Venetiis, apud Hieronymum Scotum, 1553. In-12 de 261-[27] pages, plein parchemin blanc, dos lisse, auteur et date en noir, reliure moderne. Exemplaire lavé. Au verso de la page de titre, on a tracé le nom de l'auteur des notes et de l'index: Philippus Melanchton; avec pour conséquence un petit manque de papier dû à l'acidité de l'encre.
Illustré d'une jolie vignette de titre gravée figurant un griffon. La Conjuration de Catilina et la Guerre de Jugurtha annotées par le célèbre humaniste Philipp Melanchton. Jolie édition propre, prête à lire!
Strasbourg, Crato Mylius, 1539.
Première édition. Rare texte de Philipp Melanchthon, publié sous le pseudonyme d'Irenaeus. Aux pages 24 et 25, Melanchthon commente les travaux de l'astronome Regiomontanus. Une impressions de Crato Mylius ou Kraft Müller (Sélestat, 1503-1547) qui avait été l'élève de Philippe Melanchthon à Wittenberg. Il acquit l'atelier de Georg Ulricher d'Andlau à Strasbourg en 1536 et a été alors l'imprimeur attitré de Melanchthon. Il est mort à la bataille de Mühlberg an der Elbe, en Saxe, une victoire de Charles Quint sur les troupes protestantes. Marque gravée de Crato Mylius sur le dernier feuillet. /// In-12 de 28, (4) pp. Vélin. (Reliure ancienne.) //// First edition. Rare text by Philipp Melanchthon, published under the pseudonym Irenaeus. On pages 24 and 25 Melanchthon comments on the work of the astronomer Regiomontanus. An impression by Crato Mylius or Kraft Müller (Selestat, 1503-1547) who had been a pupil of Philip Melanchthon in Wittenberg. He acquired the workshop of Georg Ulricher d'Andlau in Strasbourg in 1536 and was then Melanchthon's appointed printer. He died at the battle of Muhlberg an der Elbe in Saxony, a victory of Charles V over the Protestant troops. Engraved mark of Crato Mylius on the last leaf. VD16 ZV 10682. USTC 646159. 2 copies in North-America : Newberry Library and Harvard. /// PLUS DE PHOTOS SUR WWW.LATUDE.NET
,Parisiis, Apud Michaëlem Julianum ad montem Diuf 1577, (11 f.)-546 feuillets pp., 1 vol. in 8 relié ex omni propemodum antiquitate, tam sacra quam prophana collectorum, quibus docendi ratio perfacilis vero copia loge uberrima, Theologia, caeterarumque artium studiosis omnibus, accesura est Per Joannem Dadraeum Doctorem Theologum in Academia Parisiensi . Reliure plein vélin à rabats (reliure de l'époque), traces de mouillures anciennes, ex-libris manuscrits anciens et cachet sur page de titre, coins legerement roules en début d'ouvrage. Philipp Swarzerdt, dit Melanchthon (1497-1560) professeur de grec a l'universite de Wittenberg est un humaniste et des le debut adhere à la Reforme ; il devient le collaborateur et l'ami de Luther et les Loci Communes publies pour la première fois en 1521 sont un premier expose systematique de la pensee de Luther , a la mort de ce dernier en 1546, il deviendra le principal chef du lutherianisme.
Wittenberg - Witteberg , Johannes CRATO, 1572 Reliure de l' poque, infolio, (30) 746 pages, index (56). Portrait (1pp) + planche depliantes. Latin Text.
Chronicon Carionis Latine expositum et auctum multis & ueteribus & recentibus Historijs, Descriptionibus Regnorum et Gentium Antiquarum, et Narrationibus Rerum Ecclesiasticarum et Politicarum, Grecarum, Romanarum, Germnicarum et Aliarum ---- Melanchthon was born "Phillip Schwarzerdt," child of Georg and Barbara Schwarzerdt. In his day, it was common among scholars to Latinize or Greekize a name. "Schwarze Erde" (black earth) became in Greek: "Melan chthon." Melanchthon was a classicist and theologian and played a role in the Reformation, alongside people like Luther and Calvin. He was an educator at heart and one of the founders of modern education in Europe. He founded schools, designed curricula and training, and renewed education in Germany in numerous ways. He built a strongly humanist-oriented school system in the Lutheran world. Because of this fact, he was also called "the Educator of Germany"(Praeceptor Germaniae). The Groningen chronicler Abel Eppens was a student of Melanchthon. In 1530, he drafted the 28 points of the Confessio Augustana, which became the creed of all Lutherans in Germany. It was imposed by the Lutheran princes on their subjects, so that after the religious peace of Augsburg in 1555, one can speak of a single German Lutheran community. Two museums are dedicated to Melanchthon, namely the Melanchthon House, his residence in Wittenberg, and the Melanchthon House in his birthplace of Bretten. Because of his great influence on the school system and his ideas on education, several schools have been named after him.
Wittenberg, Hæredes Georg Rhau, 1560. Small 8vo. Later boards. Boards Loose. Woodcut portrait of Melanchthon on first title. (24),(360),(25)"(16),(380) pp. Some marginal notes in a contemporary hand. A few leaves at end fainltly dampstained in margins. Occasionally slightly browned.
One of the very first latin editions of Melanchthon's textbook on universal history, founded on Johannes Carionis' ""Chronik"" but completely rewritten by Melanchthon. The work had a wide influence on contemporary historical theory and was translated into many languages. - Not in Brunet & Graesse, not in BMC, Short-title catalogue. - Adams C 712-21 (but only later editions).
Terence - Publius Terentius Afer; Philipp Melanchthon (Mélanchton) ; Paul Haemmerlin; Pietro Marso; Aelius Donatus
Reference : 23876
1528 Coloniae : Hittorp, IN8, reliure époque veau brun estampé,non paginé,199 pages,texte réglé,dos abimé avec manques,frais,collationné complet.
Biblogr. Nachweis: VD 16 T 392.Melanchthon, (Mélanchton) Philippus (1497-1560)- Théologien réformateur et humaniste. - Principal rédacteur des "Confession d'Augsbourg"Haemmerlin, Paul (14..-15..) Malleolus, Paulus (14..-15..) Humaniste. - Maître ès arts. - Archiprêtre Naissance: 14.., Andlau (Bas-Rhin) un seul exemplaire dans les bibliothéques publiques ?edition numerisée :; Titre(s):Pu. Terentii Aphri Comoediae sex, per Philippum Melan. restitutae. Addita sunt haec : argumenta ejusdem Phil. Mel. in totas comoedias, itemque Pauli Malle. [Malleoli] in singulas scenas, scholia praeterea tum Philip. Melan. ... tum Petri Marsi in loca obscuriora, neutiquam contemnenda. Eucharius Cervicornus excudebat, anno M. D. XXVII. - ("Au v° du titre :") Paedagogis Philippus Melanchthon S. P. D. - ("Sign. a2, v° :") Johanni Gloriero ["sic" pour Grolierio],... Franciscus Asulanus sal. - ("Sign. a5, v° :") Terentii vita et de Tragoedia ac comoedia non pauca, ex Aelio Donato. - ("Sign. b5, r° :") Terentii vita, ex libro primo Petri Criniti de Poetis latinis. - ("Sign. b [6,] v° :") De Partibus personarum et actuum Andriae [ex Donato]. - ("Sign. b [7,] r° :") Argumentum Andriae [ex Donato]. - ("Sign. b [8,] v° :") Volcatii Sedigiti de Comicis latinis iambi. - ("À la fin :") Coloniae, apud Eucharium Cervicornum, impensa M. Godefridi Hittorpii, civis et bibliopolae coloniensis, anno M.CCCCC.XXVII., decimosexto calend. martias... [Publication:Coloniae, 1527 Description matérielle:In-8° , sign. a-z et A-B, titre à encadr. gr. Note(s):Édition ignorée de Lawton. - Édition donnée par Philipp Schwartzerd Mélanchton
Leipzig, (Vögelin), 1560. Folio (323 x 220 mm). In contemporary blindstamped pigskin over wooden boards with four raised bands. With two catches and one of two clasps. Wear and discolouration to extremities. Wormholes to boards. A few wormtracts throughout, primarily affecting first and last 30 leaves. Short annotation in contemporary hand to title-page. A few marginal annotations throughout. Last blanks heavily annotated in contemporary hand. (20), 982 pp.
First edition of Melanchthon's last work (published just three months before his death), in which he consolidated a lifetime of learning into the remarkable Body of Christian Doctrine (often referred to as Corpus Doctrinae Philippicum). Melanchthon had conceived the notion of assembling his most important theological writings, along with the ecumenical creeds, into one single book. The writings served as the authoritative declaration and instruction within that particular Christian group or denomination. In the mid-16th century Lutheranism crafted these compilations for the diverse duchies and principalities of the Holy Roman Empire. These anthologies laid the groundwork for the Book of Concord, recognized historically by Lutherans as their ultimate Body of Doctrine."" The 16th Century Reformation and the contemporary face of Christianity owe much to Philipp Melanchthon. Endowed with profound knowledge of the Greek language, Melanchthon played a crucial role in assisting Martin Luther in translating the Bible. Adams M1105BLSTC German p.610