Berlin, Maurerschen Buchhandlung, 1819. Contemp. hcalf. Gilt spine, titlelabel with gilt lettering, spine slightly rubbed. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spine. Stamps on title-page. XIV,(2),564 pp.
Leipzig, Weidmannischen Buchhandlung, 1800. Bound in 2 fine uniform contemp. full mottled calf. Richly gilt spines. Tome- and titlelabels with gilt lettering. With the royal monogram in gold on red background of Christian 7 on upper covers. Stamp on title-pages. XVI,536;""XXII,478 pp., 5 folded engraved plates and 1 large folded handcoloured plan.
The first volume """"Encyclopädie"""" seems to be a revised edition of the first volume of his """"Militärisches Handbuch"""" (1798).
Halle, Trampens Erben, 1800. Contemp. hcalf. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. Stamp on title-page. (4),278 pp., 2 folded tables, 1 large folded map.
Halle, Rengerschen Buchhandlung,1798. Cont.hcalf. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. XX,372 pp.
Halle, Rengerschen Buchhandlung, 1794. Contemp. hcalf. Richly gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spine. Light wear to head of spine.Stamp on title-page. (12),422,(12-Tabellen) pp., 5 folded engraved plates and 1 large folded engraved plate, handcoloured, showing 48 different signatures (Oeconomische Chartencharactere). Light marginal browning.
First edition. - Poggendorff II,103.
Halle, Rengerschen Buchhandlung, 1801. Contemp. hcalf. Richly gilt spine. Titlelabel with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on upper part of spine. Stamps on title-page. (4),VIII,340 pp., 5 folded engraved plates. Light scattered browning and 1 leaf strenghtened in right margin.
First edition.
Halle, Hemmerde und Schwetschke, 1789-90. Bound in 2 contemp. hcalf. Gilt spines. Titlelabels with gilt lettering. A paperlabel pasted on top of spines. Stamps on both title-pages. (14),XXXVI,331,(1);(10),415,(1) pp. and 3 folded enraved plates. A dampstain to upper inner corners on volume 2.
Halle, Johann Christian Hendels Verlage, 1788, in-8vo, VI + 154 S., (im Buch liegt dazu: 'Gesetz betreffend Rekurs von Urtheilen der Kriegs- und Disciplingerichte bei der Militz sowohl als bei der Standescompagnie. 1833, 8 S.' , Mit der ‘Königl. Sächsischen Militär-Akademie Bibliotheksreglement vorne auf Spiegel eingeklebt. Pergament mit verg. königl. Rundstempel ‘Artillerie Academie’ auf Buchdeckel vorne. Blauschnitt. Schönes Exemplar.
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