"16. (Paris) s.d. ca. 1830, De L'Imprimerie de P.Didot, l'Ainé, large in-folio, 52 x 41 cm, contemporary red board, back rather clumsily repaired with a stroke of red cloth, corners worn, original printed wrappers bound in, half title with lithographic vignet+ lithographed title printed on mounted china paper + 33 pp (printed on pastel coloured paper; rose, grey, yellow, blue) + 10 lithographed plates printed on mounted china paper, numbered 2-10 and a last plate being the map of the parc (unnumberd). The lithographs are printed by G. Engelmann, and drawn on stone by Périé, Villeneuve, Fragonard... One plate printed on violet coloured paper has spots in the margin, some usual slight soiling but a good copy."