, David Zwirner , 2019 Hardcover with dusjacket, 456 pages 253 x 334 x 67 . fine ISBN 9781941701959.
The third volume of a catalogue raisonn of Luc Tuymans?s paintings, surveying nearly two hundred works, charts the artist?s investigation into painting?s relationship to history and technology. Tuymans is widely credited with having contributed to the revival of painting in the 1990s. His sparsely colored, figurative works speak in a quiet, restrained, and at times unsettling voice and are typically painted from preexisting imagery that includes photographs and video stills. The works in this volume, made between 2007 to 2018, show Tuymans at his most virtuosic, subtly but provocatively addressing a range of topics including religion, corporatization, and cultural memory, in addition to modernism and the history of painting. The Internet, in particular, is central to these works as well as the screen?leading to a new style of contemporary image. The works are mediatized to the nth degree, despite the artist?s continuous use of the traditional medium of painting. There is a certain kind of light that comes out of a screen, which can be found in Tuymans?s recent paintings. This volume includes an editor?s note by Eva Meyer-Hermann and an illustrated chronology with archival images and installation views of the featured works. It also presents brilliant color reproductions of each painting from this period. This publication is a testament to Tuymans?s persistent assertion of the relevance and importance of painting?a conviction that he maintains even in today?s digital world, when his work continues to be a touchstone for artists and scholars.
, David Zwirner , 2019 Hardcover with dusjacket, 456 pages 253 x 334 x 67 . fine ISBN 9781941701959.
The second volume of a catalogue raisonn of Luc Tuymans's paintings, Over the course of four decades, Belgian painter Luc Tuymans has created his own distinctive vernacular, a new visual vocabulary. The second volume in a catalogue raisonn of Tuymans?s paintings surveys nearly two hundred works, including some of his most iconic canvases. Between the years 1995 and 2006, Tuymans?s work trended toward ideas of national and collective memory. In 1996, the artist created a group of ten paintings entitled The Heritage, for which he transformed familiar images of American life, such as Mount Rushmore, baseball caps, and the United States flag, into unsettling visions, addressing the country?s perceived vulnerability, both physical and psychological, following the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. Paintings from Mwana Kitoko: Beautiful White Man, his seminal body of work that was first shown at David Zwirner, New York, in 2000, after which he expanded the series for his presentation for the Belgian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2001, depict imagery derived from the fraught history of Belgian colonial rule of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Also included is one of Tuymans?s best-known paintings, The Secretary of State (2005), a powerful yet seemingly vulnerable portrayal of Condoleezza Rice, which conjures the long history of racial and sexual prejudice in the United States, not as something that has been overcome, but as an active force shaping our reality. This volume includes an editor?s note by Eva Meyer-Hermann and an illustrated chronology with archival images and installation views of the featured works. It also presents brilliant color reproductions of each painting from this period. This publication is a testament to Tuymans?s persistent assertion of the relevance and importance of painting? a conviction that he maintains even in today?s digital world, when his work continues to be a touchstone for artists and scholars.
, David Zwirner , 2018 Hardcover with dusjacket, 490 pages 253 x 334 x 67 . ISBN 9781941701614.
The Luc Tuymans Catalogue Raisonne of Paintings is presently being prepared. The publication will illustrate and document approximately 500 paintings by the artist from 1975 to the present day. Each work will be accompanied by detailed information about its origin, provenance, exhibition history, and a bibliography, in addition to extensive supporting material. ?This first volume in a catalogue raisonne of Tuymans's paintings surveys nearly 200 works that were vital to his artistic development. The years 1978 to 1994 witnessed the maturation of his signature method of painting from preexisting imagery-such as magazine images, Polaroids, and television footage-as well as his first solo exhibition. This publication is a testament to Tuymans's persistent assertion of the relevance and importance of painting-a conviction that he maintains even in today's digital world, when his work continues to be a touchstone for artists and scholarS
Zürich, Berichthaus, Ulrich, 1906, in-8°, 70 S., Stempel a.d. Titelbl., Hlwd. (Bibl.).
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Frauenfeld, J. Huber, 1884, in-8vo, XX + 384 S., Stempel auf Rückseite des Titels: - F.F. Bibl. Donaueschingen -, Halb-Leinen gebunden, Rücken verblasst. Festgebundenes Exemplar.
Erstausgabe. Enthält: - Teil 1: 1) die Sitte der F.- u. W.-Schenkungen in Neubauten. / 2) Die spätern Schicksale der von Uebung der Sitte ... zurückgebliebenen gemalten Scheiben oder die Donatorenwappenscheiben in ihren successiven Beziehungen. / Ausdehnung und Gang des Glasmalergewerbes in der Schweiz vom 15.-18. Jh. / - Teil 2: die Zürcher Glasmaler, ihr Arbeitsfeld, Werke derselben. / - Teil 3: Quellen und Register. Barth 26635.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Frauenfeld, J. Huber, 1884, in-8vo, XX + 384 S., Original-Broschüre.
Erstausgabe. Enthält: - Teil 1: 1) die Sitte der F.- u. W.-Schenkungen in Neubauten. / 2) Die spätern Schicksale der von Uebung der Sitte ... zurückgebliebenen gemalten Scheiben oder die Donatorenwappenscheiben in ihren successiven Beziehungen. / Ausdehnung und Gang des Glasmalergewerbes in der Schweiz vom 15.-18. Jh. / - Teil 2: die Zürcher Glasmaler, ihr Arbeitsfeld, Werke derselben. / - Teil 3: Quellen und Register. Barth 26635.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Bibliographischen Institut.. 1871. In-8. Relié cuir dos-coins. Bon état, Coins frottés, Dos très frotté, Intérieur frais. 1157 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Ein Wörterbuch des allgemeinen Wissens. Unter der Rdektion von Krause herausgegeben. Neuer stereotyp Abdruck der zweiten gänzlich umgearbeiteten Auflage. FÜnfzehnter Band. Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
C. Müh & Cie, Straßburg. 1904. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Livré sans Couverture, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur acceptable. Plaquette de 61 pages. Etiquette de code et tampons de bibliothèque en page de titre. Page de titre légèrement passée.. . . . Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
(Rare) Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde einer Hohen Philosophischen Fakultät der Kaiser-Wilhelms-Univ. Straßburg. Classification Dewey : 430-Langues germaniques. Allemand
Washington, 1912, 255x170mm, 102pages, paperback.
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Zürich, 1906, 220x150mm, 70Seiten, broschiert.
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Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1848. 8°. VIII, 165 (1) S. Pappband aus der Zeit.
Hirsch-H. IV 189, für den Verfasser. – Vorliegende Schrift nicht gelistet. Hermann Georg von Meyer (1815–1892) studierte in Berlin Medizin und war ab 1852 Professor für pathologische und chirurgische Anatomie in Zürich. – Das Papier durchgehend stockfleckig. Der Einband berieben und bestossen.
Paris, Félix Alcan, 1885, in-8, XXIV-248 pp. , précédées de IV pp. de cat éd, Demi-basane de l'époque, dos lisse et fileté, 52 figures dans le texte. Ouvrage traduit de l'allemand (Unsere Sprachwerkzeuge und deren Verwendung zur Bildung der Sprachlaute) et précédé d'une introduction sur l'enseignement de la parole aux sourds-muets par Octave Claveau. Georg Hermann von Meyer (1815-1892), anatomiste allemand, étudia la médecine à Heidelberg, Berlin et Francfort et devint professeur d'anatomie à l'Université de Zurich en 1844. Il est célèbre pour avoir proposé une réforme complète de la forme des chaussures, fondée sur des arguments anatomiques et médicaux, exigeant que la distinction soit faite entre pied le droit et le pied gauche. Ex-libris de Jean Rouché. Couverture rigide
Bon XXIV-248 pp. , précédées
4 volumes Leeven, 1984 Editions Peeters Leuven vol. 1 : 62p., 29 pl. N/B., cartes, relié. vol.2 : 220 p., 38 pl.N/B., cartes, reliure toile.vol. 3 : 114 p., 29 pl. N/B, cartes, reliure toile.vol. 4 : 143 p., 33 pl. N/B., carte, relié. 19,5 X 27
Frauenfeld, Verlag von J. Huber 1884, 235x160mm, XX - 384Seiten, broschiert. Guter Zustand.
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Berlin, Verlag von julius springer , 1934; in-8, 370 pp., cartonnage de l'éditeur. Elfte auflage.
Elfte auflage.