Paris, (1869) J. Mesnard. Folio, 400 p. Tres nobreuses gravures et chromolith. in et hors textes. Reliure 1/3 basane a coins, dos orne a nerfs, exemplaire propre.
Phone number : 00 30 210 3616330
".: 2. Paris, Imprimerie Générale de Ch. Lahure, 1867, in-folio, 33 x 24,5 cm, 2 parts in 1 volume ( complete) , 243 pp ; 240 pp , each with a separate index. Bound in modern red cloth. Fine copy without the usual foxing or spotting. Fine complete copy , in the original first edition, of this periodical devoted to the applied art as exhibited at the second French world exhibition in 1867. The publication contains numerous very sharp wood cut illustrations in or outside the text, all printed on high quality paper. Text in French. (;periodical;french;art;world exhibition;complete;expo;paris;1867;applied art ; lace ;glass ;furniture ;textile;tapestry;).."
Arts - Industries. Bronzes, Meubles, Orfèvrerie, Porcelaines, Faïences, Cristaux, Bijoux , Dentelles, Soieries, Tissus de Toutes sortes, Papiers Peints, Tapisseries, Tapis, Glaces, etc. Complet 2 tomes en 1 volume, 243 +239 pp. Nombreuses illustrations in et hors texte. volume relié demi cuir, in folio, 35x28cm, couverture un peu salie, bel état, 4kg Paris, Jules Mesnard, 1869