Sive Praxis Contentionum & Competentiarum Regnorum Inclytæ Coronæ Aragonum super reciproca in Laicos & Clericos Jurisdictione, Tomus tertius [&] quatrus, Editio novissima prioribus accuratior & correctior, prætereà aucta Indicibus Argumentorum & Rerum Notabilium locupletissimis, [mq. les t.I et II]‎

‎, Venetiis [Venise], Ex Typographia Balleoniana 1727, 2 vol. in-folio, demi-vélin ivoire, tit. et tom. en écriture manuscrite sur dos à cinq nerfs, impression en deux colonne, bandeaux, lettrines et vignettes, (très nb. trous de vers non traversants au dos, dos fragiles avec mq. importants, qq. rousseurs sur certaines pages, t.IV: reliure extrêmement fragile, partielt détachée, légers trous de vers à l’int. sans incidence sur la lecture), int. assez frais, [6]-450/ 44-368p.‎


Phone number : 01 43 29 46 77

EUR240.00 (€240.00 )


Reference : W88365


‎Novi Commentarii Societatis Regiae Scientiarum Gottingensis, tomus I ad A. 1769 et 1770‎

‎Gottingae [Göttingen] & Gothae, Apud Joann. Christian Dieterich 1771 1 volume: xxii [ii] + 206 + 172pp.+ 12 engraved folding plates out-of-text (in fine), engraving at title page, hardcover (marbled boards "tree calf", spine in brown leather with title in gilt), 23cm., few occasional foxing and browning, text in latin, good condition, [CONTENT: HEYNE: Praefatio, DE HALLER: Commentatio de plantis pabularibus nuperorum (pp.1-29), ID.: Commentatio de vento rupensi (pp.30-44), KAESTNER: pro Io. Bernouillii Hydraulica contra dom. d'Alembert obiectionis (pp.45-89), ID.: De differentia inter adscensiones rectas solis mediam et veram in tempus convertenda (pp.90-91), ID.: Additamentum de computando transitu astrorum per meridianum (pp.102-109), ID.: Ad motum Solis circa axem suum computandum formulae analyticae (pp.110-137), ID.: Additio ad theoriam suam projectionis stereographicae horizontalis (pp.138-143), MEISTER: Generalia de genesi figurarum planarum et inde pendentibus earum affectionibus (pp.144-180), ID.: De aberratione attritus a lege inertiae (pp.181-206), MICHAELIS: Disputatio de Judaeis Salomonis tempore architecturae parum peritis (pp.3-9), WALCH: Decreti Nicaeni de Paschate explicatio, part. prior-posterior (pp.10-66), HEYNE: Super Castoris epochis populorum (pp.67-95), ID.: Super veterum ebore eburneisque signis commentatio prior-posterior (pp.96-125), MURRAY J.Ph.: Descriptio terrarum Septemtrionalium (pp.126-1725)], W88365‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR700.00 (€700.00 )

‎MICHAELIS Johann David‎

Reference : R108152


‎Syntagma Commentationum (pars prima - pars secunda) [2 parts]‎

‎Goettingae [Göttingen], Apud viduam Abrami Vandenhoeckii [Vandenhoeck] 1759-1767 2 parts in 1 physical volume, [2],236 + [2],293 pp., 22cm., contemporary full vellum binding (intact, with contemporary handwritten title on spine), paper somewhat browned (text always well readable though), text in Latin, with tipped-in heraldic ex-libris from Alfred Ollivant D.D. and from "Eccl. Cath. Landaven: Liber Familie Sancti Teiliavi", good condition, [Johann David Michaelis, 1717-1791, was a German (Prussian) biblical scholar with an emphasis on Hebrew matters, professor at the University of Göttingen (1745-1791). This work includes 23 articles, a.o.: Commentatio de battologia ad Matth. VI-7, Paralipomena contra polygamiam, Secunda contra polygamiam paralipomena, Lex Mosaica Deut. XXII,6.7 ex historia naturali et moribus Aegyptiorum illustrata, etc.], R108152‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR700.00 (€700.00 )

‎Brachet (Professor J.), Danielli (Professor J.F.), Harris (Dr. R.J.) and Reio (Miss Vera), eds. - F.E. Lehmann - F. Jacob - W. Plaut - S.R. Pelc - A. Ficq, C. Pavan - A.E. Mirsky and V.G. Allfrey - J. Chayen- E.G. Wilson - A. Pardee - H. Chantrenne and S. Devreux - M. Fischberg, J.B. Gurdon, and T.R. Elsdale - J.A. Moore - F. Baltzer, P.S. Chen, K. Keck , G. Richter and G. Werz - M. Alfert - P. Michaelis - M. Errera, A. Ficq, R. Logan, Y. Skreb and F. Vanderhaeghe‎

Reference : 63828


‎The Relationship Between Nucleus and Cytoplasm - Proceedings of the Symposium held June, 9-13, 1958 at l'Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium , Experimental Cell Research, Supplement 6, 1959‎

‎Academic Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1959 Book condition, Etat : Bon paperback, editor's wrappers Grand In-8 1 vol. - 282 pages‎

‎few figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Foreword, Contents, Contributors, vi, Text, 276 pages - F.E. Lehmann : Functional aspects of submicroscopic nuclear structures in Amoeba proteus, and of the mitotic apparatus of Tubifex embryos - W. Bernhard : Ultrastructural aspects of the nucleocytoplasmic relationship - F. Jacob : Transfer and expression of genetic information in Escherichia coli K 12 - W. Plaut : The nucleus and ribonucleic acid synthesis in Amoeba proteus - J. Brachet : New observations on biochemical interactions between nucleus and cytoplasm in Amoeba and Acetabularia - S.R. Pelc : The participation of the cell nucleus and its DNA in the formation of keratin - A. Ficq, C. Pavan and J. Brachet : Metabolic processes in chromosomes - A.E. Mirsky and V.G. Allfrey : Differentiation considered with reference to the relationship between nucleus and cytoplasm - J. Chayen : The quantitative cytochemistry of DNA and its significance in cell physiology and heredity - E.G. Wilson : The development in amoebae of resistance to antiserum - A. Pardee : Experiments on the transfer of information from DNA to enzymes - H. Chantrenne and S. Devreux : Dissociation of the synthesis of nucleic acids from the synthesis of protein by a purine analogue - M. Fischberg, J.B. Gurdon, and T.R. Elsdale : Nuclear transfer in amphibia and the problem of potentialities of the nuclei differentiating tissues - J.A. Moore : The transfer of haploid nuclei between Rana pipiens and Rana sylvatica - F. Baltzer, P.S. Chen, K. Keck , G. Richter and G. Werz : Growth and proteins synthesis in nucleated and enucleated cells - M. Alfert : Variations in cytochemical properties of cell nuclei - P. Michaelis : The genetical interactions between nucleus and cytoplasm in Epilobium - J.F. Danielli : Some theoretical aspects of nucleo-cytoplasmic relationships - M. Errera, A. Ficq, R. Logan, Y. Skreb and F. Vanderhaeghe : Nucleo-cytoplasmic relationships in irradiated cells near fine copy, no markings‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR10.00 (€10.00 )


Reference : 61061aaf

‎A. Michaelis: Die archäologischen Entdeckungen des 19. Jahrhunderts.‎

‎Leipzig, Seemann, 1906, In-8vo & gr. in-8vo, 326 S., Stempel auf titelbl., reliure en demi-toile. ‎


Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808

CHF30.00 (€32.16 )


Reference : 22118


‎Recueil de Questions, proposées à une Societe de Savants, qui par Ordre de sa Majeste Danoise font le Voyage de L'Arabie. Traduit de l'Allemand.‎

‎Amsterdam, S.J. Baalde, 1774. 4to. Cont. full mottled calf. Back worn and with loss of some leather. Corners bumped. XLIV,256,38 pp. The last 38 pp. are ""Extrait de la description de L'Arabie par Carsten Niebuhr"". Few marginal brownspots, otherwise a large, clean copy.‎

‎Second French edition giving the suggestions for the observations to be undertaken by the Arabien expedition. Michaelis was appointed by the Danish King to select members for a scientific expediton to Arabia, and asked Carsten Niebuhr to participate. The suggestions for the expedition contains an extensive series of quite varied questions which covers history, natural science and philology, and also provides us with a splendid catalogue of what was known at the time about Arabia and Yemen.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK4,500.00 (€603.55 )


Reference : 28770


‎Egenhændigt brev m. underskrift til ""Fru Rose Thyregod."" Dat. ""Hellerup 13. April 1917."" 2 sider 8vo. Ledsaget af egenhændigt originalt digt med underskrift, 2 vers, 16 linier.‎

‎Sophus Michaëlis brokker sig i hårde toner over ikke at have modtaget et honorar for et originalt digt (sandsynligvis det vedlagte), som han dog ville kræve af bladet, ikke Rose Thyregod. ""-jeg fordrer og faar Honorar af ethvert/ Blad for et enquête bidrag, jeg selv skriver."" Han brokker sig over at være blevet fejlciteret og over, at det pågældende digt har fungeret som ""Rosin i Pölseenden - det var jo Pölsen/ jeg ville være fri for!""... Digtet omhandler ""Det quindelige"".‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK750.00 (€100.59 )

‎[Chez S. J. Baalde, Chez J. van Schoonhoven & Comp] - ‎ ‎MICHAELIS, Johann David‎

Reference : 59261


‎Recueil de questions, proposées à un société de savants, qui par ordre de Sa Majesté Danoise font le Voyage de l'Arabie‎

‎1 vol. in-4 reliure arabisante milieu XXe siècle plein chagrin vert, dos à 4 nerfs orné, plats ornés de dorures dans le type islamique, Chez S. J. Baalde, A Amsterdam, Chez J. van Schoonhoven & Comp., Utrecht, 1774, 2 ff., XLIV-256 pp., 8 ff. (Essai de Tables chronologiques), 38 pp. (Extrait de la Description de l'Arabie par Niebuhr).‎

‎Important manque de texte au douzième feuillet (pp. XIX-XX de la préface), bel exemplaire par ailleurs (ancien ex-libris d'un collège anglais avec son cachet d'annulation, qq. rouss.). Prix en l'état pour cette première édition française. L'ouvrage complète le récit de Niebuhr intitulé "Description de l'Arabie", publié chez la même année chez le même éditeur. Grand savant hébraïsant et orientaliste, Johann Michaelis (1717-1791) fut l'inspirateur de la grande expédition danoise en Arabie (1761-1767) dirigée par Carsten Niebuhr et Peter Forsskal. ‎

Phone number : 09 82 20 86 11

EUR590.00 (€590.00 )
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